It has been a long time since I haven’t known you anymore, quiet. I lost you long time ago, you forgot me   long time ago, it has been a long time since I haven’t found anymore the way to you.
        I uselessly look for you over the horizons, till my eyes ache because of the distance, sitting on the edges of unquiet blue waters, in the sunset… I uselessly pray the trees; not even their whisper can bring you to me again, like in the old times, when to get you coming, it was enough to call you in my mind…. I uselessly call for you with voice of young springtime or tired autumn… You don’t come, you don’t come any longer… You left me all alone with the trembling thrills of the kind sunsets of ending summer, with all those ways which lead to you but never reach you, because they get lost under the carpet made of faded leaves, remained from the past autumn…
        I miss you, quiet, I miss you like crazy, in this autumn which gently flows in my blood like a love whisper…
        I love you, quiet… and I wait for you. But till when you are meant to come, now, in this fragile dying August, I dedicate you, quiet, my restlessness.

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Romanian version

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