Chapter Seventy One

Chris knocked on Izzy’s door a little later on. He was hoping to play video games with her. JC answered the door sleepily,

“Hey Chris.” Chris looked at the door and looked back at him,

“Sorry, thought this was Izzy’s room.”

“It is, she’s sleeping. Is it important?” Chris kept staring at JC, “Chris? What do you want?”

“Why the hell are you in Izzy’s room while she’s sleeping? Are you covering her in shaving cream?”

“No, I was sleeping too, until you knocked on the door.” JC stretched a little.

“Wait. Why are you?” Chris looked at him and them looked around, “Izzy’s not really in there is she? You’re pulling my leg.” He said laughing, “You really had me going there for a minute.” He continued laughing and JC just looked at him. Izzy came up behind JC,

“Jace, who’s at the door?” She asked rubbing her face. She looked past him at Chris who had stopped laughing, “Hey Chris, what’s up?”

“What the hell is going on here?” He basically yelled.

“I don’t know, you tell me since you’re the one screaming in my doorway.” Izzy replied.

“I’m out of this. I’m going back to bed.” JC said dropping a kiss on her shoulder and going back into the room. Chris just stared at her.

“So what did you want, Chris?” She asked shutting the door and coming out into the hall.

“You and C, were just-“ He pointed to the door,

“Me and JC we’re just sleeping, yes. Why is that such a big deal Chris?”

“Because you hate each other!” He shouted at her like she wasn’t seeing the truth.

“No, we don’t.” She smiled, “That’s as far from the truth as it could be.” She sighed happily.

“And they say I’m the one on crack.” He muttered and then turned to her again, “When did, how did?” Izzy laid a hand on his arm,

“We actually have been getting close for a while and one night it clicked.”

“So you and he are…”

“Together? Yeah we are.”


“Yeah, I know, trust me. I never thought I would be here.”

“Do the other guys know?”

“Joey knows, I don’t know about everyone else.” She shrugged,

“Wow, well shit, there goes my fight idea.” He joked and she laughed,

“Was there something you wanted from me Chris?”

“Uh, just to play video games with me, but I guess you’re busy.”

“Um, no, I was just sleeping. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be down.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I’m gonna kick you ass one of these days Chris. Today’s a good a day as any.” She smirked and he smiled,

“You’re on baby, bring it!”

“Oh, I will.”

JC had been sleeping in Izzy’s room. She had long gone down to Chris’ to play videogames and he went down to find her. He opened Chris’ door and found Izzy, Chris, and Justin consumed in a racing game.

“Get out of my way, Chris!” She yelled.

“Yeah right, keep to your side of the road!” He shouted back.

“I would if Timberlake would get off my ass!”

“Hey, I’m just playing the game!”

“You’re cheating!” Izzy screamed at him.

“I am not! I’m following the rules! Now Chris is cheating!”

“I am not! I am winning!”

“Oh, no, you’re, not!” Izzy yelled and then jumped up, “Yes, I won! I won! Eat that suckers!” She shouted doing a little dance. Chris and Justin slammed down their controllers in defeat.

“Man!” Chris shouted, “Beat by a girl!” JC chuckled at the three. Izzy noticed that he was there,

“And what are you laughing at Mr. Chasez?” She said coyly, sauntering up to him.

“Just how cute you three are, mainly you.” He smiled and dropped a kiss in her lips,

“Okay.” She smiled.

Justin’s mouth dropped at their interaction and Chris politely helped him close it.

“What the hell is that?” He said pointing at the couple. Izzy turned to him,

“That’s JC. Don’t tell me that my winning has warped your mind, Timberlake.” She teased.

“I know that’s JC, but why’d he, you, you kissed him! On the lips!” He turned to Chris, “Why aren’t you weirded out by this?” Chris shrugged his shoulders with a smirk,

“It’s nothing new.”

“What?!” Justin exclaimed and everyone laughed but Justin. He looked around and pinched himself,

“What are you doing Justin?” Izzy asked.

“Making sure I’m not dreaming. When did this happen?” Justin asked.

“A couple days ago, after Izzy got back.” JC replied.

“But you and Lance.” Justin continued,

“Me and Lance are just friends. Me and JC on the other hand…” She smiled up at JC and he strung his arms around her waist,

“Are much more than friends.” He smiled back at her. Justin’s jaw dropped once again,

“I just can’t believe, you two are…”

“Together?” Chris finished for him, “They’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”

“When?” Justin asked,

“For a little over a month, squirt.” Izzy said and then a light bulb went off in Justin’s head,

“Oh my God! Izzy’s the girl you took to the Bahamas!!! She’s the one you’ve been talking to me about! Holy shit!!” Izzy and JC just laughed,

“He’s taking it better than I thought.” She smiled,

“Better than Joey did.” JC commented,

“You’re right.” Izzy said coldly.

