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This page will be for thoughts even though I will not be here every day. Some days up and other down, as life generally goes that way for us all no matter what we project to the public in every day life. Why go in smiles if they are not true? Why not let people see you as you are? Why hide behind that clowns face that is of no color, all fake. This page is for all the lonely people out there that needs a hug and understanding. I will do my best to give my time for you and all I can. Shall be back soon.......



Sharing ideas, with thoughts, For we all have plenty of them
Express them out loud, For in me, You can find a friend.
Sharing thoughts, are of value, And of giving helping hands.
Sharing smiles from the heart, Reaching through out these lands.
Sharing travels down the road of life, As bumps and blocks fall in the way.
Together we can go forward.Listening to all, understanding in what they say!

Adina N. October 6th 1998


When I met you, I had no idea
How much my life was
About to be changed.
But then, how could I have known?
A love like ours happens.
Once in a lifetime
You were a miracle to me.
The one who was everything
I had ever dreamed of.
The one I thought existed
only in my imagination.
When you came into my life,
I relized that what I had always
Thought was happiness
Couldn't compare to the joy of
Lovings you brought me.
You are a part of everything
I think and do and feel.
With you by my side,
I believe that anything is possible.
For the miracle of you.
You are, and always will be
The LOVE of MY LIFE!!!

(Linda Lee Elrod)


You can't compare anything with a gentle smile
Smiles can mean so much to every different love.
It brings the light to the day
So, come on and give your friends a smile.

Now, everyone has a gifted smile
So, don't you let it run and hide.
Become so proud and high of what you have
Share it with everyone you meet.
People hat to live in gloom
But, that is how we seem to live.
Everywhere you walk, you always see a frown
So, let's turn it round and round and get it up.

A smile is like a great big hug
Or that's what people tend to say!
Why is a smile measured out in tears?
When happiness is measured by a smile.
Everyone has a smile, so use it as you can.
No one who walks this land
Owns the right to the smiles.
A smile is free and comes from the heart.

Share a smile with lovers and friends
Like no other person can.
Show them your glowing smile
And tell them you really care.
Yet, smiling is the only cure to sadness
Through the waves of time.
Let's take the time we've made
To dance our smiles out across the universe.

As our smiles drift the open spaces
Bouncing from star to star.
The people back on our world
Lend all their helping hands
To unite as links in a chain.

I wanna see you smile
Come on and give me a smile.
All I want is to see you smile
Show me that beautiful smile.



" As winter's cooling breath settles over the land.
The petals of flowers, slowly float down to the floor.
Life becomes extinct, yet so dormant.
Whispering willows no longer speak with heat.
As my life has become like that innocent petal.
Now, dying one the soil that once provided life. "

Nowhere Man 10/11/1998

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 6th 1998

As I pour my thoughts out into this sieve, they are filtered with careful love. The one that lays heavy remains at the bottom. I take it out! Close my eyes and place next to my heart, feeling and trying to work out the lumps. This thought is of YOU! The one whom is reading the message NOW!...First I feel you think..What a weirdo.(True I might be). Then either you are intriged to go on or leave! That is your choice! E-MAIL with any thoughts if you care or dare!! *§MILE§*

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 7th 1998

LOVE is when your heart can not hide and insist that you give all, forever, with no thoughts backwards!!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 8th 1998

The rain falls heavy today as the Autumn colors start to take foliage over, the winds breaths life to the dances of leaves, gentle placing them back on ground. The harvest moon shine brightly to gather summer's doings to make cold and short the days. Licking at our faces the stinging winds reminds us the coldness that will follow soon. Fuelling the winter's fires we go with smiles!!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 11th 1998

(Received via anonymous email)

What we see of life, is what we imagine our dreams. Our dreams are what keeps us keeping on through life. Other than our dreams, it is important to have love somewhere in your life.

The most horrific feeling is to love someone, but not being able to be with them, being able to contact them to show how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Your mind just fills with meandering thoughts of facing loneliness. Not knowing what has happened, so the worst is sought. The bitter taste rapidly fills the mouth. All the mind can think is how loneliness is unfair and so cruel.

