Chapter Sixty One

The whole day of traveling had made Izzy weary but the excitement of seeing JC that night perked her up some. She dropped her bags in her room and stretched a little.

“Izzy you’re back!” Chris yelled from her doorway and she turned around,

“Hey Chris!” She smiled and gave him a huge hug. Lance quickly appeared in the doorway along with Justin and Joey.

“Izzy!” They all cheered and gave her hugs. Joey picked her up and swung her around,

“How was your vacation?” Joey asked,

“Absolutely wonderful. I almost didn’t want to come back, but I would have missed you guys too much.” She said lightly pinching Chris’ cheek.

“You look a lot tanner.” Justin commented.

“I spent a lot of time in the sun.” She smiled at the thought of the hammock,

“Must be something in Edwards, cuz you’re absolutely glowing, Iz.” Lance said,

“Would that something be Greg?” Joey asked and Izzy rolled her eyes,

“You guys are way to into my love life. It’s not exactly healthy.”

“Just wanna know what happened.” Joey smirked,

“I don’t kiss and tell.” She retorted and looked around, “Not that I care but where’s the fifth part of the stooge crew?” She of course already knew but she wanted to change the subject.

“C? Don’t know, he was awfully secretive about where he was going. Which only means one thing, he brought a girl on vacation with him.” Justin grinned,

“Really Chasez has a girl?”

“Yeah it ‘s the only time he doesn’t tell us where he’s going, or what he plans to do.” Chris added.

“Yeah remember when he took Bobbie to Mexico? He didn’t even let on until halfway through the trip and that’s only cuz the press caught him.”

“That’s one way to woo a girl. Take her to a place where there’s not good water to drink and there’s crazy college students all over the place.”

“Hey it worked for her, she fell hard after that.”

“I bet.” She muttered but no one heard her.

“So, he’s coming back tonight, sometime.” Justin said, “He called me from the airport earlier today. He said he’d be back around nine or ten.

“Well that solves that mystery. Now if you all don’t mind, I would like to unpack and catch up on some work.”

“Okay.” They all agreed and filtered out of the room. Joey hung back and waited for everyone to leave. He shut the door and Izzy flopped back on the bed.

“Okay, let me have it Joey.” She grinned,

“What happened?” He moved back towards her and sat down on the bed next to her.

“I had a wonderful time. It was gorgeous and relaxing. I’m so glad I went.”

“What no details? You’re practically glowing, no, I take that back. You are glowing.”

“I am aren’t I?” She mused smiling to herself. Izzy stretched out reaching high above her head.

“This looks serious, does he feel the same way?” He asked and Izzy’s face darkened,

“I don’t know, we really didn’t talk about it. I think I love him Joe. It’s the weirdest thing to feel. I feel like I’m floating but at the same time I’m scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“That he might not love me back. That he might hurt me, but on the same time I’m okay with it.” Joey smiled and got up from the bed,

“You must be in love, I’ve never seen you so happy.” He walked towards the door, “Don’t worry about him not loving you. It’s impossible not to fall in love with you, I’m proof of that.” He opened the door, “Greg’s a fool if doesn’t jump at the chance to be with you. Goodnight Izzy.”

“Goodnight Joe.” She said absentmindedly; she just realized that Joey thought that she was talking about Greg, when her mind was consumed with JC. Izzy got up and began to unpack a few things. She pulled out the pink robe and brought it up to her nose, inhaling deeply. It still smelt like the Bahamas sun and JC. It was a smell she wished she could capture in a bottle. Izzy looked at the clock, it was six or so now and she had like three hours till JC came back. She definitely needed to talk to someone about this situation and the best resource was Lucy. She lay back on the bed picking up her phone and dialing her up.


“Hey Luce, it’s Izzy.”

“She’s still alive folks, oh my God!” Lucy exclaimed, “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for the past couple of days.”

“Oh Lucy, I’ve been away.” She sighed happily.

“Okay, out with it. Which one?”

“Which one?”

“Which one swept you off your feet? Please let it be, Lance.”

“It was JC.” Lucy was silent, “Lucy?”

“JC as in JC Chasez, or in your words JC fucking Chasez, the root of all evils JC, your fuck buddy JC.”

“Yes, yes, yes and oh God, yes.” Izzy answered and Lucy giggled. Izzy went on, “Lucy he took me to the Bahamas for a short vacation. It was so wonderful, we only fought once, sort of and the sex! The sex was incredible. We spent a whole day laying naked in a hammock, sleeping, fooling around, making-“


“Oh, God, I’m so in love with him.”

