Chapter Sixty Two

Izzy hummed to herself as she went about her daily activities. JC kept staring at her the whole day making her blush. She walked over to him when he was sitting by himself at a table.

“Hey, Chasez, you keep staring and your eyes will fall out.” She teased and he smiled up at her.

“I can’t help it, it’s that skirt you’re wearing.” He placed his one hand behind her knee and trickled it up her leg. “I keep wondering if you’re wearing anything under it.”

“What if I’m not?”

“Then I’m going to lay you down and fuck you right here.” He whispered and she swatted his hand away,

“Guess you won’t know.” She winked,


“Didn’t say that you’ll never know.” She smiled,

“You love torturing me, don’t you?”

“It’s my favorite thing to do.” She replied with a laugh,

“Don’t I know it? You’re gonna pay for this you know?”

“Know? I was counting on it.” She replied with a wink and walked away.

Lance watched Izzy and JC’s interaction from afar. He didn’t think that they were that friendly. She was just complaining about him last night, it was just weird.

Later that day they all grabbed something to eat and hung out in small clumps. Izzy got her food and sat down with JC. He turned on the bench he was sitting on to face her,

“What cha got to eat?”

“Just a sandwich and macaroni salad.” JC wrinkled his nose,

“That’s such rabbit food.”

“It maybe but it’s my food.” She stuck her tongue out at him,

“Watch where you put that tongue.” He teased,

“Why what are you going to do?” He leaned forward mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows,

“Tickle you.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I would.” Izzy reached out and smeared mayonnaise on his nose,

“Hey!” He exclaimed retracting instantly and she giggled,

“Serves you right.” She winked still laughing and JC laughed too wiping the mayo off his nose with a napkin.

Lance watched JC and Izzy again carefully. When did they become friends? Close friends at that. The way they acted together, it seemed like they liked each other more than friends. That couldn’t be, she was in love with Greg, right? She was still pining away for Greg and that’s why she couldn’t be with him. Izzy wasn’t supposed to like JC, she repulsed JC. What the hell was going on? Lance felt as though he was in the twilight zone. This couldn’t be happening, he was not losing Izzy to JC! Justin, Chris, Christ even Joey he could understand, but JC! It just wasn’t fair!

Izzy hadn’t talk to him that day. It was kind of like she was avoiding him. Why wouldn’t she? He kissed her out of the blue last night and freaked her out. Joey told him this morning that he went back to talk to Izzy and she told him that she was in love with that Greg guy from school. It was no wonder why she freaked out. He didn’t even know why he had kissed her. She was just standing there giving him that smile that he loved and she had the intoxicating smell of jasmine about her. She was wearing that pink, satin robe that clung to every curve and looked like she was naked underneath. He just couldn’t control himself and he kissed her. God he was such a dolt for doing that! She’d probably never talk to him again.

Izzy saw Lance standing off to the side. He looked upset and it was probably because of the way she reacted last night. She went over to him,

“Hey sweets, you okay?” He jumped as if he didn’t realize that she was there,

“Izzy, hey! I’m okay, I’m fine.” He blurted out.

“Okay, you just looked upset.”

“No,” he paused, “well… I’m sorry about last night. I guess I was just upset and I’m sorry.” She placed a hand on his arm,

“It’s okay. We can pretend that it was a moment of insanity on your part.” She smiled but Lance didn’t.

“Izzy, why don’t girls like me? Why don’t they want to be with me?”

“Lance, sweets, there are about a million girls who would beg to differ.”

“Once they got to know me though…”

“Lance stop this! You are so sweet and caring, you have a great heart and a good head on your shoulders. You know how to listen and say all the right things, plus you’re darn hot. You’re a great catch in any girl’s mind.”

“Am I to you?”

“I am extremely messed up with relationships. I should be dropping to my knees and thanking God that you want me. But in a strange way I think this is God’s way of protecting you.”

“Protecting me from what? You?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I would probably hurt you and I couldn’t live with that. You’re one of my best friends and I don’t wanna mess that up.” Lance reached out and played with the strap on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you wanted.” He said,

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed.”

“Guess it’s just not in the cards for us huh?”

“Yeah I guess. Some people were just meant to be friends, like me and Joey.”

“Yeah.” Izzy hugged him,

“You know, one day a girl is gonna come by and she will knock you off your feet. You’ll know that she’s the one.” Lance half smiled and thought, ‘She already has, she’s you.’ Izzy placed a hand on Lance’s cheek, “It’ll come to you, I know it will. God takes care of the good ones.”

“Thanks Izzy.”