The mind starts to ask that of forgiveness from your lover, where ever they may be. You feel yourself drifting away into the realms of the universe. Thoughts become vivid on how to live in peace without the hassles faced day in and day out. The clouds look so inviting, just to float up and be a part of them as one; waiting!
Yet, always the feelings that dwell inside inside the heart and soul are greater that the thoughts created. You can just feel what your love is feeling. The everlasting sweet tastes of passionate kisses, the gentle soothing touches. Your emotions are so in tune, that in a way you know if anything is wrong with the other and loneliness, is only in that of the physical attribute. All good things happen to those who wait.
REMEMBER, loneliness is something you can change! There is a person out there who is for you! You just have to find them. Find the comfort in love, that will squash any feelings of loneliness. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY! Never let anyone take that chance away from you! Happiness is the greatest gift anyone can give to any other. Never let that be denied as the life within you will die, as there will be no meaning to live life,as you walk round in a coma!!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 13th 1998

The sun brings forth another day! As I turn over! My night dreams come to an end! Existing in a world of loneliness. The tears whelming up inside, for there is no warmth with in my reach! No dreams alive beside me. Myself; torture takes hold of my mind again to pierce thy heart, of even desiring a love so pure. Do I deserve such beauty? Can I ever match such qualities? The tears roll through and try to wash the heart, but to only drown all emotions. Swimming in these rivers of tears, I search for my breaths to bring me afloat. The day tickings go by so slowly, drifting among the banks of life. I grasp for any possible help. For the raging rapids are in full force now, rolling me in bashing tumbles. The sharp rocks batter and bruise me!! The cuts go deep within, as I pour my life in the water, the currents pull and pull me outwards as the shores are no longer in sight. The darkness of below becomes inviting for the pain is so unbearable! I wish for the finale`; everlasting dreams, never to awaken to the following day. Darkness has better things to promise!!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 13th 1998

(Received via anonymous email)

"If I was to die today and come back as anyone thing; it would be your tears, for I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and fade on your lips!!"

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 17th 1998

(Dr. Jason O'Sonnet)

" To love, one must first be able to love themselves as well as love their friends with comfort. No conditions binding what one feels. That is the first step towards purity in love with a lover. Each one will water each others desires, so the love dwelling inside will bloom and flourish. To love a lover, there must be conditions set. As these conditions are overcome and succeed, then the love is PURE and REAL. For then love is unconditional as life will be filled with choppy seas, that love will shine through. LOVE WILL NEVER DIE IN THE LIFETIME OR THE ETERNAL LIFE. Work out your problems, as nothing can compare to the beauty and serenity of LOVE."

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 19th 1998

(unknown: An Aussie)>>>----> Mulder

"The greatest compliment that can be received by someone is a smile with a FUTURE ON IT!!"

"I keep hoping one day I'll awaken and somehow he'll be lying by my side; as I wonder if the dawn is really breaking, he touches me and suddenly I'm alive!!"

"And we climb and climb and at the top we fly, letting the world go on below us, we are lost in time. I don't know really what it means! All I know is that HE LOVES ME. Even in my dreams!"

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 20th 1998

( Nowhere Man )

"Here we dwell inside a form of matter that makes our bodies. Our technology has advanced and can repair or create so called extra parts for us. Yet, the mind is something we can not begin to understand. The torment and torture a person can inflict upon themselves. Witnessing this, just leads you to an area of your mind so frustrating. Nothing one can do or can try to do. This is so saddening to see in a lover. Your motives, your motions are at a stand still. The body freezes. There is nothing worse. You inflict pain upon yourself for being unable to help! You blame your own actions that led to this event. You feel as if you have failed them. Also, the feeling of abandonment enters. What else can you do! Seeing them wilter away before your very eyes. No human can endure this. The pain is great and yet continues to build as your words from your heart seem to hit the wall the build at that time. Remember that living is always easy with your eyes closed.

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 20th 1998

(Dr. Jason O'Sonnet)

" To love is to share the same compassion and to be able to reason and see the others point of view. Rapid waters occur when there is a communication breakdown. Love becomes a hard road to hoe. Now, love becomes DEADLY. Even the strongest of loves will be continuously hit as minds become opaque. As now it is all determined on how you work out your differences through communications."

