Chapter Forty Seven

Lance saw Izzy curled up with her head on her knees. She had her headphones on and looked like she was upset. He had just finished with his section of the photo shoot and had some time while the other guys went through with theirs. Lance walked over to Izzy and gently shook her shoulder; she sat up quickly and saw Lance staring at her. She rubbed her face and pulled off her head phones,

“Hey, Lance what’s up?”

“I’m sorry if I woke you up.” He asked as he sat down next to her.

“Nah it’s okay, if it was anyone else I’d be pissed. Anyways I was just resting my eyes.” She smiled at him and he returned the favor,

“Didn’t sleep well last night?” He asked, reaching behind her and rubbing her back,

“I don’t sleep much anymore. God that feels good.” She said leaning forward so that he could reach more of her back,

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just got some things on my mind that’s all.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Nothing really to talk about. Lance can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah anything.”

“Play with my hair and rub my back for a little while? I just need some TLC right now.”

“No problem, lay down.”

“Thanks.” She said and laid her head in his lap. Lance quietly stroked her hair and rubbed her back. Izzy quickly fell back asleep.

JC gritted his teeth when he saw Izzy laying in Lance’s lap. It was pretty obvious what was happening with them. He was really upset that Lance had asked her to the show and even more upset that she had accepted to go with him. He felt so dumb for letting his feelings get in the way. His cell phone rang and he answered it,


“Josh?” JC’s jaw dropped at the sound of the voice,


Izzy reached over Joey to grab a pad of paper. Joey noticed the bruises on her hips that peeped out of her jeans.

“What happened to your hips?” He asked and Izzy began writing on the pad of paper,

“What? Oh, I fell into my dresser yesterday.” She replied nonchalantly,

“Bumping into your dresser gave you bruises like that? I don’t think so. Really what happened?”

“You want the truth?”

“It’d be nice.”

“Fine, well I was doing the nasty with JC on my floor when he decided to make things interesting and he bent me over the edge of my bed and rode me doggie style.” She finished and Joey stared at her for a minute, JC who was standing behind Joey grew wide-eyed. Then Joey began laughing and Izzy smiled,

“God Iz, you had me going there for a minute. I take it you’ll tell me later?”

“Sure Joe, anything you want.” She said and laughed with him, Joey grabbed her waist and pulled her to him,

“Anything? Is that an offer?”

“Not for you.” She said playfully bopping him on the head with the pad of paper, “I don’t sleep with my bosses.” She retorted,

“Well, then I’m just going to have to fire you, then I can have my wicked way with you.” He joked and she laughed,

“Yeah, pass that one by Kelly see if she’d like it.”

“I’d ask her to join in.” He said wiggling his eyebrows and JC groaned,

“Joey, Jesus give it a break!”

“You want to join in Chasez?” Izzy said playfully and he rolled his eyes,

“I think not.” He replied and walked away,

“Oh well it was worth a shot.” She joked and Joey laughed.
