Old Updates

12.29.03 - Ho Ho Ho! I'm back! I know it's been awhile, but now I'm home with a new computer that's extra speedy! Hope to get some new chapters up and running soon! Sorry it's been like this! I won a rhythm award for best new authors but I can't find the link to the page . I'll figure it out later, but thanks to all who voted for me!

8.17.03-Hey I've been nominated at the Rhythm Awards!

7.18.03-Well it's been a while and I've been working! Yeah, I know, it sucks, but hey I've tried, but those pesky things like bills get in the way! I've changed things around on the Fiction page and added new websites that I've found that I think are the absolute bomb! They have up to the date info, which is very good! Also, I've heard clips off of JC's upcoming album and I've loved it so far I can't wait till it comes out...too bad it doesn't come out till October 21...why you gotta tease me boy?:)

6.12.03-Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of updates, I've been working on a couple of stories and I am almost done with a couple. So keep checking back with afor updates and new stories!

5.26.03-I now have internet at my ever living disposal and it is a wonderful thing! I already added two chapters to On the Road of Life and redid chapter sixteen. More to come so keep reading!

5.23.03-Alright now, I know a lot of you have wanted to see the ending of On the Road of Life and now school is over (YEAH!) for the summer! This means that all summer long I can work on the page and update it as much as I can! I'm trying to get that story up as soon as I can, but I will not be fully home and running until this weekend at least! So keep coming, I'm gonna be adding real soon! Thanks for reading!

2.15.03-Hello everyone! Sorry about the lack of updates but apparently people actually think that I'm at school to do work....So anyways I wrote a new story for you all (A Friend from the Past) and I'm working on On the Road of Life, it's just that I forgot to bring it home to put it up but hopefully soon enough I will get more of it posted....

1.3.03-Oh my God, yes this would be three days in a row...that has to be some kind of a record...man the good times just don't stop here, I've been nominated!!! Thank you to who ever did it! You rock my little pop world!

1.2.03-Holy Shit! Yes folks it's another update from yours truely! Just writing to say that I added a new short story again, this one is called..."The Studio"

1.1.03-HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! In celebration of the New Year, I've decided that this place needed a new look....Also I added a new short story, "You Were Mine"....

12.20.02-Guess who's back on the block! Oh yeah I've got something for all of y'all....

11.22.02-Hey y'all!!! I've missed all of this soooo much and maybe I'll actually get internet instead of waiting till I get home to update my page here. I have been writing but school work seems to get in the way of it....But in a perfect world....

10.18.02-Wow talk about a long time since I wrote here.....Grad school is taking up a lot of my time right now and I really don't have internet access so you'll have to bear with me and I might only be able to write when I get my breaks and I'm home....Till then send me an e-mail and I'll get you that way...

8.22.02-Okay this is the date that I think it is...I haven't slept in a while and the days just begin to blur together. This is what happens when you forget to go to sleep, yes the beauty of ADD...Anyways the REAL reason for this update (Jesus I'm surprised that I'm even typing straight) I FINISHED When you least expect!!! It's all done! I'm very proud of this story so please send me your feed back on it! Thanks! I do believe it's time for LE to get some much deserved sleep.....zzzzzzzz

8.11.02-Sorry for the lack of attention to the page lately. I've been running around trying finish up a ton of other projects that people actually expect me to do...really me and deadlines don't mix, it's just asking for trouble, don't these people realize that? Well anyways I completed chapters 73-84 in 'When you least expect' and I have been working on 'On the road of life' hopefully I can finish both of them up before I go back to school!

7.31.02-Hey, hey, hey, long time no see! I've been working, yes I finally got a stupid ass job so I can't update as much as I would like to...I got chapters 62-72 up on When you least expect...Also I would love to give mad props to the people who voted that I should become Miss America, you rock my world!!!

7.08.02-Look at that two updates in a week! I am the bomb. Well I posted chapters 35-62 on When you least expect, a little motivation and a lot of coffee go a long way...

7.06.02-Alrighty then, look at that, like a month has passed and I haven't written an upsdate, because I KNOW that's why y'all keep on coming back here. Well I updated When you least expect, editing and changing things around and adding chapters 32-34 with more to come on the way. Also I added a chapter to On the road of life too. I do believe that I added to the picture section too.

6.16.02-You want more?!?! You get more!!! I added more pictures to Justin's gallery and a whole new gallery to JC! Plus chapters 29-31 are posted for 'When you lest expect'. I'd like to thank all of you who have left me comments and signed my guest book, I love feedback!!! It helps me give you want you want! So keep it coming!!!