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 21st 1998


Did you teach your lessons so well? That I went wildly into love with desires to know and feel, then become confused even with the emotion of love within my heart! I really don't know anymore! AM I? DO I? CAN I? Please I am crying out, don't juggle my emotions, don't throw my heart as a boomerang! Saying I love you, "BUT LET IT DIE!!" Letting the past go into darkness, and just looking upon your heart and your soul! I feel and see love within us both, so pure, so real, so ALMIGHTY! Love that can never go anywhere else, for in you I have found the securities of myself. COMFORT! Things that even I am nervous about you calm, soothe, and caress, with gentle tenderness! To let fly to the highest, high!! My last breath here on earth, is the first breath in ENTERNITY WITH YOU! Do people roll on life planes so easy as a spoiled child? to get what they wanted and become bored and cast aside! Or give up the battle because of thinking what others will whisper! Thinking you would rather break the future of the other than to go into failure! Are dreams just dreams; that you make so high above the skies, that when not in your grasp, you abandon, rather than to take the slipping fall holding the lovers hand. Is true love not worth the life time spans! To go melt all barriers and walk over and above them, within the other loves power! Are hopes, fears and happiness pure emotions that are so real, that they are not worth dying for, no matter what! What purpose is there in falling "IN LOVE", if you can not give love physically? Can another have a loving heart of answering one's prayers before their deaths? As the hands spin around, the days find the nights, as nights dawns a new day. Will love go into numbness, or EXPLODE INTO THE FUTURE! The past in love may build a Loving Future!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 24th 1998

(John Sinclair)

"Apathy just won't do it anymore!Things in our lives don't always work out the way we planned them. So what?? Just get down from your high horse and try again! Yet, there are scums roaming out there looking to do others harm for their failures. They always shall be knocked back down as we gain in strength and determination. It is so amazing how one aspect of our mind can push you so hard with the forces of strength and determination. Fear, Hunger and Love all are major elements in the controlling of our strengths and determinations. With these attributes, apathy will die and the fight for dreams will persist and will eventually eventuate if the will to succeed is present."

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 25th 1998


As the day falls on me. This has been one of the longest day of my life! With adding that hour within these days, of day-light savings. That hour of pain; in waiting and wanting and needing is hard enough, less alone to relive it again!! The oceans tides are high on the fishing decks! And even the fishermen did not enjoy the extra hour. For the spray of the salty water burns their lines that cut deeply. The boats rocked hard in thier docks! The winter winds are finding their way through the incoming waves again. I have stilled my heart on the summers tides. Now the moon rises them over me! My blood runs cold, as the shots of the distant lightening shocks me. "Fear Not" the voice says, in my heart "For I am with You.." I relax and let life rise above me and swallow me whole! The last thing I feel is my feet losing the ground beneath me! ...LOVE LIFTS ME UP TO THE SKIES AGAIN... He was born just for me as I was for him. Where have we else to go?

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 28th 1998

(Mean Mr. Mustard)

We all must meander within this void we call OUR WORLD! Situations roll in as waves caress ocean shores. Incidents cause these vicious reactions within the mind and soul. No control or sorrow shown towards the people who stood themselves in your way to protect your depressing thoughts. Blue mist crosses your path. There is no worries with the mist, yet the under world worms licks at your bones. There is no turning back! Your soul captured by the onset of the after life. From a time of help given; being able too. To a time of awaiting your destiny. All things must pass! Just some sooner than others. But, we all have to deal with it. We can not just turn our backs as the pain RIPS away at your heart. ACCEPT! Or be another number on a forever growing list!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 29th 1998


What have I done or will do? How far does my mind sink into this gloom? The stress of wanting to complete desires of the heart, becomes DEADLY!!! For without; I have no reasons!!!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 30th 1998

As I slide on the razor edge, I am I am!!! I BLEED!! I DO! I DO! Bleeding to both sides; which side flows thicker? Before or the END!! I AM! I AM! Which flows more freely? IT DOES IT DOES!! As I watch my blood run, I go into numbness. For it becomes painless upon me. I DO! I DO!! For I am NOTHING LOVE!! With out YOU! With out YOU!

