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July 1, 1961 - August 31, 1997


hear The Commendation, The Very Reverend Dr. Wesley Carr, Dean of Westminster

This memorial is in honor of Diana, Princess of Wales, her sons Prince William and Prince Harry, the entire Spencer family, and all those around the world who loved Diana. The Princess's memory will remain in our hearts and minds forever.

Diana, may you rest in peace, rise in glory, and with God's peace and love forevermore abide.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three:
but the greatest of these is love.
As we remember Princess Diana's compassion for others,
We pray that we too may be inspired to serve as she served.
Lord, we thank you for Diana's commitment to others.
Give us the same compassion and commitment.
Give us a steadfast heart, which no unworthy thought
can drag down;
An unconquered heart, which no tribulation
can wear out;
An upright heart, which no unworthy purpose
can tempt aside.
Grant us, O Lord, understanding to know you,
Diligence to seek you,
Wisdom to find you, and a
Faithfulness that may bring us to your
Eternal Kingdom.

Lord of the compassionate, hear our prayer.
Remember me O Lord, when you come into your kingdom.
Give rest O Lord to your handmaid, who has fallen asleep.
The choir of saints have found the well-spring of life, and door of paradise.
Life: a shadow and a dream.
Weeping at the grave creates the song:
Alleluia. Come, enjoy rewards and crowns I have prepared for you.



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