Chapter Eighty Four

JC came back from the worst performance of his life, never in his life had he forgotten so many words or been so off in his singing. The guys knew something went down when Izzy didn’t show up for the concert and JC barely even looked at Joey. They were all too scared to ask what happened. JC walked into his room and it seemed different from before, it took a minute to register. All of Izzy’s things were gone; she must have come in during the concert and taken them. JC sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands, how did this happen to them, just two days ago they were so happy and now everything was so different that he didn’t think anything could fix it.

Izzy walked out of Eric’s room trying to stretch her legs. It had been a whole twenty-four hours since she saw any of the guys. It was killing her inside to go away but she was just causing too much pain if she stayed. Lucy had made all the arrangements for her to stay at her brother’s for a while before heading back to Edwards for the rest of the summer before she left for Africa. Her professor had been so excited when she had called her to tell her that she wanted to come. It was the best for everyone that she went.

“Izzy?” Joey called to her and Izzy froze in place, “Izzy?! Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you!” He called out to her and she slowly turned to see Joey jogging over to her. Izzy backed up from his advances,

“Don’t come near me.” She said quietly and Joey stopped in front of her,

“What? Izzy it’s me, Joey. Why are you acting like this?”

“Just leave me alone. Stay away from me!” She yelled at him and he took a step towards her and she moved out of the way, “Go away Joey!”

JC walked out of his room when he heard yelling in the hall. His heart jumped up into his throat when he saw Joey and Izzy in the hall. Izzy looked like a frightened animal being backed into a corner.

“Izzy, please, what’s wrong?!” Joey cried with frustration,

“Why can’t you take a hint Joseph! I never want to see you again! I hate you! Leave me alone!”

“You don’t mean that Izzy, what’s made you like this?”

“You have.” She spat,

“Izzy.” JC said softly and Izzy’s head jerked in his direction, Joey took this moment to reach for Izzy and grabbed her around the waist.

“Joey let me go!” She said struggling,

“No, not till you talk to me!” He said and she stomped on his foot causing him to let got of her enough so that she could get away. She ran down the hall and Joey quickly followed, when they passed JC he took up the chase too. They ran down the hall to the stairwell and Izzy jumped down the long flights of stairs two at a time,

“Izzy! Come back!” Joey yelled,

“Izzy!” JC cried after Joey.

“Oh my God, that’s Joey and JC!” Girls screeched from the lower stairs and the rumble of a heard of feet floated up through the stairwell. It didn’t register with either man because they were so intent on getting to Izzy.

Izzy ran down the stairs till she was met by a hoard of young girls at the top of a flight of stairs. They quickly pushed her out of the way slamming her up against the concrete wall. She went to move past the girls but they were too eager and one pulled her out of the way. Izzy lost her balance and began to fall.

Joey and JC watched in terror as they saw her begin to tumble down the stairs. The young girls surrounded them and they couldn’t move or get near Izzy. All they could do is watch her fall and hear her scream. When Izzy hit the bottom she was silent and so was everyone else in the stairwell. The boys pushed past the horror stricken girls and raced to Izzy’s side,

“Izzy!” They both cried when they reached her limp body at the bottom of the stairs.
