Chapter Fifty

Izzy got dressed that morning and put on a short yellow patterned skirt with a tank top and a jean jacket. She slipped on sneaks and put her hair up into a ponytail. Grabbing her bag she went out into the hall and saw JC and Bobbie walking down the hall hand in hand. A surge of hate flashed through her, ‘why the hell did JC go back to her?’ JC smiled at her,

“What the hell are you so smug about, Mr. Chasez?” Izzy joked,

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he retorted,

“Not if it comes from your sick mind, I don’t.” She replied and stuck her tongue out at him playfully and JC laughed at her. He noticed the short little skirt that she had on and how much he wanted to know what she was wearing underneath, cuz it didn’t look like much. Bobbie hit him in the arm knocking him out of his thoughts,

“Josh, I’m talking to you!”

“What? Oh, sorry what were you saying?”

“Maybe if you weren’t staring so hard at Isabella’s ass you would know.” She said coldly,

“I wasn’t staring at Izzy’s ass. I was just thinking and happen to be looking in that direction, Jesus Bobbie, get a grip.” He shot back. Bobbie made some comment but once again JC didn’t notice because he just saw Lance come out of his room and went directly for Izzy. He snaked his arm around her waist,

“Hey, my beautiful fiancé.” Lance joked,

“You are just not going to let that drop are you?” She cooed,

“Hey I’m milking it for as long as I can.” He said and dropped his hand towards her ass. JC held himself back from smacking his hand away but Izzy did it for him.

“Mr. Bass, just because everyone thinks that you are my fiancé does not give you rights to my ass.”

“Damn.” He said laughing.

They all went to the interview and Lance was never very far from Izzy, even though he was telling every one that they weren’t engaged, it was like he wanted everyone to see that they were together. Izzy didn’t know what to do, she definitely has feelings for JC, what they were she didn’t know. It was just that every time she saw him touch, look, giggle, kiss Bobbie it made her want to go over there and smack him senseless. Didn’t he learn his lesson the first time?
Bobbie was trying her hardest to keep JC entertained and not looking at Izzy, but every time she would look away at something his eyes would go directly to her. It was infuriating; especially when Izzy came over in front of them and “accidentally” dropped a pen. She bent over and gave JC a nice view, then she had the nerve to get up turn and smile at him. Her mouth dropped open in shock but JC just smirked after her.

“I can’t believe you.” She said,


“I’m sitting right here and you go and stare at her ass and this time you weren’t “thinking”.”

“I’m a man, if a woman bends over in front of me, I’m gonna look, deal.” He replied.

“Hmpfh.” Bobbie said crossing her arms.

“Please, stop being such a child.” JC was starting to wonder what he ever saw in her. Bobbie didn’t even try to talk to the other guys, she just stayed glued to his side and it kind of was annoying him.

Bobbie knew she had one last ace to play on JC, and she planned on playing it as soon as they got back to the hotel.

Izzy was so glad when the interview was over; she was about ready to explode watching Bobbie and JC. She tried to distract him any way that she could, even lowering herself to bending over in front of him in her short skirt. She knew Bobbie didn’t like that one because she saw the disgust in her face. Izzy just couldn’t understand what the hell he was doing back with her; she thought that he was finally over her.

Everyone walked back and Izzy was gritting her teeth as she walked behind the giggling JC and Bobbie. Bobbie leaned over,

“Hey Sugar, let’s go rock the bed, like last night.” She said loud enough for Izzy to hear and then licked his earlobe. Izzy didn’t see JC’s expression because she walked by and went into Joey’s room slamming the door after her.

“I CANNOT BELIEVE HIM!!!” She yelled shocking Joey who was searching through his bags, “WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! GOD DOESN’T HE HAVE ANY FUCKING SENSE!!!” Izzy picked up a vase on the table and smashed it into the wall across the room.

“Izzy what the hell is wrong?!” Joey yelled as he ducked something else that Izzy was throwing,


“Whoa, Izzy calm down!” Izzy threw another object across the room,

“CALM DOWN?! YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN?!” She yelled back at him throwing something else that she got her hands on. “I AM TOO FUCKING ANGRY TO CALM DOWN!! SCREW YOU JOSEPH!!” She screamed at him and breezed out of his room and down to hers leaving Joey in the mass destruction of his room. Joey stalked out of his room and down to JC’s. Joey pounded on his door.

“JC! Get the fuck out here right now!” JC opened the door quickly, thankful for the distraction from Bobbie’s advances,

“What’s wrong Joey?”

“What the hell did you do this time, JC?!”

“What are you taking about?”

“Izzy just tore through my room like a tornado, spitting fire, pissed as hell at you.”

