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       Last night when I was sleeping, God came into my room. He should have entered the open window, together with the fragrances of the spring night, because I didn’t hear His steps, but only saw Him standing in front of me, holding a moon core in His hand while His eyes were full of tears.
        - God, are you crying? I asked. Why, God, and what do Your tears mean for us, the mere mortals?
        God sadly answered to me:
        - The human souls get lost running too eagerly for insignificant things and they forget day by day to be human. I wanted to give them this moon core expecting them to share its brightness with the others. Some could only think about selling it for much money, others just wanted to expose it in a public place to be seen by as many people as possible… and I felt like crying seeing they had lost so much the sense of the pure and simple things, that they do not even understood what I was expecting from them. If I gave it to you, what would you do with it?
        Watching the core of moon in God’s hand, I saw myself in it, like in a mirror, I saw that fragile and untouchable image of my soul, that one which human beings only once in a life time, and only to their true soulmate can give…
        … and then I knew what I was going to do with it. I knew I would hang it on my neck with a rainfall thread and that I would walk barefeet till the edge of the world, wearing it as a talisman. And that, along the world, I would gather in it the golden heat of the desert, the bitter rustle of the sea, the blue freshness of the mountain peaks crowned by clouds, the quiet green of the long silent fields, I knew I would caress it with winters and summers and springs and falls and droughts and rainfalls and suns and snows and that when I come back, my talisman would be richer with a grass perfume wrapped in a light mist in which a salted sea drop and a small grain of sand would be felt.
        And I knew that when I was going to come back, my soles still covered by the dust of the world’s ways, I would call it LOVE and during a long night, I will kneel in front of it, in a prayer without word, whisper or thought. And that in the sleepless paleness of the dawn I would melt away in it while it would melt away in me… and then it would be enough to reach out for my beloved and he would be there to drink moon water from the cup of my palms.
        "But where are You, God? Why did You leave? Please come back and let me tell You what I would do with the core of moon if You gave it to me… Please, God, come back…

        I had not seen when God had left, and I could not tell Him anything about what I would have done with the moon core… My divine dream was ending in crying and I woke up in the morning, my eyes full of tears.

        … but I was really holding a moon core in my hands.


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Romanian version

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