6.12.02-Ask and ye shall receive!!! I've added a lot of chapters to When you least expect and lots of new pictures for you web folk out there! I would like to give a shout out to my girl Marcy who posted my website on Kiwibox.com and VH1.com and jumped my counter up about 300 hits. You rock girl, love you!! I also added a new portion to the pictures, the mystery nsync member! Check it out! For those of you who voted in my polls so far thank you!! It seems we all want Izzy to get with JC in When you least expect, which means I might have to change a few things....

6.02.02-Well I still don't have a job{LE jumps in the air and shakes her booty doing a victiory dance}, so I have been working really hard on this page, espcially the stories and I do believe that I may have one of them finished soon. Like in the next week or so, but no promises because who knows what could come up, like my mother nagging me into getting a job for the summer. I mistakenly thought that this was my summer vacation, boy did she set me straight... Well I did revamp the page a bit, added some new polls, please vote I want to know what you think!!! Especially in the "When you least expect" Poll, and I added new pictures, as well as dividing up the picture pages so that they load up easier for your viewing pleasure. Umm, let me think, what else, what else, I got to make out with JC, ha ha made you look... I think that was it, oh yeah if you want to IM me, if you have aol, my name is Terpsichorean69, don't ask, it's a long story....

5.23.02-I am officially graduated from college!!! And I'm still recovering from my celebration. Which is why I haven't had an update in a long time, almost a month. I know all two of you who look at my page are really sad...Well I added a short fiction section and I have two of them as of right now. Plus I am really working hard to finish up "When you least expect" and "On the Road of Life" Trust me it's all in my head and now since I don't have a job I have plenty of time to type them up and get them up on here. So stay tune for more stuff to come!!!!

4.28.02-Today is the last day of the lastest Nsync tour{tear}. Well I moved things around on the webpage to make it a little easier for y'all to move around on it and taking out crap that you don't want to see. I've been working on the stories and soon I will have them finished, I swear. Soon I will have graduated and will have all summer to work on the page before I am trapped into work of graduate school...

4.13.02-I went to the Nsync concert in Buffalo! Read all about it here!

4.02.02-I got into grad school! I got into grad school! I got into grad school! I got into grad school! {LE does a little dance} I have a future folks!!! I don't have to go into the real world just yet! No Burger King for me baby! Whoo hoo!!!!

3.25.02-Whoo! Talk about changes! I moved my page around on anglefire for fun! Yeah that's it... I made up new picture galleries for each of the guys and I added more chapters to "When you least expect...". I hope to finish that soon along with On the Road of Life.... Maybe I should just give myself a deadline and it would get done, then again maybe not...

3.02.02-Hello! Boy have I been busy around here, I swear seniors should not have to work this hard! I've been trying to get more of the stories written, but I have seemed to have form some sort of a writer's block. I wrote a couple more chapters to "When you least expect" and I added more pictures to the galleries!

1.31.02-Yeah, what's going on? Nothing much is going on... As you can see from the page, I'm trying to finish up some of the stories but my brain is just not cooperating... So hopefully I will be able to get something done and up for all of you who are reading my stories!

1.8.02-Okay so I might actually get my act together and finish up On the Road of Life while I'm on break from school...might is the objectable word in that phrase...Anyhoo, I put some more pictures up in the galleries. And it looks like I might have to start galleries for the other guys of the band....

1.4.02-HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Well I hope everyone had fun and I know I've added to stories and had more updates but hey I forget. So yeah I finished Forever an Angel and I'm working on 'On the Road of Life'. Also I added more pictures to the gallery!

12.4.01-Penis, penis, penis, vagina, vagina, vagina! Hola everybody, just wanted to say that I added to OtRoL and also to When you Least Expect!

11.26.01-Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I added a story on from one of my friends and I added a picture gallery!

11.19.2001-Waz up G? Sorry it's the beginning of ghetto week here at school. I gots more chapters up in "On the Road of Life", enjoy!

11.18.2001-Okay everyone I just wanted to tell all of you this realization that I just had, BOYS ARE DUMB, MAD DUMB!!!!! Really I knew that they didn't have anything upstairs, but really how dumb can boys be? Also anything can be blamed on a boy, ANYTHING! If they have a penis then they can be blamed for things!

11.16.2001-Hey everyone, I added new chapters to "On the Road of Life" and "When you Least Expect". I have a lot of work to do so I don't know when the next batch of chapters will be up but hopefully I will get the time soon!!!!

11.14.2001-Welcome to the grand opening of Lady Emorah's Nysync Fan Fiction Site. Look around and have lots of fun!