An apple has been cut once in two pieces, but only one half of it has remained forgotten on the corner of a table, to miss the other one. And the days were passing by and the wound of the separation from the other half was getting darker draining away its juices and the apple half became smaller day by day, melting away for missing and for sadness.
        One day, a child felt sorry for the apple half and, wanting to give it back the splendid roundness, cut another apple and tried to give the tired apple half to the embrace of the strong and juicy one. But for the half that was so hurt for missing, it was already too late. It had no more strength to be born a second time from the sweet light of the other one. She was cuddling against the chest of the big half, discovering love again in its tender touch, but she was dying day by day, becoming smaller and smaller, till she remained only two little kernels that joined the other half's ones, in the same heart-shaped case.
        The legend says that it's since then that the apple kernels are sweet and their taste reminds the mysterious perfume of love.

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