Chapter Sixty Eight

Joey and Izzy were there to pick up Kelley and Brianna. Kelley wasn’t too excited to see Izzy but neither was Izzy. She was just there to see Brianna and took her from Kelley as Kelley greeted Joey. Izzy instantly shooed off Joey and Kelley,

“Now you two go and spend the day together. I’ll take care of Brianna. So have fun and I better not see you for twenty-four hours.” She said as the car pulled up,

“But Izzy how will you get back if we take the car?” Joey asked and another car pulled up behind,

“Magic!” She exclaimed, “Now shoo, go.”

“You’re the best Izzy.” Joey said kissing her on the cheek,

“Yeah, thanks Isabella.” Kelley said gratefully. Izzy simply nodded and waved. Then she got into her limo and went back to the hotel.

It was fun spending the day with Brianna. She took her to play in the park with her and then took her to the mall. The rest of the boys helped out tremendously, especially Justin. He just couldn’t keep his hands off of her.

It was time for Brianna’s dinner and she took her back to her room. She sat Brianna in her carrier on her bed and went for her bottle. She had settled down on her bed with Brianna when someone knocked on her door. She sighed, put Brianna in her carrier and answered the door. It was JC,

“Hey,” She said quietly,

“Hey can I come in?”

“Sure.” Brianna started crying wanting to eat. Izzy went right for her, “Oh sweetie, I’m sorry.” She said gently picking her up, “Here’s your bottle.” She turned to JC as Brianna ate, “You interrupted feeding time.”

“Oh, sorry I can leave.”

“No stay, I don’t mind the company.”

“Okay.” JC closed the door and walked into the room over to Izzy. He looked at Brianna, “She’s so beautiful.”

“She absolutely precious. She’s going to be a heartbreaker. Heck she already has Joey and Justin wrapped around her finger.” JC laughed,

“I know.” Izzy went and sat down on the bed,

“I’m actually glad you stopped by. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

“Yeah me too.”

“Oh okay, come sit.” She said nodding to the space beside her. He instantly took the spot, “You go first JC.”

“No, you can go first if you want.”

“Okay,” she took a deep breath thinking about Greg’s advice, “I can’t do this no ties, no feelings, just sex thing anymore. I don’t want to hurt anybody, and Greg, he told me that his one regret was that he let me go and never told me how he felt about me until it was too late. He told me not to make the same mistake that he did, that if I had feelings for someone I should tell them before it was too late.” JC’s heart flopped more with each sentence. She was trying to tell him that she didn’t want to be with him.

“I understand, I won’t stand in your way. If you want to be with Lance, I mean-”

“What? Lance? I don’t want to be with Lance.”

“Oh I thought when you were talking before-”

“No, I want to be with you.”

“Huh?” He almost couldn’t believe his ears, “You want to be with me?”

“I understand if you don’t feel the same way, I just needed to tell you.” She said looking down at Brianna,

“Izzy, I want to be with you too.” She looked up into his eyes,


“Yeah, more than anything.” JC leaned over and kissed her. She smiled back at him after the kiss staying close,

“So how about a new set of rules.” She whispered against his lips, “All strings attached, all feelings, and not just sex.”

“That sounds absolutely wonderful.” He murmured against her lips and kissed her again. Brianna’s fussing broke their attention, and Izzy turned to her,

“All done sweetie? What a good girl!” Izzy turned to JC, “You want to burp her?”

“Oh, I’m not good with babies.” He protested,

“Nonsense, it’s not that hard. Here take this towel and drape it over your shoulder.” Izzy tossed him a small towel and JC did as she told him, “Now take Brianna and lay her head against the towel.” Izzy gave him Brianna and helped him hold her right. “Okay, good, now just rub her back.”

“Like this?” He asked,

“Uh huh perfect, and you said that you weren’t good with babies.”

“She’s so small, I’m afraid that I’m going to hurt her.”

“You’re doing fine.” Izzy smiled and rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. Brianna gave a little burp and JC got all excited,

“You hear that? She burped!” Izzy laughed,

“See it’s not hard at all.”

The twenty-four hours that Izzy had with Brianna flew by and it was all too soon that Kelley and Joey were back from their mini vacation. Izzy handed Brianna back to Kelley.

“Was she any trouble?” Kelley asked,

“None, she was a complete joy to take care of.”


“Yes, we played with Uncle Justin and Uncle Chris for hours and then Uncle Lance read to her and then Uncle JC sang her to sleep. Really if you ever need me to baby-sit, don’t hesitate to ask, she was so easy.”

“Probably because she doesn’t really know you.” Kelley retorted,

“Probably, well, if you guys don’t need anything, I’m gonna go get something to eat.” Joey hugged her,

“Izzy you are the best friend a guy could ask for. Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” She said and JC walked out of his room,

“You ready to go, Izzy?” He asked and Izzy turned to him,

“Yeah, sure hold on.” She turned back to Joey, “Have fun, see you later.” She waved and ran to catch up with JC. Joey and Kelley waved after her and watched JC put his arm around Izzy as they walked towards the elevator.

"That’s interesting, I thought that they hated each other.” Kelley commented,

“I don’t know, they seemed to be getting along lately, but I never thought that they would purposely go out together.”
