Chapter Seventy Two

Later that night Izzy stood by the ramp as she wished all the guys good luck. Chris hugged her as did Justin, she held back at Joey reserving to only shake his hand silently. Lance only half heartily hugged her which surprised her greatly. JC came up to and saw her face,

“You okay?” He asked as he pulled her into his arms and she rested her head against his chest.

“I guess, I don’t really have time to go into it right now, rather you don’t.” She looked back up at him and he caressed the side of her face,

“Love you, we can talk afterward, okay?”

“Kay, love you too. Good luck Josh.” She whispered and kissed him.

“Thanks Bell.” He said brushing one last kiss over her lips before running out on stage.

Izzy watched the concert from backstage and Joey knew that she was still furious with him. He was going to try his damnest to make it up to her. During the concert he was supposed to joke around with Lance but he had other plans. He took his mike and moved to center stage,

“Hey everyone, how you doing tonight?” The crowd screamed their response. He laughed a little and sighed, “Well that’s good, wish I could say the same.” The crowd awed in response and the other guys backed up letting him have his time. Joey continued, “Well, I have this person in my life and I’ve known them for a very long time, actually since they were born. She’s always been there for me when I needed her and she’s been the best friend anyone would die for. And you see, I screwed up big time and let her down in the worst way. I’ve tried to make it up to her but nothing has worked. So this is one of my last resorts. I’m standing up here in front of all you and saying that I’m sorry. I was a huge jerk and I deserved everything I got, but I just want a second chance. You’re my best friend, my little sister and whole lot more. I know it’s a lot, but I would like your forgiveness.” He paused a few seconds and then began to sing,

“I know I said it, I know I did it.
Maybe I went overboard, to prove a point.
But sometimes my pride gets in the way.
Maybe I need some time away to get my head together, yeah, yeah.

Maybe this was my last chance,
I may never get to hold your hands again.
I can say that I’m a better man,
Because you made me understand,

I’m so sorry that I tore your heart apart last night,
And I’m sorry if I scarred you again today.
I didn’t mean to take your dreams and make them seem so trite.
I sincerely, completely, apologize for doing what I did.

Everything you taught me, and everything you showed me.
It never seemed that I would listen to anything,
But you’ve got my attention more than you know.
I take it in, I dealt with it, but I waited too late to use it.

Maybe this was my last chance;
I may never get to hold your hands again.
I can say that I’m a better man,
Because you made me understand.

I’m so sorry that I tore your heart apart last night,
And I’m sorry if I scarred you again today.
I didn’t mean to take your dreams and make them seem so trite.
I sincerely, completely apologize for doing what I did.

I’ve never ever been so shameful for what I did,
But you made me know one thing, (That I should of never did)

If you ever take me back again,
I never wanted to burn this bridge
If I could do it all over again,
I’ll never mishandle you ever again.

I’m so sorry that I tore your heart apart last night (I’m so sorry),
And I’m sorry if I scarred you again today (I’ll never, never, do it again).
I didn’t mean to take your dreams and make them seem so trite.
I sincerely, completely apologize for doin’ what I did.

I’m so sorry that I tore your heart apart last night,
And I’m sorry if I scarred you again today.
I didn’t mean to take your dreams and make them seem so trite.
I sincerely, completely, apologize for doin’ what I did, I’m sorry.”
Joey sang the last note and sighed walking off stage. The stage went dark for a few minutes and the crowd was silent. Justin then jumped in and the crowd started cheering again.

Joey dropped backstage to find Izzy. He didn’t’ have to look long, she was waiting for him,

“Hey.” He said gently,

“Hey yourself. That was an interesting display out there.”

“I meant every word of it, Izzy. I’m so sorry for the way I acted-”

“Joey-bear, we’ll talk later on the way home. You have a show to do.”

“You’ll talk to me?”

“If you don’t get back out there I won’t.”

“Okay, “ He smiled and jumped back out on stage.

Izzy waited in the back of the bus as the guys bounded on. JC found her first,

“Hey darling.” He dropped a kiss on her lips.

