I used to walk on the rainbow. I used to get drunk with its height, when we were kissing each other under the blessing of the divine moment. But I didn’t know how easy I could make a wrong step and slip away, neither did I know how fast I was going to fall. And here I am now, helplessly looking up, behind, to the peak of light where you have remained.

          I search back in my memory, for the moment when you last told me “I love you”. I don’t see that specific moment since then it was only a little part of a bunch of light and love. But I understand now that, if I knew it would be the last time, I would have carefully collected your words together, adorning them with stars.

        But now it’s late. I have fallen from the rainbow and from love. All that was left for me is this petal of light that grasped on my hair as I was falling. This is the only one that could possibly return in the light where you still stay, bringing you back a sign from me. And that is why I now write on it a few lines to you.

          You have never forgiven me anything, no matter how much I would have liked you to tell me, while wrapping your arms around me, that you love and forgive me; and now I have to accept my defeat of having to go away, because I can no more carry with me this guilt. And I just hope that, if it’s for the last time before leaving your life and memory for good, you will forgive me.

        I beg for your forgiveness because I lied to you. I lied to you the day when I understood that you hurt those whose love you don’t want, although this love pretends nothing from you. And because I could not bear your hurt anymore, I had to lie that I stopped loving you, thus winning the peace to love you in secret, in whisper and in silence, without you knowing it. And now I dare to say it, because I know that if ever the petal of light carrying my last letter will ever reach you, I will be already far away, in another season, and you will not be able to hurt me again, for having loved you more than you wanted me to.

        The last night I dreamed by your side, I laid roses on your forehead.  I left wearing for real your good bye gift, the crowns you have made for me, out of their thorns.


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