There are many lands in the world. People’s, eyes’, soul’s lands.
     People’s lands are those where people born, love and die, every one in their land, maybe dreaming of reaching other lands some day as well. And this is how the eyes’ lands are born, those who fill the daydreams in front of some picture that seems to depict a corner of paradise. And when the sleep closes the eyes already too tired of wandering, the soul slips into his secret lands belonging only to the sleep, where the daydreams get new and fantastic depths.
        But not all lands are inhabited. Neither people’s. nor eyes’ or souls’. There are nobody’s lands as well.
     In people’s world, the nobody’s lands are different for everybody. Because they are not, as one would think, the ones you could never reach. But, they are those where one has once been; the ones where the desire to go back one day is as strong as the one to never return.
     The eyes’ lands are of nobody when they are meant to stay only nice color pictures, always lifeless, because they will always belong only to the others; to the ones that inhabit them and to them that once will reach them.
     And there are the nobody’s lands that we all carry in our soul. The lands that seem to be deserted, but that are inhabited by someone we never know from before. Someone we search for all our life, knowing we have an only chance: to find him or to stay forever alone.  

The nobody’s land within my soul is an island with white rocks and golden beaches at the edge of an infinitely blue sea. On that island I run in my secret dreams on the soul’s ways, under the giant palm trees, searching its secret inhabitant that may, one day, come from the other end of the way I would walk towards him.
     The inhabitant of the nobody’s island of my soul is the one that may be looking for me. The one that may be waiting for me. The one that… maybe exists.


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