“Hey Jace, great show.”

“Thanks.” He said and kissed her again letting this one deepen till they heard someone clear their throat. JC pulled back from her and stood up. “I’ll be out there.” He said quickly and shut the door behind him. Joey came in and sat down next to Izzy.

“So.” She started and he sighed,

“So, yeah. God this is completely awkward Iz.” He said and ran a hand through his hair.

“It doesn’t have to be.” She said quietly and reached out touching his knee.

“I’m sorry I freaked, I just I don’t know. I seriously wanted to punch the living daylights out of JC when I saw him with you. I guess that whole emotion is still there.”

“Well it’s not the first time you wanted to kill JC for being too close to me.”

“Yeah, well that was before when we were still sort of together, you know?”

“Yeah I know.”

“It may take me some time to get used to this.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah I guess, when the hell did you two get together?”

“Remember that prank I pulled on him where I died?”

“Yeah…wait back then?”

“Yeah, kind of. Well we just realized that we had a lot in common.”

“But you still fought all the time.”

“I didn’t say that we were completely on the ball. That’s when it started. Things didn’t really get serious till we both realize that we knew each other from before.”

“Why would that have anything to do with it? Besides the fact that JC wanted your ass big time.”

“Because I wanted him too.” She whispered quietly to him, “I fell in love with him that summer.”

“But, you and I…” He drifted off,

“Were way too messed up to ever work. That summer, I don’t know what happened with JC but something clicked with us, you know?”

“You didn’t…”

“Sleep with him? No, I didn’t. We just talked, that’s all. I kissed him once, right before I left for college but that was it. I couldn’t do anything with him because of where we were, I couldn’t do that to you.”

“But you said that you fell in love with him.”

“I couldn’t help it, I really didn’t have a choice in the matter. That’s why I really wanted to go back to New York for college. We needed a break from each other and I needed to figure out everything for myself. I didn’t expect you two to end up like you did. In fact I thought I had lost him because I didn’t realize that it was Josh under all that hair.” She said trying to crack a smile from Joey. He still sat there taking everything in,

“I guess I was right to suspect you two back then.”

“Joey, nothing happened between us.”

“You fell in love with him, when you were supposed to love me.”

“I did, I do still love you, but the way I love you now is the way I loved you back then. I mean up till JC, all I ever knew was you Joe. I was happy to stay that way, then I met JC and he challenged everything I had ever felt and knew.”

“So he made you realize that you had made a mistake with me.”

“God no, he made me realize that I had been missing out on a lot of stuff, like how great you are as a best friend and not just a guy I slept with. I really think we lost each other and our friendship when we were dating. We got too caught up in everything else and forgot what was most important and the reason why we started dating in the first place.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about any of this before now?”

“I tried to in a way, but you always thought I was talking about Greg or Lance. Then again your reaction today speaks for itself.”

“Point taken. I just don’t know why you being with JC bugs me. I was all for you being with Lance.”

“Probably because you knew deep down that I would never go for Lance. He’s sweet, but he and I just don’t have that spark that me and JC have together, that we’ve always had together. He was safe.”

“How come you’re always right when it comes to my emotions? Is what I’m thinking written on my forehead or something?”

“Joey, we’ve been through a lot together. I’ve known you since I was born. When you’ve known a person for that long you tend to be able to read them.”

“Yeah, you do.”

“Are you okay with all of this?”

“I really don’t have a choice do I?” He said quietly,

“You do, everyone has a choice. As for whether or not me and JC are going to be together? No you don’t have a choice with us, but you do have a choice in how you deal with it.” Joey simply eyed her unsure of what to say to her, “Joey, I really love him, gosh, he just does something to me. My heart races when ever I see him and I get all light headed. He totally has my heart and I haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Joey stared into his best friend’s eyes and knew that she did truly love JC with all her heart. It was plain to anyone who cared to look. He sighed and nodded,

“Then go be happy with him, you deserve it.” He smiled at her and she hugged him tightly,

“Thank you, Joey-bear.” She whispered into his ear and then kissed his cheek,

“You’re the best.” He laughed,

“Why because I’m happy that my best friend found herself in love?”