“Did I just hear the l-word? From the girl who swore she was never getting married?”

“I don’t know how he did it, Luce. I hated him and now I can’t get enough of him. It’s so weird, I’ve never ever felt this way about a guy, not even Joey.”

“God, the sex must be good.” Lucy teased,

“No, well it’s not the whole thing. I just feel so good when I'm around him, especially when he holds me.”

“Okay, okay, so you love him. How does JC feel?”

“I don’t know how he feels.”

“Here’s a thought, why don’t you ask the boy? Or at least tell him how you feel.”

“What if he doesn’t feel the same way? I could lose him and I don’t think that I could handle that.”

“So you’re just going to wander around not knowing?”

“I’d rather not know and have him, then know and not have him.”

“There’s the chance that he may love you. Especially from the sounds of it, I mean he took you away with him.”

“He’s done that with a lot of girls though.” She paused a minute, “God, I hate this uncertainty.” She exclaimed,

“Well you know what I’m going to suggest.”

“I can’t risk it right now.” Izzy giggled a little, “You know the funny thing was that I used to have a crush on JC way back in the day when he and Joey first knew each other. He was this gawky, geeky kid, but for some reason all I wanted to do was pull him into a dark corner and make out with him.

“Now you just pull him into dark rooms to fuck, kinda ironic.”

“Yeah, apparently he had a crush on me too, back then.” Izzy stressed the last two words.

“Funny, you two could have been dating this whole time.”

“Nah, I don’t think it would have worked out between us.”

“And now?”

“I don’t want to even think about me leaving. God what am I thinking Lucy, a relationship with JC of Nsync? I’ve got my internship to worry about. He’s on tour most of the fucking time! I’ll never see him. Why am I torturing myself?”

“Because you’re in love. You’ll have the rest of the summer to work it out.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be the voice of reason?”

“I am, you’ll have breaks to see him and you graduate in May. You’d have to spend maybe four months tops away from the boy. If you want to work it out you’ll find a way.”

“Now I know I’m the practical one.”

“Practical smactical, it would be damn cool for my best friend to be dating a pop star.”

“That’s exactly the reason I don’t want to date him.”

“Oh get over yourself and just tell him how you feel.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Okay, I guess that’s a start.”

“Yeah, thanks for the consult.”

“Anytime babe.”

“Bye Lucy.”

“Bye, honey.” Izzy hung up the phone and sighed. She wished JC were there now so she could curl up in his arms. Her phone rang suddenly,


“Hey sexy.” It was JC.

“Hey yourself. This is an unexpected phone call.”

“Well I had some time on my flight. So I figured that I would call.”

“You must be bored.” She teased,

“I figured that you would talk dirty to me and get me through this flight.”

“What makes you think that I’ll talk dirty to you?”

“Because you want my hot bod.” He joked and she laughed. God he loved that sound,

“Yeah that’s it.” She replied.

“So, no dirty talk?”

“Wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I asked for it.”

“Isn’t it hard to sit with a hard on?”

“Just hearing your voice gives me a hard on.”

“Well if that isn’t a pick up line if I ever heard one.” He chuckled and she sighed, JC picked up on it,

“What’s wrong Iz?”

“Nothing I’m fine.”

“Okay, well you can tell me if you want to, I mean we are sleeping together.” He said trying to lighten the mood,

“That’s crossing the line.” She said more sharply than she intended to.

“Oh, you’re right.” JC said and was silent on the other end,

“Where are you now?” She asked changing the subject,

“I don’t know, somewhere over the US.”

“Are you going to stop by as soon as you get back?”

“I’m gonna damn well try. Just thinking of you in that little pink robe makes me wish I had flown back with you.”

“Mmm, then we could have joined the mile high club…unless you’re already a member.”

“That’s one club I don’t belong to. Would have been an interesting flight.”

“Yes, it would have been.”

“So how was your flight?”

“Normal, bad food, the chicken was really dry, but other than that, uneventful.”

“That’s good, are all of the guys back?”

“Yep, they ambushed me as soon as I got in my room.” JC laughed,

“Why am I not surprised? They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

“No, they’re always very gentle with me. They grilled me about my vacation.”

“What did you say?”

“That I went away and had a good time.”

“They didn’t hound you? They’re losing their touch.”

“Well Joey drilled me further after everyone left. I took care of it.”

“Okay, good.” Another silence fell between the two, but this time it was a comfortable one.

“I wish you did take an earlier flight.” She said,

“You do?”

“Yeah, I could so go for a piece of you right now.”