“What?!?! Why is Izzy pissed at me? I swear Joey I haven’t done anything.”

“Yeah well you should look at my room, she completely trashed it because she was so mad at you! Trust me I have never heard her say fuck that many times in that short of a time span.”

“Let me go find her, I’ll talk to her.”

“No, you better stay her for your own safety, she looked ready to kill, heck she almost hit me. Just figure out what the hell you did to piss her off so bad and fix it.” Joey said and walked away. JC closed his door lost in his thoughts, what the hell did he do to piss off Izzy? He had barely talked to her all day. He sat down on the bed and put his head in his head. Bobbie came over to him and began to rub his shoulders,

“Sugar, what was that all about?”

“I wish I knew.” He sighed and she leaned down kissing his neck,

“Want me to take all your problems away?” JC reached up and pulled off her arms. He got up off the bed,

“I think you should leave Bobbie.” He said as he stared out the window,

“What?!” She couldn’t believe what he was hearing,

“I thought that this, us, is what I wanted but it’s not, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry, YOU’RE SORRY?!! I took you back JC, if I go, I’m not coming back, ever.” JC didn’t say anything he just continued to stare out the window. “Fuck you Josh Chasez! Fuck you! I can’t believe that I wasted my time on you!” Bobbie said throwing her stuff in her suitcase and stalking out of the room. JC didn’t even really hear Bobbie leave he was concentrating on what was wrong with Izzy.

Joey later found Izzy; she was asleep on her bed. She simply passed out on her bed not even bothering to cover herself with a blanket. Joey quietly tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

“I wish I knew what was wrong with you princess.”

Izzy woke to someone kissing her neck she looked down and saw that it was JC. She quickly shoved him off of her and got up off the bed.

“What are you doing here?” She asked the bewildered JC that was staring at her,

“I think it’s pretty obvious.” He replied,

“Yeah, well I don’t want to, so get out.” She said crossing her arms,

“Why are you mad at me?”

“Who ever said that I was mad at you? I don’t give a fuck about you Chasez.” She said coldly and the words hit him in the heart.

“Joey said that you tore up his room because I pissed you off. What did I do?”

“No feelings, no ties. I don’t give a rat’s ass.”

“Don’t hide behind that crap.”

“Fine, you want to know why I’m pissed? I’m pissed because you’re putting me in danger and I don’t play that game. Go sleep around with anyone and everyone, I don’t care but you will NOT sleep with me.” She said crossing her arms.

“Last time I checked you were the only one I was sleeping with.”

“Not if you’re ‘rocking the bed’ with Bobbie.”

“I didn’t have sex with Bobbie, after we had sex I went back to my room and fell asleep. In fact it was hard to even look at Bobbie when someone was running around bending over in front of me in a short skirt.” He teased and Izzy half smiled,

“I ran out of clean clothes.”

“Thank God for that.” He joked and then he turned serious, “I sent Bobbie packing you know. She left this afternoon shortly after you blew up Joey’s room.”

“Why?” She asked still keeping her distance from him,

“Because, I don’t want her, she’s not what I need.”

“Oh.” Izzy replied trying not to look at JC’s needy eyes.

“So, now that we took care of that, why don’t you come back to bed.” He said patting the space beside him and Izzy shook her head,

“No, I’m really tired tonight. I’ve got to go talk to Joey anyways.” She turned towards the door,

“Iz, come back.” He softly pleaded,

“Get a grip Chasez, you can live a night with out sex, it won’t kill you.” She shot at him before leaving. JC flopped down on the bed. Didn’t she realize that he couldn’t live a day with out her? That he craved her like water in the desert?

Izzy softly knocked on Joey’s door and he answered the door.

“Izzy! You okay?” He asked worriedly,

“Yeah, I just came by to apologize, you know for trashing your room.” She said timidly and Joey pulled her into the room, it was completely cleaned up,

“As you can see it’s all cleaned up and everything’s taken care of, except for you.” He said and Izzy went over and hugged her friend tightly.

“I’m okay if I’m here.” She said as Joey rubbed her back,

“You want to talk about it?”

“About what?”

“What JC did to piss you off so badly.”

“No, not really. I just want you to hold me for a while.”

“Well it’s a good thing that Kelly went home early.” He half joked and she smiled into his chest.

“I know it’s bad enough that she thinks that we’re sleeping together. I doubt that she let me be here.”

“I’ll always let you be here, Iz. No matter what.” Joey said turning serious,

“Thanks Joey.” She said and he pulled her to the bed. He wrapped her up in blankets and held her close until she fell asleep. Joey wondered what was going on. Izzy had never held anything from him before. Hopefully she would tell him soon.