“You know what I mean.” She smiled,

“You know I’m gonna have to give JC the ‘If you hurt Izzy I’m gonna kick your ass speech’ right? Cause Tony and Pauley aren’t here to do it.” He warned,

“Go right ahead. I’m sure Tony and Pauley would thank you for it.” She laughed and looked at the window, “Wow were at the hotel. When did we get here?”

“I think a while ago, the stadium isn’t that far from where we’re staying.” He said getting up from his seat and holding out his hand to her. She took it and he helped her up,

“Are we the last ones on the bus?”

“Let’s go check.” He said opening the door and he laughed, “Nope, everyone’s still on here.”

“Why?” She asked as she followed him up front. JC stood up,

“Is everything alright?” Izzy wrapped herself around one of Joey’s arms,

“Yeah, we worked everything out. We always do. Why the hell are you all on here if we’re at the hotel?”

“We didn’t want to leave without knowing about you guys. I mean you two never fight. We were just all worried, that’s all.” Justin said getting up,

“Aww, that’s so sweet of you guys. We’re fine, let’s go to the hotel. You guys all look like you need a good nights sleep.” She said and hustled them all off the bus.

They all walked down the hall towards their rooms. JC stopped Izzy before she got to her room.

“Hey, how about you, me, a bottle of wine, maybe some romantic music?” He whispered to her and she smiled,

“Sounds like a plan Mr. Chasez. Let me put some things away and I’ll be right over.”

“Mmm, can’t wait.” He kissed her and went to his room. Izzy smiled to herself and turned to go to her room and ran into Lance,

“Oh, hey Lance what’s up?” She said happily.

“Izzy I don’t know if this is my place, but,” He took a deep breath, “What’s going on between you and JC?” Before she could even answer he continued, “Because I remember when I asked you out you said that you were seeing someone and now I see you all over JC. So if you didn’t want to date me, why didn’t you just say so? I’m not keen on liars, Izzy. I can handle the truth-” Izzy interrupted him,

“Lance. Lance!” She yelled getting his attention, “I never lied to you, JC was the guy I was seeing and now we’re together.”

“Then why did you go with me to the family award show?”

“Because you asked me to go with you.”

“Why didn’t you go with JC?”

“Because you asked me first. So captain obvious do you need me to solve any more mysteries for you?” She teased and then saw his face, “Lance, I’m sorry, JC and I just kind of happened. Trust me it was as big a shock for me as it probably was for you. But I did mean what I said that morning in Dunkin Donuts.” She waited a few seconds for him to respond, “Lance?”

“It’s just a shock that’s all, sorry to bother you.” He sadly walked away.

“Lance.” Izzy called out after him but he kept walking. She sighed and went into her room changing into more comfortable clothes and with a heavy heart, she went over to JC’s. He already had the lights dimmed, candles lit around the room and music softly playing in the background. She sat down on the bed and sighed. JC came over and sat down next to her,

“Hey baby, what’s wrong?”

“Lance just found out about us and he’s not to happy about it.”

“So what’s wrong with that?”

“Did I ever tell you that he asked me out?”


“Yeah, right after the awards show, but I turned him down.”

“Well that’s pretty obvious.”

“Can you be serious for a few minutes?”

“Sorry, it’s just that you’re so beautiful, I’m getting distracted.” He brushed away her hair and kissed her neck. She smiled,

“Okay, okay, Romeo. I just feel bad that’s all.” JC sighed and turned her to face him,

“Look, do you love Lance?”

“Huh? No! I love you.”

“And I love you, so Lance will just have to deal with that. I’m not giving you up just to make Lance happy.”

“I wasn’t saying that, I’m just saying that I feel bad for the kid.”

“Well,” JC said getting up from the bed and pulling out two glasses of wine, “I suggest we drink this wine and forget about Lance and deal with that in the morning, okay?” He finished handing Izzy the other glass.

“Okay.” She agreed.