“I know exactly what you feel. I hate the fact that I can hear you but I can’t touch you. Where are you?”

“On my bed, stretched out.” JC sighed,

“What are you wearing?”

“That cute, little sundress that I was wearing this morning.”

“Mmm, tell me more.” He said huskily,

“The lights are turned down a little and I can see the moon from where I’m laying. It’s a little warm in here, so I’ve inched up my skirt so more of my skin is exposed. I’m considering taking it off completely.” She paused and heard JC’s heavy breathing and smiled at the sound.

“Oh, Iz, don’t stop now.”

“My hand is sliding down the length of my body, feeling every curve on their way down. My legs are spreading in anticipation. Do you want that JC?”

“Yes, please.” He begged softly.

“Oh, God, I’m so wet, JC. It’s all slick and warm. It feels so good, mmm…”

“Keep going baby, keep going.”

“I feel bad…”


“But what about you?”

“I’ll get mine later. Go back to yourself, where were you?”

“Is there anybody near you?”

“Nope. I’m in the back in a row all by myself. Don’t stop, are you imagining that I’m touching you?”

“No, I’m imagining that it’s Chris.” She retorted and JC groaned,

“You sure do know how to kill a mood.”

“Oh, come on you walked right into it, Chasez. Plus I’d much rather have you doing it to me.”

“Trust me, I’d much rather be doing it to you. I’ve just had that image of you in the robe going through my mind all day. I can’t help myself.”

“Horny boy.” She teased,

“You got that right.” He paused a minute, “Iz, I’m gonna be landing soon and I need to get off,” He paused again, “the phone.” Izzy laughed,

“Cute Jace. I’ll see you soon?”

“Come hell or high water. Bye Iz.”

“Bye Jace.” She said and hung up the phone with a sigh. Soon JC would be back and with her. She wanted to be prepared for him so she jumped up quickly and hopped into the shower. Afterward she took special care in moisturizing her skin and drying her hair. She didn’t put on any clothes, just the pink robe. Izzy wrapped up her hair and piled it on top of her head. She looked at the clock, it was nine now and JC should be back any moment now. She sprayed on some perfume smelling like jasmine, her favorite scent. Izzy heard a knock on her door and smiled, “Right on time.” She said and went to the door, “Who is it?”

“Izzy? It’s Lance.” Izzy sighed; not exactly whom she wanted to see, but she opened the door anyways.

“Hey Lance, what’s up?”

“Where you just going to bed?”

“Um, no, why?”

“Oh, I just wanted to talk, can I come in?”

“Uh, sure.” She said opening the door wide for him. He came in and she shut the door. “So what do you want to talk about?” Lance took a seat on her bed and she sat down in a chair.

“I don’t know. Guess I was just bored, plus I missed hanging out with you.”

“It was only four days Lance.”

“I know, but I still missed you.”

“I missed you too.”


“Of course, why the hell do you sound so surprised?” She said and Lance shrugged his shoulders,

“I don’t know, you were just so mad at me before you left.”

“Sweets, I was just a little pissed off. I swear I was over it like ten minutes later.”

“Okay.” He said and played with his fingers in his lap. Izzy moved over next to him on the bed and placed a hand over his.

“Sweets, is something wrong? You’re not exactly yourself.”

“I, um, went home, you know, and this weird thing happened. I saw this girl, Mary, haven’t seen her in years. We used to go to high school together. We actually dated freshmen year for a while. She broke up with me and basically broke my heart.”

“Okay, go on.”

“So I see her and she jumps into my arms like we’re old friends and nothing happened. She said that she had been thinking about me lately and was so glad to see me again. So we went out that night and talked for hours. It was so great; I had the best time with her. I took her home and went to ask her out the next night, when out of the blue she goes, ‘Are any of your band mates coming to visit you? I think JC’s the hottest; I would die to meet him. Think you could introduce me?’”

“Oh, sweets.”

“I didn’t know what to say. I don’t remember what I said. I think it was like, ‘No, let me see, goodnight.’ I was in such shock over it all. I thought I was used to people using me, but this just came out of left field for me.” Lance ran a hand through his hair. Izzy wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

“She sounds like she was a bitch back then and it looks like she hasn’t changed. I don’t know what to say, that really sucks, sweets.”

“I’m sorry to unload this on you. I just-“

“It’s okay, Lance. Sometimes, the princess needs to help her knight in shining armor.” She said lightly bopping him on the end of his nose with her finger and Lance smiled, “Well, there’s a little of what I was looking for.” A knock on her balcony door interrupted them,

“Who is that?” Lance asked and Izzy rolled her eyes,

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She got up and opened the door, “Chasez, I’m not in the mood for your pranks.” She said quickly and then mouthed, ‘Lance is here.’

