Chapter Fifty One

Soon they left New York and were on the road again. It was a long night on the bus after the concert. All of the guys decided to ride the same bus for old time sakes and were wired and bouncing around in the back of the bus eating and such. Izzy just wanted a few moments of silence so she sat at a table up front and played on her computer. JC came up to her and sat down across from her rubbing his neck. Izzy glanced up at him,

“Your neck bothering you?”

“Yeah, I must have slept wrong on it.” He replied and Izzy kept playing on her computer,

“Maybe if you actually slept on a normal pillow it wouldn’t hurt so much.” She joked,

“Maybe if someone didn’t steal my pillows I wouldn’t have to use the stuffed animals.” He shot back playfully, and she shrugged,

“You leave them out, they’re fair game.” She said and JC looked like he was really in pain. Izzy got up from her seat, “Take your shirt off.” She said as she walked away,

“What? Take my shirt off?” He asked while Izzy was rummaging in her bunk,

“That’s what I said.” She replied and JC just stared at her. Izzy came out of her bunk with a tube,

“Why do you want me to take off my shirt?”

“You don’t trust me Chasez?” She asked playfully and then put her hands on her hips after he didn’t reply, “Oh please it’s not like I’m going to molest you or anything, now come on, off with the shirt.”

“Okay, okay!” He said and pulled off his shirt. Izzy climbed up behind him placing him between her legs, “What are you doing?” He asked and she sighed,

“I’m helping you, now lean forward a little.” She said and JC did as he was told. Izzy flipped open the tube, poured some oil in her hand and rubbed her hands together to warm it up. Then she touched his shoulders lightly and JC tensed up. “Relax, Jace, I’m not going to hurt you.” The sensual scent of jasmine filled the air and JC relaxed as she began massaging his shoulders and neck. She moved her hands over his strong shoulders, firmly but gently maneuvering her hands to get rid of the tight knots.

“That feels so good, Iz.” He said leaning back and staring up her, “Thanks, I really appreciate it.” Her hands felt so good and he began to imagine the way they would feel on other parts of his body.

“Yeah, well don’t go too crazy, it’s not going to be a regular thing.” She said trying not to look at him. JC hooked his hand around the back of her leg and ran it up the length of it,

“I’ll pay you to do it regularly.”

“I’m already on the pay roll of one Nsync member.” She said as JC repeated the measure on her other leg, Izzy bit back a moan. Why did he have this affect on her?

“I’m sure we could work out another form of payment.” He said slowly and Izzy decided that two could play this game,

“I’m sure, lean forward more.” She replied and JC leaned forward laying his head on his hands on the table. Izzy slowly worked her way down his back, around his sides and teasingly dipped below his waistband. She pulled away and heard a disappointed groan from JC. Izzy smiled to herself and poured more oil on her hands and then concentrated on his neck, “How’s that crick in your neck doing?”

“A lot better, although now there’s a problem with the crick in my pants.” He mused and she laughed,

“Well, I can’t take care of that now.”

“Why not?” He mumbled into his arms, “They’re all in the back, they won’t notice anything.”

“Uh huh,” Izzy said massaging his arms and lowering her voice, “What about the driver?”

“He won’t say anything.” He replied as Izzy moved to his lower back.

“You’re impossible.”

“You’re making me impossible.” He joked,

“What little old me? I was just helping with the crick in your neck.”

“Mmm, your hands aren’t near my neck.” Izzy’s had her hands around his waist massaging his lower abs and ever so slightly slipping deeper below the waistband of his pants.

“Oh, well I can go back.” She said moving her hands up towards his neck. JC stopped her and moved her hands back to where they were.

“Mmm, no.” He murmured and she laughed, leaning in to put more pressure on her hands she whispered in his ear,

“So, you want to just go at it right here?” Her hand slipped lower into his pants and he sighed,

“Hey, what is going on in here?” Joey yelled playfully and JC mumbled loud enough for only Izzy to hear,

“Jesus he’s got impeccable timing.” Izzy laughed and sat up still massaging JC’s back,

“Chasez here had a crick in his neck, I offered to help him with it.”

“How come you don’t do that for me?” Joey pouted,

“You don’t pay me enough.” She joked.

“How much do you want, Iz?” JC asked, “I’d pay to have one of these every night.”

“What are you offering?” She replied and Joey sat down across from the pair. Izzy felt the silent groan and giggled,

“Don’t even think of it, C. Izzy would never work for you over me.”

“He’s got a point there Chasez, you haven’t been the nicest person to me and I have known Joey all my life.”

“I’m sorry, you can have anything, this is too good to pass up. I feel like I can fall asleep right here.”

“You don’t need me to do that, you do fine on your own.” She teased,

“Looks like you found JC’s weakness, Iz.” Joey said,

“Yeah, it only took like what two months?”

“So when he’s done do I get my back rub?”

“It’s not in our contract.” She joked,

“Well then we can write up a new one, because from the looks of things I am definitely getting jipped. Here I’ll go get some paper.”

“I’ll think about it if you wet this towel and put it in the microwave for me.” She said tossing him a towel.

“Kay.” Joey got up and Izzy looked down at JC, he had been quiet. She heard his light snoring and smiled, he had fallen asleep. She had to admit that he did look cute when he slept. Izzy kept on lightly rubbing his back when Joey came back with the towel.

“So, now-”

“Shh!” She said and nodded down towards JC and Joey laughed, handing her the towel.

“Typical JC.” He said quietly and sat down. Izzy took the towel and rubbed it over his back cleaning up all the oil. Joey saw her face, “You’re sweet on C, aren’t you?” Izzy looked up at Joey suddenly,

“What are you talking about? I’m just being nice to him, I thought that’s what you wanted me to do.” She said with more edge then she intended to.

