Chapter Forty Eight

Izzy twirled around in the front of the mirror. She had spent some time getting ready for the award show that they had that evening. Her dress was a short one that showed off her great legs. It was made of cherry red lace with a nude under lining so it looked like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. The hem of the skirt was cut at an angle with the neckline parallel to the hem, covering only one of her arms. It clung to her curves like it was painted on her; it really made her figure stand out.

She had left her long raven hair down and curled at the ends. She zig zagged her off centered part and tucked the first inch or so of her hair behind her ears. Her make up was done simply, since she really didn’t wear it, anything she wore felt like a lot.

A knock on her door told her that Lance was there. She opened the door to reveal the handsome man standing before her. He was wearing a black suit that had some weird animal print that you could only see in the light and a red shirt that matched her dress color exactly. Lance was completely awe struck when he saw Izzy,

“Izzy you look completely amazing.”

“Thanks you’re looking pretty amazing yourself. Come on in, I’m almost ready.” She walked toward her dresser. “I just have to put on my jewelry and we can go.”

“Oh hold up, I’ve got a surprise for you.” He said and she looked at him,

“What do you have up your sleeve?” She walked up to him and he said,

“Well it’s not up my sleeve,” He brought a hand out from behind his back, “it’s behind my back.” In his hand he was holding a rectangular velvet box. Lance flipped it open to reveal a diamond and ruby choker with a matching bracelet and earrings.

“Oh, Lance, it’s beautiful.” She said reaching out and gingerly touching the jewels,

“Don’t go to crazy, it’s just a rental, but I saw it and I thought it would look good on you.” He pulled out the choker and placed it on her neck. Izzy put on the bracelet and earrings then looked in the mirror.

“I was wrong,” He said coming up behind her, “it looks fantastic on you.” Izzy looked up and caught his eye and smiled,

“Wait a minute, I have something that would complete the package.” She went and dug around in her bag until she pulled out a small velvet box. She pulled out the ring it held and slipped it on her left ring finger. Lance came over and looked at the ring,

“That’s some rock.” He said and Izzy held out her hand a little admiring the ring,

“It was my grandmother’s. She left it to me when she died. Apparently it brings luck to any female in her family that wears it. This ring has been in my family for centuries.” The ring was a four caret rectangular diamond set on a wide gold band that had an intricate design engraved in it.

“It’s a beauty, I’ll say.” Lance said and she grinned at him,

“Thank you. We should go so we don’t miss our ride.” Izzy picked up her purse, “Ready to go?” She asked.

“Absolutely.” He said as he held out his arm and Izzy took it and they left her room.

They walked down the hall only to hear whistling from behind them. They turned to see Chris and Justin,

“Looking good Iz!” Justin said

“Didn’t I tell you that she cleaned up nicely?” Joey shouted from the other end of the hall and Izzy laughed,

“Well, I was going to do the t-shirt and jeans thing, but then I said, what the heck, why not go all out?” Justin came up and put his arm around Izzy,

“Hey Lance if you’re not careful, I just might steal Izzy to be my date.” Izzy smirked,

“Please, I only have gentlemen as my dates.” She replied jokingly.

“Hey!” He said acting all put off but then he smiled. Joey came up and kissed her on the cheek,

“You look really good, Izzy.”

“Thanks Joey,” Izzy glanced over his shoulder and saw Kelly standing there, “Oh hi Kelly.” She waved at the curly haired brunette. She forced a smile and waved back.

“Okay are we all set to go?” Lance asked glancing around,

“No, someone’s missing. I wonder who it is?” Chris said sarcastically,

“JC late? No way.” Izzy said and then Justin yelled towards JC’s door,

“Hey C! Let’s go the train’s leaving!” JC came out of his room followed by a pretty brunette. Izzy didn’t think that JC had gotten a date.

“Sorry everyone,” He apologized, “You all know Bobbie. Bobbie that’s Isabella, Joey’s secretary.” JC said emphasizing the secretary part. Bobbie flashed a smile and waved at the guys and everyone waved back. The boys were shocked that Bobbie was there, but tried not to show it.