“You’re welcome, if you want to talk later. I should be around.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Izzy rolled over in bed trying to catch a few winks, it wasn’t working because she knew JC was a few feet away, naked in her steamy shower. She giggled a little to herself and buried herself deeper under the covers. Hopefully soon he would crawl in bed with her when he came out. His skin would be all moist and warm, his hair would be damp as little droplets fell from the tips. He always ties the towel around his waist just so his hips peeked out. He would smell so clean and fresh that she wanted to bury her nose in his skin and never come out. She closed her eyes and she could picture him there. If she tried hard enough she could even feel him touching her, kissing her and everything in between.

JC walked out of the bathroom and looked towards the bed. Izzy was barely visible under the covers. He could only see her eyes and she looked very happy right then dreaming away. He chuckled a little and went to her suitcase, he needed a hair brush that he knew she had in there. He searched around a little and then something caught his eye, it was a worn out stuffed dog. He picked it up and memories flooded his brain,

{Flash Back}
“I’m gonna get it.” He said and she laughed,

“You don’t have to, “ She giggled, “ You already spent more than what any of those animals cost.”

“That’s not the point.” He said tossing another ball at the hole.

“You’re so stubborn, you know that?” She teased,

“I’m not stubborn.” He paused and threw another ball, missing the hole again, “I’m persistent and driven.” He finished.

“I still say pigheaded and stubborn but adorable.” JC turned and looked at her. Her head was cocked to the side and cute little grin played across her face.

“You’re pretty adorable yourself.” He replied. He wanted to lean over and kiss her so badly she was so cute. But instead he simply smiled and went back to the game. He threw two more balls and the second one landed directly in the hole.

“Winner!” The carnival guy called and Bell jumped,

“You did it!” She cheered and hugged him. It was worth all the money and frustration for that hug. “Guess being persistent and driven paid off.”

“Don’t you mean stubborn and pigheaded?” He teased and let her go slowly,

“Same thing.” She shrugged with a smile and he waved a hand over the prizes,

“Pick what you want.”

“You pick, you won it.” She protested and JC wrapped an arm around her waist,

“I won it for you.” He said and she looked at him,



“I thought it was just your male ego you were doing it for.” She said playfully,

“Well that too. Come on pick.” He urged and she laughed,

“Okay, okay,” she looked at the animals, “hmm, the dog, he’s so cute.” She said and the carnival guy handed her the dog,

“There you go Miss, enjoy. Don’t forget to thank your boyfriend for it.” He said and Bell blushed,

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“You could have fooled me. You guys look perfect together.”

“Thank you.” JC said, waved to the guy as he put an arm around her waist and walked away. Bell looked up at him,

“Thanks for winning me the dog.”

“Your welcome.”
{End Flash Back}

She had still held on to it after all these years. The poor dog had looked like it had been through some rough times, but it looked well loved.

“Jace?” A sleepy Izzy called out to him and looked up dropping the dog instantly,

“I’m here Iz. I was just getting a hairbrush from your suitcase.”

“Oh kay.” She flipped over in bed, “Are you coming back to bed?” JC retrieved the brush and walked towards the bed lost in his thoughts over the dog.

“Um, I don’t know. Give me a minute.” He said distantly because his mind was reeling over the dog. What did that mean if she still had it?

Izzy picked up on his mood,

“Is anything wrong, Jace?” She yelled to him in the bathroom.

“Nope.” He replied and she sat up in bed. He looked exactly like she’d pictured him but it was even more delicious because it was real. It made her smile to herself and giggle out loud again.

“What’s so funny?” He asked from the bathroom.

“Oh nothing, nothing at all.” She said laughing again and laying back in bed. He took a few steps from the bathroom and stared at her,

“Why do I think you’re up to something?” He teased crossing his arms.

“Me? Up to something? Never!” She said grinning and let another giggle slip out.

“You’re a little devil.”

“I am an agent of Satan but my duties are largely ceremonial.” He let out a laugh and moved towards the bed,

“You are so stubborn.” He said leaning down on the bed and went into kiss her,

“I’m stubborn? Look who’s talking. You’re the epitome of pigheaded and stubbornness.” She smiled up at him. His lips were so close that they brushed hers,

“I’m driven and persistent.” He countered,

“I’ll stay with pigheaded and stubborn,” she paused for a light kiss, “But cute.” She said still grinning and JC pulled back suddenly in shock as déjà vu swept over him.

“What’s the matter?”

“Oh nothing just a little déjà vu, that’s all.” She leaned up and kissed him again,

“Mmm, I think I just got a little too, because I know we’ve done that before and I plan on doing it again.” She said and pulled him down onto the bed with her.
