Chapter Sixty Nine

JC and Izzy had a cozy late lunch together and spent time driving around town before they had to return to the hotel. They were laughing and joking around in the hall when he pulled her to him,

“Wanna go play in my room?” She kissed him,

“I would love to, but I have to go check in with Joey to make sure there’s nothing he wants me to do.”

“I’ve got an idea, why don’t you be my secretary?”

“The correct term is personal assistant and no, cause I don’t sleep with my bosses.” She teased,

“Can’t you make an exception?”

“You’d be a bias boss and I could take advantage of that.” She smiled,

“That’s what I dream of.” He smirked and she kissed him,

“It’s the only thing you think of, I swear.”

“Not the only thing.” He winked and then he turned serious, “How do you think they’re going to take this?”

“I don’t know, I expect that Joey will freak but that’s normal.”

“So do you just wanna start making out in front of them?” He half joked,

“Why don’t we just act like a normal couple and see how that goes?”

“We’re not exactly normal, everything we do seems to lead to something that people shouldn’t see.”

“We've kept it hidden for what, a month? I think we can cool it in front of the guys.”

“I’ve had to keep it hidden that I’ve loved you for too long. I don’t think I can keep it under wraps.”

“I understand, but I don't think we should go for the full make out sessions till they get used to us.”

“Okay, I guess I can behave. Though it’s hard when I’m around you.”

“God, do I understand.” Then it suddenly hit Izzy, he had said that he loved her. She looked up into his eyes with a bright smile. JC kissed the end of her nose,


“I love you, Jace.”

“I love you too, Izzy.” He smiled back at her, “God, it feels so good to say that to you. I almost feel like I can’t say it enough.”

“I feel the same way.” She paused a minute and then laughed, “God will you listen to us? We’re completely sickening.”

“It’s never felt more right.” He kissed her,

“I know. Okay, I’ll see you in a bit?”

“Okay, love you.”

“Love you, too.” They kissed one last time and she bopped down to Joey’s room. She knocked on the door and Joey quickly answered it,

“Hey Izzy-bell! I didn’t expect to see you back.”

“Just wanted to see if you needed anything.”

“Yeah, I need you to get ready to go out.”


“We found this hot club and we’re all going out.”

“Okay, sounds good. What time are we going out?”

“Around 10:30 or so.”

“Okie doke I’ll be ready.”

“Great, can you tell the rest of the group?”

“Sure.” Izzy left and told the rest of the guys to get ready. She was all excited to go out with JC, but she was nervous at the same time. She didn’t know how the guys would take their relationship. Her last stop was JC’s and she knocked on the door.

“Come in!” He shouted from inside and she walked in. JC came out of the bathroom in only a towel and he was drying his hair with another one. She smiled at the sight, “Hey you.” He smiled back, “Came back for more?”

“I’m always gonna come back for more.” She mused sliding her arms around his waist,

“Did Joey need you for anything?”

“Just to get ready to go out.”


“Yeah he and Kelley found some club they wanna go out to.”

“Are you going?”

“Yeah, why not? Sounds like fun.”

“I was hoping to spend the night alone with you.” He pouted and Izzy rolled her eyes,

“Just because we go out doesn’t mean we can’t be alone.”

“In a club?”

“There are a lot of dark corners in a club.” She said fingering the top edge of his towel, “Who knows what could happen there.” She smiled mischievously up at him and he grinned,

“Izzy and a dark corner. That’s a great combination.”

“Uh huh, and when we’re tired of the club’s corner we can come back to the hotel and find one.”

“God I love the way you think.” He said and kissed her,

“Mmm, me too.” She backed up a little,

“Where do you think you’re going?” He said pulling her back to him,

“I’m going to get dressed, silly.”

“You can’t stay and play?”

“Not if I want to shower.”

“I could help you with that.”

“You just showered.”

“Exactly. So I can pay more attention to you.”

“Jace, I’m gonna go before we get into something that makes us late.”

“I don’t mind being late.”

“I’m gonna go now.” She kissed him and pulled away,

“Don’t think you’ll get away that easily tonight.”

“Good.” She winked and left his room to get ready. She didn’t know what to wear. She wanted to turn on JC, but not every guy there. She settled on an old favorite, her slinky black dress with barely any back. She left her hair down and curled the ends. It took her a little longer to get ready than she expected and Joey was pounding on her door.

