Artwork : "Once in a blue moon" by Josephine Wall


          The silence is the fragile and delicate soul of a fantastic and pure world. It is what is vibrating in the air between the snail’s horns and the fallen leaf when the little creature wants to kiss the tree’s gift. It is what breaks the moon in silver pieces to adorn with them the springs’ water in the night, when the deers are coming to drink light. It is the trace let in the sea’s waves by the slipping steps of the blue fishes.
        Only a pen dipped in love can write about the silence’s land.  There, the light is young and happy and there’s so much sunlight that the sunflower doesn’t know where to turn around, while the birds’ shadows step on the leaves’ shadows with shadows of rustle. In the silence’s land birds sing only in thought and flowers bloom only in thought, without whisper, without rustle, under the dizzy rays of the day, as a huge diamond shining in thousands of rainbows. In the silence’s land the clouds keep the finger on their lips and the rain is only a whisper. It never snows because there is no winter in the silence’s land, but the heaven’s powder scattered from the angels’ wings sometimes drops on the eternally green grass a fragile snow, troubled as a bride’s breath.

        But where is the silence?…

        It’s born again and again at the eastern edge of this land, as a living water.
        There is the silence’s craddle: at the rosy boundary of the sleep, behind the closed eyelids.

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