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 31st 1998

(Dennis O'Bell)

For now the soul is raptured. Once captured and tamed from the lights of the concrete jungle. The reigns have fallen away and the shackles fallen to the floor below. Endless thoughts meander through the waters of the cranium. Answers are elusive, yet questions are from people in confusion. Is this soul confused? They say " good things come to those who wait." This sould finds time is so precious. Yet, situations arise from every which way without meaning or sense. Lively stakes are placed on the line to dry. The risks build for reasons that human shall never know. This soul has lost control as it flows like endless rain into a paper cup. What is next for this soul? LIFE or DEATH?

THOUGHT for OCTOBER 31st 1998

(Love's time zones)

As your day is my future, YOU walk before me! Looking at the time...That we will spend in the PRESENT!


(David Peel)

"Where ever I go, I will be taken to your heart. As you reveal all your secret mysteries to me. When ever I am near you, I lay in your arms, feeling the warmth of love calling out to my heart. I've got to follow my love as my love holds my heart!"


(The Fool On The Hill)

" Isn't it time we stopped the charade of ignorance? Especially the men of this sphere we call Mother Earth. Mother Superior may have jumped the gun, but there is no need for the pigheaded, egotistical, stereotypical ignorance to be used on women. Use intoxication as an excuse, to become frisky and torture woman. Everyone is the same! Maybe woman should be held in a higher regard. Just wake up to your foolish anicdotes. Stop epitomizing yourself. Show respect where respect is due! THINK!!!


(Nowhere Man)

" Dreams are lived in our lives. Without dreams, we have no lives."


(Angel - ICQ)

" We do not live if we do not live to love. "


(Received Via Anonymous Email)

" The more people ask questions, the more they are lost in confusion. The more you stop, the more the door keeps on moving. The lesson to be learnt, is that you stop to make plans, then life will pass you by. You can never re-capture lost moments."



Thinkings on the days gone past and a vivid dream I had. How can one define the taste and smell of love? " As I approach you from behind, the air warms. My senses come alive with sweet smells of your body, as the nectar of honeysuckles lingers in my nostrils! The heat of your body rises the aroma, making the smell stay in air as if carried by the evening summer showers!! As my lips touch the soft flesh of yours. They melt into the pure taste of love that hangs to the corners of the mouth. PURE AMBROSIA!! Like nothing I have ever smelt nor tasted before in my life. MY GOD! Your love even enters into my unknowing senses and becomes a gentle APHRODISIAC!!!" I awaken to the smell that appears all day in the breeze as I feel you sweep pass my inner being! That sweet smell of success can never compare to the sweet smell of LOVE that has forever entered my mind, nor the taste ever be as inviting...LOVE IS REAL AND PURE in all ways!!


(Nowhere Man)

" What is of life? When you can't even beheld or comfort the one you love. What cruelty is this? Why do people intentionally involve themselves to stop you and your love? To hell with it! There are people out there who are more POWERFUL than any chicken hidng behind a gun or others doing their dirty work. The gift of words can bond and form a chain that will never break! It will only lead to the doom of these people! HAPPINESS MAYBE A WARM GUN, but LOVE is so unearthly with it's power. YOU CAN NEVER TEMPER WITH LOVE, AS LOVE WILL THEN HARM YOU. " I spread these words, as I know what this is like. Love will win in the end, even if it is taken to the eternal life. Living or Dead, love will conquer all in its way!


( ME )

Crawl before walking: A must for stable grounds.
Learn before teaching: A must for stable knowledge.
Thought process before action: A must for stable outcome!

We all have highs and lows! The greatest task is to be in them simultaneously. This is called confusion! Tearing you apart, not knowing which way to fall. My GOD! I cry out!! Silence in this matter is so deadly!! No room for even one of the slightest mistakes. The weight of LOVE is heavy! Whom am I to make judgments on love? We all try to live that dream of happily ever after. What love has not gone that way? What was their justice? Do we even know the feeling and still breath to speak of this?..........................Looking into those loving endless skies of blue, the tears take over and flow non-stop. Swimming in the pools of sorrow! To become the keeper of another's heart in distance is HARD and HEAVY! When you don't even know how to keep your own safety! The love so strong, but held in captivity by powers beyond our control. Our paths crossed in mid-stream. No going back now!! You keep me from drowning. What awaits on distance shores? The rising or setting of the sun? I can not predict. As I fear the worst!!

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This page was edited by NOWHERE MAN.