“Iz, the train’s leaving! Everyone’s already in the car waiting!” He yelled and she grabbed some things and hustled out the door and down to the cars. Joey helped her into his. Lance and Kelley were already in it.

“The other car already left for the club.” Lance said, “Justin didn’t want to wait.”

“Well let’s go and get this party started!” Joey shouted and they were off.

JC waited for Izzy to get to the club. She was late getting to the cars and Justin left. He could have killed him.

“Hey C, you gonna dance?” Chris asked him and he shook his head,

“Nah, I’m gonna wait for the others to show up.”

“Kay.” Chris said and bounced off to the dance floor. JC stared at the entrance waiting for Izzy. Then he saw Joey and Kelley followed by Izzy and Lance, who had his arm around Izzy’s waist. Izzy looked up, caught JC’s eye and smiled. She whispered something to Lance and broke away from him. She disappeared into the crowd. Joey, Kelley, and Lance came up to where JC was.

“Hey C.” Joey yelled and sat down.

“What took you so long to get here?” JC asked.

“Izzy, she took forever to get ready.” Kelley replied sitting down next to Joey,

“Where’s she now?”

“Ladies room.” Lance said sitting down with them.

“Oh, already?”


“Kay, well since you guys are here now, I’m gonna hit the dance floor.” JC said and quickly left before anyone could come with him. He made it down towards the bathrooms and waited for her to come out. When she did she was a vision. The slinky black dress made her curves stand out, those legs, those long legs that he just wanted to wrap around him and that smile, the smile that he knew was all his. She came up to him,

“Hey stranger.” She said and he pulled her into his arms instantly,

“Hey gorgeous, going my way?”

“I’m going any way you’re going.” She mused and kissed him,

“So about that dark corner…”

“Let’s go dance Romeo.”

“Want a drink first?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Kay, come on.” He took her hand and led her to the bar. After getting drinks they hit the dance floor and JC could finally get his hands on Izzy. He started kissing her neck, holding her close,

“Didn’t know clubs made you so horny.” She cooed,

“It’s not the club trust me.”

“So you like what you see?” She said and twirled in his arms,

“I love what I see and what it’s doing to me.”

“Me, too.” She replied and kissed him deeply. They danced a couple more songs together till JC couldn’t take it any longer and dragged her to a dark corner of the club. He sat down and pulled Izzy into his lap. She straddled him and kissed him. She dug her hands into his hair. JC puller her close and held her tightly to him. Izzy’s hair cascaded over their faces giving them a little privacy.

“We should probably just go home.” Izzy smiled keeping close,

“We won’t get any privacy at the hotel, like we will here.”

“You call this privacy?” She asked and kissed him lightly,

“I think it works just fine.”

“You’re just a voyeurist.” She teased,

“A what?”

“A person who gets aroused by being watched.”

“So I like being the center of attention?” Izzy kissed him,

“Something like that.” He kissed her back and kept kissing her. Izzy absently began to grind her hips into his. A moan escaped his throat; it felt so good to be out in the open. One of his hands slid up under her skirt over her ass. Izzy slid a hand down his chest to the buckle of his belt and began to undo his belt.

“Izzy.” JC said and she looked at him,

“You said that you didn’t want to go back to the hotel.”

“Not here.” Izzy kissed his cheeks moved down towards his throat, “You love to torture me.”

“Yep.” She whispered in his ear and kissed him once again,

“Okay, maybe we should go back to the hotel.”

“I don’t want to.” Izzy smiled,

“You’re a pain in the ass.”

“You love it.” She retorted,

“God, I do.” He said and kissed her again. This one lasted a while until a hand tapped Izzy on the shoulder. She quickly turned and saw a bouncer standing there,

“Take it else where, this isn’t a sex parlor.” The couple moved a bit apart, laughing a little,

“Sorry.” They both said together an Izzy moved off his lap to the chair next to him. The bouncer quickly left and they burst out laughing.

“I can’t believe we got caught.” She giggled,

“I didn’t think that we were that obvious.” Izzy moved closer and swung her legs over his lap. JC slipped an arm around her shoulder and played with her hair. She leaned close,

“So where were we?”

“You are just aching to get kicked out aren’t you?”

“What’s life without a little danger?” She smiled mischievously and played with the collar of his shirt. JC just shook his head and brushed a kiss over her lips,

“Not when it can hurt the group.” Izzy leaned back a little but kept playing with the button on his shirt,

“Oh yeah, I always forget that little part with you guys.”

“Sometimes I wish I could.”

