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Welcome to Spastic Writings. This is my Nsync inspired fan fiction page. Nsync has been such an inspiration to me, in many aspects of my life, for a very long time. In fact, it's been so long, that it was before there even was an Nsync. JC and Justin were inspiring me way back in their MMC days. So sit back, relax, grab a snack, and let me tell you a tale. Some of them are of friendship, of love and romance, some of heartbreak, and some are just so out there I don't even think there is a category to describe them.

Just so no one is confused, I am not one of the members of Nsync, do not know them personally, and have, in fact, never even met them. The closest I have come are a few concerts and sitting in my living room watching them on TV. All the characters and events in any of my stories are fictional and any references to persons, real or deceased, is by complete coincidence (with the exception of the members of Nsync). Furthermore, I don't know what any given member would say or how they would react to different situations in the real world. All I know of their personalities is what they allow me to see during concerts, interviews, and tv appearances. This is fiction people, and not to be taken seriously.

With that all said, I hope you enjoy. Laugh, cry, smile, frown. Stories are supposed to evoke emotions. They're supposed to get inside of you and touch something deep down, in some emotional or spiritual way. They're suppose to take you out of the real world for awhile and transport you to some other time and place, some other world. I hope mine do in some way.

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