“Joey freaked?” Chris asked.

“Big time.” JC said and Izzy’s phone rang. She quickly answered it,


“Izzy it’s me.” Joey replied.

“Oh hello, Mr. Fatone, is there anything I can get for you?” She said in her coldest, business like tone possible,

“Izzy don’t do that to me. I want to talk.”

“Mr. Fatone, if you don’t have anything for me to do, then I suggest that you stop wasting my time.”

“Fine, then I need you to come down to my room and do some paper work.”

“Fine, I’ll be down in a few minutes.” She said and hung up her phone. The three guys stared at her,

“That bad huh?” Chris asked and Izzy didn’t respond to him,

“Joe wants me to do some paper work. I’m sure I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She kissed JC and turned to the boys with a smile, “I’ll be back to defend my throne.” She winked and left the room.

“Wow.” Justin said after she left, “This day gets weirder and weirder. I feel like I’m in-”

“The twilight zone?” JC finished for him that time,

“Yeah, when did all this start between you two?”

“It kind of started back when Izzy killed my prank, but it didn’t turn serious for me until after the awards show.”

“Wait you said that, that girl had been with us since the beginning. Izzy’s only been with us since April.” Justin mentioned,

“No, I’ve said that we’ve known her a long time, since we’ve began and that she was on this tour. We’ve all known Izzy since back when she lived with Joey.”

“Holy shit! How come you didn’t say anything?” Justin asked and JC shrugged his shoulders,

“It wasn’t much at first and when it did turn into something we were both trying to deal with it, so we just kept it to ourselves.”

“Wow, I just can’t believe. That’s the girl you’ve been in love with?” Chris asked and JC grinned,

“I love her.” They both just stared at him,

“He is so gone dude.” Chris said and Justin agreed,

“He is and by the looks of things she is too.”

Izzy walked down to Joey’s room and sternly rapped on his door. He quickly opened it.

“Izzy, good you’re here-” She pushed passed him into the room,

“Where’s the paper work, Mr. Fatone? I can do it in my room.” Joey shut the door and turned to her,


“That’s Miss Mariani or Isabella please.”

“Izzy stop! This is ridiculous! You are my secretary and I order you to talk to me!”

“No, I’m your personal assistant and I’m here for paper work. If there is none then I’ll simply leave.” She went for the door and Joey stopped her,

“I didn’t say that you could leave.”

“Since when can you order me around?”

“Since I became your boss.”

“Then I quit.” She crossed her arms,

“I won’t let you.”

“Try and stop me.” She spat out at him,

“You have to give me two weeks notice.”

“Not if I am mistreated.”

“You can’t leave me Izzy-bell.” He pleaded,

“Well that’s not your decision to make, now is it?” She said and walked out the door. Izzy walked down to her room and shut the door, taking deep breaths.

“Baby?” JC called from inside and walked out of the bathroom. Izzy looked up at him,

“I quit.” He came up to her,


“I quit being Joey’s personal assistant. I’m not working for him anymore.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” She stared at the floor.

“Well, I have no choice because I did it.” She moved into his arms.

“Iz, you’re shaking.”

“Why are we so hard to accept? Why can’t he have been happy for us? A couple weeks ago he was saying how he had never seen me so happy and now it’s all wrong because it’s with you? I just don’t get it. He supposed to be my best friend, he supposed to care about me; he supposed to want me happy. He supposed to be my best friend.”

“Iz, it’s just a shock, that’s all. They didn’t know what was going on between us.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She said and broke away from JC. “He was my best friend. MY best friend, Joey, would’ve been happy for me because I was happy. He’s not MY best friend; he’s not MY Joey. He’s changed and I guess I didn’t realize how much until now.” There was knocking on her door.

“Izzy! Open up! I want to talk to you! Please open up!” Izzy shook her head and went out on the balcony. Joey kept pounding and yelling till JC finally answered the door,

“Izzy I-” Joey stopped short when he saw it was JC. “C! I want to talk to Izzy!” He tried to push past JC but he stopped him,

“She doesn’t want to see you.”

“I need to talk to her.”

“Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage today, Joe?” Joey stopped and looked at JC,

“I’ve really messed up haven’t I?”

“Yeah, you did. She’s really upset right now.”

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”

“She doesn’t want to hear it Joey.” Joey shook his head,

“Okay, okay, I’ll get her to understand some how.”