“But then you wouldn’t be you,” She said softly and looked into his eyes, “and who knows if we’d be together?” JC jerked back suddenly,

“Are you saying that you wouldn’t love me if I wasn’t in Nsync?”

“No! I’m just saying that if Nsync hadn’t been a part of your life you wouldn’t be who you are today, and who you are today is who I love. I wouldn’t care if you stayed in the group or quit and became a hermit. Either way I would still love you.”

“Oh.” He said and looked away, Izzy slipped over onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled his face to meet hers,

“What’s all that about?” She asked softly,

“We’re gonna get kicked out if they catch us like this.”

“We’re just talking and you’re avoiding the subject.” She said gently and he sighed,

“Some people will only talk to us because we’re celebrities and think that we can get them something.”

“Some people as in Bobbie?”


“I’m not Bob-"

“I know, I know, it’s just a force of habit that’s all. It’s always in the back of my mind.”

“Like I said, you don’t have to worry about me. I remember back when you were all dorks trying to get a record deal.” She said playfully tapping his nose, “The only difference now is that you have a record deal.” She smiled,

“You little pain in the ass.” He pulled her close and tickled her neck, she squealed a little pushing him away,


“You love it.”

“Yes, I do.” She said brushing a kiss over his lips.

Lance popped up to the booth where Chris and Justin were sitting with some girls,

“Hey guys, what’s going on?” Lance said sitting down,

“Hey Lance.” The two chorused,

“You two haven’t seen Izzy have you? She went off to the ladies room and never came back.”

“Nope, haven’t seen her at all. You seen C? He’s been MIA too.” Justin asked,

“Nope, I’ve only see Joey on the dance floor with Kelley.”

“Maybe they’re together.” Chris joked and they all laughed.

“If they were, one of them would probably be dead and my bet’s it C.” Justin joked and just then JC came up to the booth. He grabbed his stuff,

“Going home?” Chris asked.

“Yeah, I’m beat.” He replied and picked up Izzy’s stuff too.

“Uh, that’ Izzy’s.” Lance pointed out.

“I know, she asked me to get it for her. She already in the car.” All three stared at each other and then at JC,

“You’re going back to the hotel with Izzy?” Justin asked in disbelief,

“Yeah.” JC said as if going somewhere with Izzy was no big deal, “Later.” He called to them and left,

“That was weird. When did they become friends?” Chris asked,

“Izzy must be tired.” Lance said.

Izzy and JC walked down the hall laughing and kissing. They were the first ones back from the club.

“So my place or yours?” JC asked,

“How about I grab some things and stay at yours?”

“Okay.” He kissed her and she broke away,

“I’ll be right back.”

“Hurry love.”

“I will.” She smiled and quickly went into her room. She grabbed a bag that she knew had everything she needed and headed back to JC’s. She knocked and he answered the door.

“That was quick.”

“I packed ahead of time.” She said holding up the bag,

“Good thinking.” He said pulling her into his arms, kissing her and shutting the door all in one swift motion.

“Mmm, I wanna get ready for bed.” She said and he kept her close.

“You don’t need anything for bed, just you.” He murmured pushing the zipper of her dress down. It fell to her feet and she stepped out of it.

“I wanna wash my face.” She said in between kisses,

“Okay.” JC said pulling her towards the bathroom,

“I can do it by myself.” She laughed.

“I wanna help.” He said and pulled off his shirt.

“How are you gonna help?”

“Like this.” He said and lifted her up on the counter by the sink. He took off her shoes and tossed them into the room. He quickly shed his pants and retrieved a washcloth. Izzy tied back her hair while JC wet the washcloth and rubbed soap on it. He began slowly rubbing her face with it working up a good lather.

“This feels good. You can help me get ready for bed anytime you want.” JC smiled,

“I’ll take you up on that offer.” He said trying to concentrate on her face and not the rest of her body that was barely covered up. He gently wiped over her closed eyes and her forehead meticulously getting all the make up off. Soon he grabbed a new cloth and began rinsing the soap off. He trailed the warm cloth over her cheeks getting the last of the soap off but he didn’t stop there. JC moved the cloth down her neck and into the valley of her breasts. Izzy giggled a little and opened her eyes. JC was concentrating as he moved the washcloth over the top of each breast. His other hand reached behind and undid the back of her bra. He took it and tossed it into the room never losing his gaze on her breasts. He made lazy circles around each one. Izzy arched her back leaning against the mirror,

“Oh, Jace.” She moaned closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of the warm washcloth across her body. She dug her hands into his hair pulling him closer to her. Suddenly JC threw away the wash cloth and brought his mouth to one of her breast, sucking gently. She purred with delight as he suckled each hardened bud in turn. “Oh, baby…”

“I love the taste of you, Iz.” he told her as he kissed his way back to her mouth. “You’re so sweet and delicious.” She took control and took his head in her hands, kissing him. Izzy’s kiss was seduction itself: teasing, tempting, hungry and irresistible. The kiss was sweet and slow to build. By the time her lips moved on, he was totally breathless and mute.