“Okay everyone let’s go!” Justin shouted and the group led the way to the elevator. They had to pick up Chris’s date and Justin was taking Britney who was already at the award show.

Izzy could feel JC’s eyes on her the entire ride to the award show. Izzy leaned over and whispered into Lance’s ear,

“Is JC’s date who I think it is?”

“Yeah,” He whispered back, “I can’t believe that he went back to her. What’s up with Kelly? She didn’t look to happy to see you.”

“I’ll tell you later.” She said and he nodded.

Once they arrived at the award show the boys got out first for pictures and interviews. The girls were off to the side. Chris’s date Sheila was a cute redhead and rather quiet. It was an interesting mix of girls.

“So, Isabella,” Kelly said haughtily, “It was nice of you to scam your way here on Lance. Did you pay him or just beg him to take you?” Izzy smiled at Kelly,

“Look, I know you’re jealous of me, so I’m gonna let that slide.”

“Jealous? Please, like a freeloader like you could ever compare to me.” Izzy suppressed the urge to punch her and took a deep breath,

“Kelly, Joey’s my best friend, he’s been my best friend way before you even came into the picture. I’m a pretty permanent fixture, if you know what I mean. So if you plan to continue to date Joey, I suggest that you deal with that fact.” She smiled one last time and turned away from her. Bobbie and Sheila stood there uncomfortably not knowing what to do. They boys soon came back and Lance took one look at her taking her hand he said,

“Are you okay?” They walked a few feet and smiled for some pictures,

“Tell you when we get inside.” She said through her smile. One interviewer stopped them,

“So, Lance who is this lovely lady you have on your arm tonight?”

“A very good friend of mine, Isabella Mariani.” He smiled warmly at her and the reporter turned to her,

“Isabella what do you do?”

“I’m a professional groupie.” She joked and they all laughed. Lance shook his head,

“That’s why I love her, she has a great sense of humor.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. They moved on and got inside the theater. Lance pulled her aside quickly,

“So what’s up with you and Kelly?” Izzy shook her head,

“It’s nothing, Kelly was just being bitchy to me and saying the I’m a freeloader and stuff.”

“What? Why?”

“She thinks I’m trying to steal Joey away from her. Really she just insecure from having the baby and she’s taking it out on me.”

“That doesn’t make it right. Do you want me to say something to Joey about it?”

“No, it’s okay, I can handle her, but if she ends up with a fat lip at the end of the night, it’s not my fault.”

“It’s okay, I’ll be your alibi.” Izzy smiled and hugged Lance,

“Thanks, I’m gonna hold you to that.”

The award show went well, the guys won five awards and after they came back from their last one Lance whispered to Izzy,

“I guess you good luck is rubbing off on us.” He squeezed her hand and she smiled back. After the show they were whisked away to the after parties. They sat a huge table and Izzy wound up sitting next to Britney. She had met her a couple of times when she had been for quick visits with Justin but never really had gotten the chance to talk with her. She was so nice and funny that they wound up hitting it off and were soon laughing like old friends. The champagne flowed and the party was rocking. After dancing a few songs with Lance she excused her self to go to the bathroom.

“I’m going to the ladies room, I’ll be right back.”

“You’re going by yourself?” Lance asked,

“Why do you want to come along?” She said playfully and he shrugged his shoulders,

“I’m just used to girls going in packs that’s all.” He said and she smiled brightly at him,

“Well, unlike other girls, I don’t need someone to hold my hand.” She winked and walked away. She quickly went and fixed herself a little before going to find Lance once again. Izzy stood against a wall and glanced over the crowd looking for a glimpse of any of the guys.

“What’s a gorgeous thing like you standing here all by yourself.” A young blonde guy said to her. Izzy took a quick glance at him; he was cute in a boyish way.

“Looking for my date.” She said coldly turning back to looking for Lance and hoping that her tone of voice would make the guy go away. Unfortunately it didn’t,

“Well if you were my date, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight. In fact I don’t want to let you out of my sight now. Come dance with me.” He commanded her and Izzy crossed her arms,

“Is that a request or a command?”

