Chapter Eighty Three

Joey laid on his bed and stared at his ceiling, he hadn’t heard from Izzy yet. He guessed that JC had taken to news well. He couldn’t believe that he was going to be a father again, in less than a year. Kelly was going to be pissed; he knew that, he hoped that he wouldn’t lose her or Brianna. He just couldn’t leave Izzy; he never could, no matter what happened. It was almost like she was a part of him; they were internally connected some how. I guess you could call it soul mates, but weren’t you supposed to marry your soul mate? Joey sighed and sat up, he really wanted to talk to Izzy, there was just something nagging him. The only thing was he didn’t want to interrupt anything between her and JC. He was sure that they wouldn’t mind too much. Joey got up and went down to JC’s door. He knocked and waited for someone to answer.

“Who the hell is it?” JC grumbled from the other side, Joey winced a little; guess he did interrupt something,

“Jace it’s me, Joey. Can I talk to Izzy?” The door suddenly swung open and JC’s fist flew at him, luckily Joey was able to duck and JC missed him,

“Whoa, what the hell was that for?” Then it hit him, ‘Shit’ he thought, ‘things didn’t go well.’

“Don’t play dumb, Fatone! You were one of my best friends!!! How could you do that to me!!” JC took another swing at him and Joey ducked again backing up from JC.

“JC, it was before she even knew you existed! You can’t blame us for something we did before she got involved with you!”

“Oh, I can’t blame you? How the hell am I supposed to trust you now? You both lied to me! For all I know you two could have been fucking all this time!” JC stopped swinging and sighed, “You can have her, Joey! I give up trying to compete with you! I won’t stand in your way anymore, so you and Izzy can go and do whatever.” He ended sadly, “Just do me a favor and leave me out of it, I don’t want to hear about anything.” He finished with his shoulders slumped down and went to close his door when Joey stopped him,

“C, Izzy loves you! She doesn’t love me like that!”

“Yeah well you could have fooled me. Do you want her stuff or is she going to pick it up later?”

“Izzy’s not here?”

“Of course not, she went running off to you! Like she always does! I’m just sorry it took me so long to realize it.”

“Izzy’s not with me, C. I thought that she was here with you.”

“I don’t know where she is and really I don’t care.” JC said closing his door and Joey was left staring at his door in the hall. Where the hell was Izzy? She must be really upset, why didn’t she come to see him? Joey dejectedly went back to his room and dialed up Izzy’s phone. It rang once and immediately picked up into her voicemail, which told him that she was on her phone somewhere.

Izzy laid there crying in the rain for what seemed like hours. She was soaked to the bone and she didn’t care. Izzy wanted to lie there and never get up. She simply wanted to disappear into oblivion. Her phone began ringing dropping her out of her thoughts. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it still sobbing,


“Izzy honey what’s wrong?” It was the one voice that couldn’t have come at a better time,

“Lucy! Everything’s wrong! Horribly, horribly wrong!” She sobbed into the phone.

“Honey what happened?” Izzy sobbed to Lucy the entire story.

“He hates me and I’ve never felt so alone in my life!” She cried to her big sister,

“Honey where are you?”

“I’m on the beach somewhere in San Diego, California.”

“It sounds like it’s raining, why are you outside?”

“I don’t have anywhere to go!” She sobbed,

“Isabella, you can’t stay out there in the rain, you have to think about that baby! You’re not alone anymore and you never will be. Where’s your hotel?”

“The Madison? I don’t know! Lucy, I just want to stay here!”

“Okay, you need to call Joey and have him come and get you.”

“No I don’t want to see Joey ever again! I don’t want to be here anymore, I want to go home!” She sobbed.

“Oh, baby, listen to what you’re saying. You’re being irrational, now get up off your ass and go back to that hotel!” Lucy told her sternly.

“Lucy, you don’t understand!”

“Fine then you stay there and I’m gonna come and get you.”

“No, Lucy, don’t come out here.”