“What, didn’t you miss me over our break?” JC played along,

“That’s what made it a vacation, cause you weren’t there. Go back to your room.”

“And miss out on prime annoying Izzy action? Never!” He then mouthed, ‘I’ll come back later.’ She slightly nodded,

“Look you can make this easy or I can make it hard, Chasez.”

“I’ll be back, don’t you worry.”

“I’m getting a dog.”

“Then we won’t be able to tell you apart.”

“Ha, ha, I’ll probably have to keep it away from you so you won’t hit on it.”

“I’d rather hit on a dog than you, Mariani.”

“Fuck you Chasez.”

“In your dreams.”

“Don’t you wish.” She retorted and JC laughed as he walked away. Izzy shut the door along with the curtain.

“Why was JC on your balcony?”

“Because he likes to torture me.” She shook her head. “Right before our break I made the mistake of leaving my balcony door unlocked. He ran through here at four in the morning, buck naked.”

“No way.”

“Yes, way. I could have killed him. Guess he wanted to welcome me back. At least he had clothes on this time.”

“Do you want me to talk to him?”

“Nah, I can handle him. It’s just Chasez.”

“Are you sure?” Lance stood up and came over to her.

“Positive, if you say something to him then he’ll know that he’s won. I can’t let that happen.”

“Okay say the word and I’ll take care of it.”

“Sweets, you take such good care of me.”

“It’s my duty to take care of my princess.”

“I know and I really appreciate it.”

“Okay.” He said kissing her forehead, “Thanks for the talk.”

“Anytime, sweets.” She replied smiling at him. Then Lance leaned down and kissed her, pulling her close. Izzy was in shock at first and when it registered what was happening she pushed him away,

“Lance no.” He looked at the ground,

“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I just did that. I’m gonna go now.” He said and she simply nodded. Lance left and she sat down on the bed. What the hell was that? Why did he just kiss her? It was the weirdest thing, she didn’t think that she gave any signs to say kiss her, did she? Izzy knew that Lance liked her but she just couldn’t like him like that. She loved JC.

At that moment JC knocked on her balcony door and she turned. She smiled and opened the door to reveal JC,

“Is Lance gone?”

“Yeah.” The words had no sooner left her lips then he was kissing her deeply. Everything about Lance went out the window and she could only think about JC and his lips and his hands that were roaming her body. She let him take over and he picked her up. JC gently brought her over to the bed and sat her on his lap.

JC loved the feel of her body next to him. She moved and straddled his lap as she reached up and pulled the pin holding her hair. She shook out her long mane and JC instantly dug his hands into it. Izzy captured his face in her hands and kissed him. JC’s hands slid down over the slick pink fabric, over her legs, up her back and down her sides. It was heaven to have her in his arms again. With one hand he fiddled with the robe’s tie and quickly undid it. Both hands slid underneath the robe, feeling and massaging each of her breasts. Izzy moaned through their kisses and began to undo his pants. JC helped her and pushed them down. She moved forward sliding home. He groaned with pleasure and began moving. JC held on tightly to Izzy as if he was afraid that any minute she would disappear.

“Oh, God, Jace.” Izzy gasped and buried her face in his neck. She gripped his back as waves of pleasures racked her body.

“A little more, Iz. Hang on, I’m almost, there.”

“I’m trying, I’m, oh…” Her body went tight gripping JC and sending him over the edge.

"Oh Izzy!" He gasped out as he came and held on to her tightly, “Damn, Iz. I thought the Bahamas were good.” He said and she giggled against his neck.

“That was just a welcome home party.”

“I think we’re going to have to have a few more of those.” He laughed back.

“Definitely.” She replied and JC leaned back falling onto the bed and taking Izzy with him,

“What did Lance want? He didn’t suspect anything did he?”

“He just wanted to talk. He doesn’t know anything except for the fact that you streaked through my room, yelling at the top of your lungs at four in the morning.”

“You little liar!” He chuckled,

“What? It’s not a complete lie, you were naked, you were running around, you were in my room and it was four in the morning.”

“You were the one yelling.”

“It was your fault.” She teased and he playfully poked her,

“So everything gets blamed on me, huh?”

“Yep.” She teased.

“You owe me big time.”

“Do I now? What would you like as repayment?”

“Mmm, I wonder.” He nuzzled her neck,

“I think I can handle that.”

“Can you?” He said flipping her under him.