“Is your answer a yes or a no?”

“What do you think it is? Considering I have no clue who the hell you are.” The guy raised an eyebrow at her,

“I’m Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys and who may I ask are you?”


“Well Isabella,” Nick reached for her hand and brought it up to his lips, “it’s nice to meet you. Now since we know each other, will you dance with me?”

“Sorry, I’ll have to decline.” She went to walk away but Nick blocked her way,

“I’m not taking no for an answer. Now come and dance with me.” Izzy couldn’t believe his nerve,

“Hmm, let me think, no.” She tried to move out of the way but Nick was persistent.

“I told you that I’m not taking no for an answer. We’re gonna be here until you say, yes.”

“You won’t be standing long if I bust your knees.” She spat at him, but that didn’t phase him,

“Ooo, feisty,” he said moving closer, “I like that in a woman.”

“Get any closer and you’ll be a woman too.” She shot back.

“Mmm, playing hard to get.” He said licking his lips and placed a hand on Izzy’s hip. She pulled back a fist to punch Nick when someone grabbed her hand.

“Izzy! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” JC said pulling Izzy to him and away from Nick. JC glanced over to a disappointed Nick,

“Hey Nick.” He said with a slight nod.

“Hey.” Nick replied before JC pulled Izzy away and into the crowd.

“You didn’t have to do that JC.”

“Well, you welcome.”

“I’m serious, I could have handled him.”

“I saw the way you were about to “handle” him. I’m just glad I got to you in time.”

“He deserved anything he would have gotten.”

“I’m sure, but you don’t need a lawsuit do you?”

“He can’t treat people any way he pleases.”

“Fame does that to some people.”

“Like you?” She joked.

“Whatever, you wanna dance?”

“You don’t think it’ll look suspicious?” She replied flirtatiously.

“What’s life without a little danger? Plus, I’ve been dying to get my hands on you all night.”

“How can I turn down an offer like that?” She replied as she let JC pull her on to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands traveled up and down her curves taking her all in.

“Mmm,” She moaned lightly.

“Can I come over tonight?” He whispered in her ear

“What about your date?” She said more maliciously than she intended to.

“What about yours?” He shot back.

“He lives down the hall, I’m sure he won’t be at my place long.” Izzy replied as she rubbed herself against JC,

“Oh Iz, don’t.” He said taking in a deep breath, her scent being inhaled as well. He buried his face in her neck and licked it lightly.

“JC, I don’t know how much more I can take.” She said as JC pulled up her leg and grounded against her.

“We could go back now.” He suggested,

“Or find a small closet here.” She said,

“Or we could go at it right here.”

“We basically are.” She whispered breathlessly and glanced around at the looks they were getting from others around them. JC quickly let go of her and she twisted around and he came up behind her placing his arms around her tightly,

“That small closet is sounding really good about now.” He said and Izzy looked into the crowd and saw Lance advancing on them. He had a sly smile on his face and Izzy sighed,

“Guess we’re not going anywhere.” She said quickly before Lance reached them.

“I was wondering where you had gone off to.” Lance said and Izzy pulled him to her sandwiching herself between the two men.

“I was trying to find you when JC had to save me from kicking Nick Carter’s ass.” She said and Lance became worried,

“What did he do to you?”

“He just wouldn’t leave me alone that’s all. No big deal.”

“You sure?” He asked,

“Yeah.” She said smiling at him and suddenly JC broke away from them,

“I’ll leave you two alone.” He said walking away but not before smacking Izzy’s ass. She glared at him as he walked away and shook her head. They danced for a couple more fast songs then a slower one came on and Lance held her close as they swayed to the soft music playing. All of the champagne she had drunk was catching up to her and she was feeling quite tipsy. She leaned her head on Lance’s shoulder and sighed,

“Why can’t I fall for a guy like you?”

“What Izzy?”

“You’re sweet, gentle, smart, understanding, plus you’re pretty darn cute to boot.”