“I’m only like twenty minutes away Iz.” She said softly.


“I’m out here in California visiting my brother. Stay where you are I’m coming right now.”

“Lucy, don’t.”

“You don’t have a choice. You need me and I’m coming for you. Which way did you run from the hotel?”

“I don’t know, I guess the right.” She said with her sobs dying,

“Look around is there anything near you?” Izzy looked around,

“The Radcliff, I’m right in front of it.”

“Okay, honey sit tight, I’ll be there in a few minutes. We’ll sort this all out okay honey?”


“You’re welcome. Hold on sweetie.” Lucy hung up the phone. Izzy stared silently for a little bit at the beach when she saw Lucy waving frantically at her.

“Lucy!” She cried and Lucy ran over to her and hugged her little sister.

“Sweetie you’re soaked to the bone. Come on we’re going to my car.” Lucy helped Izzy stand and walked back to her car. When they got into the car Lucy wrapped her in a blanket.

“I take it that Joey doesn’t know that you were out here?” She asked and Izzy shook her head, “Okay baby let’s get you back and into some dry clothes.” Lucy said driving away. Izzy just stared out her window shivering in her wet clothes. Her entire world was crumbling around her and she was helpless to stop it. JC hated her and would never talk to her again; none of the guys would talk to her either when they found out about her and Joey. And Joey, he could lose his baby girl and Kelly. It would be better for everyone if she just left quietly and went home.

“Izzy, we’re here, come on inside.” Lucy coaxed gently and Izzy shook her head,

“I don’t want to go in there, I’ve cause too much damage already. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.”

“You need to get some dry clothes on. Don’t make me call Joey down here to get you.” Izzy sighed and got out of the car. Lucy walked her into the hotel and went up the elevator, she had forgotten her key for it so they had to take it to a lower floor and take the stairs up. The bodyguards saw her and let her in with worried looks,

“You okay Izzy?” Izzy just nodded sadly and walked down the hall. She stopped suddenly and turned to Lucy,

“I don’t have a room, I was staying with JC, all my stuff’s in there.” Tears began welling up in her eyes.

“What about one of the other guys would they let you stay with them?” Izzy sunk to the floor,

“No, I don’t want to. I want to go home Lucy. I don’t want to be here anymore.” Lucy squatted in front of her,

“Everything’s going to be okay sweetie. You’ll see.” She said and one of the bodyguards approached them,

“Izzy, I couldn’t help but over hear, but if you need a place to stay you can stay in our room, it’s empty as of right now because we’re both on our shift for the rest of the night.” Izzy smiled through her tears at Eric,

“Thank you, Eric, you’re an angel.”

“Anytime Izzy.” He said handing her the key and helping her up. “Do you want me to get your stuff from JC’s room?”

“No, I’ll get it later. You’ve done enough.” Eric helped her to his room and let her in,

“We’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

“Thank you Eric.” Izzy said and closed the door. She sunk to the floor again and put her head in her hands,

“Why is everyone so nice to me? I’m a horrible person!” She cried and Lucy hugged her again,

“Baby, you’re not a horrible person, you just made a little mistake.”

“A little mistake?! My little mistake, messed up eight people’s lives! That’s not a little mistake!” Izzy’s phone started ringing and she tossed it across the room, “I want to be left alone!” She screamed more at the phone than Lucy.

“Honey, let’s go get you in that shower to warm you up.”

“Lucy, I don’t-”

“I don’t care what you want but I will not let you sit by and hurt your baby. It’s not the baby’s fault so why should you punish it?” Izzy sighed know that Lucy was right.

“Fine.” She said getting up slowly from the floor. Lucy got her showered and wrapped into a large fluffy robe. She tucked Izzy into bed and piled a couple of blankets on her.

“Try to get some rest while I take a shower and change, okay? I’ll be right back.” Lucy said and Izzy stared at the ceiling while she felt her stomach. ‘Well, baby, I guess it’s just going to be you and me from now on.’