“Whoa, cowgirl I was just making a comment.”

“Yeah, well it’s ridiculous. Me and Chasez, that’d be a riot.” She looked down at JC, “Should we leave him here, or send him back to his bunk?” She asked gently and Joey shrugged,

“He looks pretty comfortable to me.” He said and got up from the table and stretched, “Do what you want with him, I’m gonna go in the back. Maybe when you’re done drooling over C you can come back and give me the same treatment.” He teased and Izzy threw the towel at him,

“Jerk, for that you’re not getting a back rub from me, ever.” She said sticking her tongue out and Joey just laughed his way to the back. Izzy just shook her head and looked down at JC once again. She decided that if he stayed here he would ruin all the work that she had just done. Izzy gently shook him,

“Chasez, Chasez get up.” She said softly and his eyes fluttered open. JC lifted his head and rubbed his face,

“Did I fall asleep?”

“Guess so.” She giggled; JC sat up and stretched his arms out. He leaned back draping his arms over her legs and resting the back of his head on her stomach.

“Didn’t even realize it, this is pretty comfy too. I just might fall asleep here.” He smiled closing his eyes,

“Yeah, that’s definitely not going to happen, so get your ass up and go to your bunk.”

“You coming too? I still have that problem with the crick in my pants.” He tilted his head back to look at her and she rolled her eyes at him,

“Once again, that’s not going to happen. Looks like you’re going to have to take care of that problem yourself.”

“What right here? That’d be kind of gross, I’d much rather have you do it.” He smiled slyly and Izzy pushed him off of her. She got up and tried to step over him but he grabbed her leg. Izzy turned and looked down at him,

“Let go of my leg.”

“Nope, I’m enjoying this show way too much.” He said and reached up feeling her ass. Izzy tried to pull her leg free but he held her tightly. She lost her balance and fell over on to the table. “And it keeps getting better and better.” He mused,

“Come on, Chasez.” She said half heartily because half of her didn’t want him to let go; she scolded herself mentally for that.

“Come on what? This?” He said taking her leg and pulling it across the table making Izzy flip over onto her back. JC quickly climbed up on top of her.

“I thought that you were tired.” She said playfully,

“Maybe it was just a ploy to get rid of Joey.”

“Anyone could walk in here at any moment.” She said and he smiled like a cheshire cat,

“For someone who’s so wild, you sure are cautious.” He commented and began to grind his hips into her,

“Any for someone who’s so cautious you certainly like to play with fire.” She said as she responded to his grinding with her own,

“Mmm, playing with fire, no, you, yes. I guess you’re rubbing off on me.” He leaned down and kissed her. Izzy let a moan escape her throat. She knew that this was bad, they were gonna get caught but the guys, but there was that slim chance that no one would come out. Joey’s face flashed through her mind, he would be so upset if he walked in on them. But it was quickly erased when JC moved from her lips to her neck and then down into her breasts. He slid off the straps of her tank top to give him full access to her breasts. Izzy ran her hands through his hair; he began to unbuckle his pants and pulled Izzy’s legs over his shoulders. And in one swift move he reached under her, pulled down her pants and thrusted forward, entering her.

“Oh!” She gasped and JC smiled,

“Shh, you’ll attract the locals.” He said as he began rocking his hips against her quickly. Izzy bit her lips to keep from screaming.

“Faster.” She whispered and JC responded,

“Ah, Iz, I’m going.” He said in a strained voice, beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. Izzy threw her head back and closed her eyes she was so near,

“Go, go, go.” She whispered and arched her back enjoying her own please ride.

“Oh, God!” He gasped and exploded in her, sending her over the edge with him.

“Oh!” She said and felt JC go limp on her. He rested there on her for a few seconds before getting up and pulling up his pants. Izzy pulled up her pants and fixed herself up, but stayed laid out on the table trying to catch her breath. “This table will never be the same.” She joked and he laughed,

“You’re telling me. Are you gonna get up off the table or just fall asleep there?” He said and she pulled herself into a sitting position about to say something to him when Justin popped into the kitchen.

“What the hell are you two doing out here?”

“Teaching Chasez how to get a life.” She teased and Justin rolled his eyes, “Why do you ask?”

“Well you’ve both been out here for a while. Just wondering when I’m gonna get my Izzy action tonight.”

“In your dreams Timberlake.” Izzy said and got up off the table, “I’m going to go in the back.” She turned to JC, “Are you going to bed?”

“Yeah, I think so, I’m a little worn out.” He said with a small smirk and Izzy giggled,

“Kay, see you later. Come on Timberlake, better let Chasez get his beauty rest.”

“I think he’s pretty enough.” Justin joked and JC groan,

“Okay, okay!”

Izzy went into the back,

“The princess finally arrives!” Lance said,

“Yeah what took you so long?”

“She was schmoozing on JC!” Joey joked and Izzy rolled her eyes,

“Yeah that’s it, I was all over Chasez, cuz you know that I’m that desperate.” She said and walked over to where the guys were sitting. Lance grabbed her legs and she squealed as she fell on top of him,

“Lance!” She started tickling him and he squirmed under her trying to get away,

“Maybe we should leave them alone!” Chris said throwing popcorn at them and Izzy looked over at him,

“Jealous that you can’t join? Cuz I’m all about the threesome.” She joked and Joey jumped on the couch with them,

“Count me in!” He said and Izzy pushed him off,

“I said Chris not you.” She said and they all laughed.
