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Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.


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site updated June 3, 2003

A Memorial to Diana, Princess of Wales
Perspectives on Princess Diana
Remembering The Princess
Remembering, Part II
Remembering, Part III
Remembering, Part IV
Remembering, Part V
The World Wept
Goodbye to Our Princess
Prince William, Diana's Son
The Future King of England
Selected Poems
Links to Personal Tributes to the Princess
Links to Official Sites on Diana's Life and Work
Royal Union

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Copyright JCQ 2003 - 2004

Photos and text on these pages are not for commercial use or profit. The photograph copyrights belong to the photographers, and if any photograph's copyright-holder objects to the use of a photograph, that photograph will be removed.