“Thank you I guess.”

“I don’t understand it Lanceton. Why do I always fall for the jerks that treat me like crap? Can you tell me why?”

“I don’t know Izzy.”

“I don’t know either, I mean just once I wish I could fall for someone and have it all work out, I just want to be happy.” She sighed and looked into the crowd. She saw JC dancing with Bobbie, but he was staring at her and for some reason she couldn’t look away from him.

Later that night when they all came home Lance walked Izzy to her door. She unlocked it and turned to him.

“I had a really great time tonight Lance.”

“Me too, Izzy. But then I always have a good time with you.” He said with a smile across his lips,

“Yeah, me too.” She replied, then she saw JC and Bobbie giggling together at his door, “Do you want to come in?” She looked up at him hopefully,

“Yeah, of course.” Lance replied and followed her inside. Izzy took one last glance at JC and shut the door; she took off her shoes and walked into the room. Izzy touched her neck,

“Oh, do you want the jewelry back?”

“No that’s okay, I’ll get it tomorrow.”

“No, I should give it back now or else I’ll forget.” Izzy said “I don’t want you to get stuck paying for this on my account.” She pulled off the bracelet and earrings.

“Yeah, but I’d take care of it.”

“Of course, Mr. Moneybags.” She joked, “Lance can you help with the necklace?”

“Sure.” He said and moved in and unclipped the necklace, trying his hardest not to notice how soft her skin was and the way her hair smelled. Izzy ducked out from the necklace and turned around to get it from Lance. He was standing there with a funny look on her face.

“What?” She asked and Lance swallowed, she was standing so close to him. He leaned down and kissed her. Izzy was shocked at first but then she eased into it. Lance wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and slowly moved toward the bed. Lance deepened the kiss and pulled her down on top of him as he laid down on the bed. His hands moved from her back to her hair and everywhere else he could manage to get them. It was like he was trying to memorize every part of her. His hand finally landed on one of her breast and that’s when it hit Izzy, ‘This is wrong, I shouldn’t be doing this’. She thought and she pulled away from Lance,

“Lance, I can’t do this.”

“What?” Lance said and she could hear the disappointment in his voice and she sighed,

“I can’t, I’m sorry.” Lance pushed hair out of her face and kissed her forehead,

“Okay, I understand.” He said with a crazy half smile on his lips and Izzy stared at him, God she wanted to kiss him again. Instead she saw that he still had the necklace in his hand and Izzy took the necklace from him. She got up off the bed and put it in the box. Lance got up from the bed and handed it to him,

“I had a really great time tonight.” She said and then hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. They went towards her door.

“Yeah, I did too.” He said as she opened the door for him,

“Thanks for understanding Lance.” She said and he smiled,

“No problem.”

“Goodnight, Lance.”

“Goodnight, Izzy.” She shut the door and sighed to herself. She couldn’t believe what just happened, that or the fact that she liked it. How confusing her life had become, Lance and JC, most girls would die to be in her position and she wanted to be anywhere but. How did she let this happen with Lance? She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it and was so distracted that she didn’t hear JC come in from the balcony.

“Well I came at a good time.” Izzy gasped,

“Oh JC, you scared me, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“That was the point.” He said eyeing her lustfully, walking up to her and grabbing her waist, “So do you want to continue what we started on the dance floor?” He nibbled on her neck but Izzy was still thinking about Lance’s kiss. JC was already down in between her breast and her bra was on the floor. He nipped at her delicate skin and she jumped out of her thoughts,


“Sorry.” He murmured moving lower till he was at her waist. Instead of playing with her like he usually did he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

“JC!” She squealed and he threw he on to the bed and then climbed on top of her,

“Shh, you’ll wake the neighbors.” He joked,

“Like you ever worried about that before.” She grinned back at him before he attacked her.

Izzy laid in bed that night in fitful sleep, she was so confused about her feelings. Was she falling for JC or was she scared to start something with Lance while still being sexually attracted to JC at the same time? How could this have happened?