“Make love to me like it’ll never be enough.” She whispered into his ear as she nuzzled his neck. JC simply couldn’t refuse a request like that. With out another word he picked her up and brought her into the bedroom, laying her gently on the bed. He covered her with himself and kissed her back with all the passion in his soul.

“Wow…” She gasped as JC trailed kisses all over her upper body. She was so lost in his lips that she didn’t realize that he had rid them of their excess clothing. JC moved up to her, entering her tight, hot body slowly.

“Mmm…This is one of my favorite parts,” she purred, a satisfied smile coming to her lips. “The first few moments when you fill me.” He held himself still, enjoying the completeness of their joining.

“I know what you mean, we fit so good.”

“I love you.” She lifted her head to place a kiss over his heart. All the love and tenderness and protectiveness he possessed for her shone in his eyes.

“I love you.” He said and slowly began to pump into her. She gasped when he drove in harder, the way she liked it.

“Ah, Josh!…I’m-” JC pounded his hips into hers as she had demanded. Amazingly enough, only sounds of pleasure escaped her lips. “Jace, you feel so good,” she purred.

”You, too, baby. It’s never been this good, this right.” He increased his pace until she was quivering beneath him. “That’s it, love. Come with me,” he urged. “Please, Iz, I need you-”


“Iz!” They both were flung into the same crashing wave of ecstasy. JC pushed into her one last time, then collapsed. Izzy trembled beneath him, totally destroyed by the pleasure he had created in her. It took a moment to breathe and realize that he was in the same state. Lifting a shaking hand, she stroked his damp curls soothingly.

“You okay?” She asked quietly and JC raised his head.

“I’ve just had the most fantastic love making session of my life. No, I’m not ‘okay’. I’m out of this world, blown-away blissed-out.” He grinned down at her

“So, I take it that you thought it was pretty good,” She teased,

“Hell yeah.” He replied as she snuggled into JC’s arms.

“God I’ve been craving this all week. This was all I wanted.” He settled back into the pillows and pulled the cover up over them.

“Me, too. I almost didn’t think you were coming back from Edwards.” He said stroking her hair soothingly.

“I tried calling you like eight times but every time I hung up because I thought it was breaking the rules.” She whispered into his chest and JC held her tighter.

“I wanted you to call so badly.” He admitted shamelessly, “I was going crazy without you. I mean so were the other guys but it was worse for me because I was miserable and I couldn’t share it with anyone. They all thought that I was happy because you were gone.” She buried her face further,

“I’m sorry you went through that.” JC pulled her chin up to look at him,

“Don’t worry about it. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

“To think if we hand only given in and told each other how we felt we could’ve been together sooner.”

“When did you know?” He asked,

“I definitely knew after the Bahamas, it cemented it for me when we spent those three days together. But I had feelings for you a while before then. When did you?”

“The morning of the view interview.”

“Wow that long ago?” She smiled,

“Well come to think about it, I fell in love with you six years ago.” He sighed happily thinking back in time,

“When we were Josh and Bell.” She finished for him,

“Did you?” He asked unsurely,

“Of course I feel in love with you. Josh turned my world upside down and taught me that there was more to life than Joey Fatone. I just didn’t know it was you till the guys pointed it out to me.”

“Yeah they had to point it out to me too. I couldn’t believe that it was you. You looked so different, you grew out your hair.”

“You did too.” She smiled, “And you grew up. You weren’t that geeky guy that I adored.”

“Neither were you.”

“A geeky guy? No I think not.” She teased and he laughed at her, “Did knowing that I was Bell change your perception of me?”

“Well, yeah, a little. I wondered what could have happened to change you so much, but then I realized that you were there all along, I just had to look.”

“Yeah.” She agreed and sighed happily, “We should really get some sleep.” She said and JC yawned,

“When your right, your right. Goodnight Bell.”

“Good night Josh.”
