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This is the second thoughts page. Unfortunately, I ran into a small technical problem with a lack of space. Fortunately, I have it all under control now and the page will roll on like the thoughts roll from people's lips.

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 11th 1998

( ??ME?? )

As I watch the family members enter the door of the wailing home. The lost of a family member is hard at any cost and any reason. As we, the young take life for granted, thinking we are untouchable with super human strength. Life is snapped away with in a blink of an eye at any age, any time, for many reasons!! We question the reasons why? Even when the person is of many years. Today I was touched by watching the lost of a father by his children. As I listen to the conversations of the family and people who knew him. I wonder why I did not see this person as they did. I know! I did not know him as his children did; but had grown in smiles with him in a few years times. The Funeral director knew him well and was comparing his children to him. Knowing that nothing but good things would be expressed. As they looked and chose the arrangements, my mind floods back to the past. Tears fill my eyes, for all the lost loves that have came in and out of these doors. It takes special people to hold these jobs (Funeral Director). I am thankful for them. Veteran L. L. Harris. Dec. 28th. 1921 to Nov. 10th 1998!! REST IN PEACE

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 11th 1998

( Nowhere Man )

There are wars that are needed and there are wars that should never of happened. We can't turn back the clock to bring back those souls who fought to defend their country and died in peril to the callous actions of war. Many veterans walk in the marches, carrying promises to mates now no longer with us. THE OATH OF A SOLIDER some call it. These memories haunt most of them, yet they keep the promise they made. We must not forget what these veterans went through for us! Nor the families out there, whom no longer have a member to celebrate special occasions as well as everyday life with. Dogs raise muzzles in mute salute to these veterans and hero's! So should WE!! Take the time to learn the importance of REMEMBERANCE DAY and your own countries reflection day. Don't disgrace the veterans or the soldiers now dead, with your ignorance. Show some respect to them! They fought for the freedoms we live with today! MAYBE ONE DAY YOU WILL FEEL THE EFFECT OF THIS IMPORTANCE! DON'T BE IGNORANT!!!!!!

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 13th 1998

( Helter Skelter )

" Thy heart beats rapidly like a beating drum, yet weakens.
Movements so smooth and crisp become rough and dis-organised.
As friends so worthy, seem to become foe with conversion.
As silence is unearthly, as ye knows the end soon will come. "

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 13th 1998

( Nowhere Man )

How does it feel to lose a piece of YOU? It is so crippling. Like the heart once inside of you, now has be torn out by the hand of the foe. The sight of the light is lost as everything becomes dark. No one is your friend. The world has betrayed you in all possible ways. You feel life is no more for you! The world is the epitome of death! These bastards know who they are! Death will be not the blood on their hands, but the blood on flowing from their hearts. We all know who you are!!!

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 15th 1998

( via Angel Baby )

How many tears must fall? How many days must pass? How does one know? When the angel's wings are folded up and not in hugs. Loneliness is here. The protecting hands of love so close yet so distant. The warmth is there but no touches. The feeling is there with no response. Yet, you just know it will be! You grasp for tomorrows' dreams, making a light to lead. Following your heart for it will breathe your life alive. Your thinkings are for selfish reasons. Love will guide in the right direction. There comes a time in life when you must follow a Mentor's way of thinking, as mine is PATRICK HENRY. Peace! Peace! But there is no peace! I know not what courses other men take but as fo me; "GIVE ME LIBERTY or GIVE ME DEATH!"

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 16th 1998

( Nowhere Man )

Times are hard and we tend to think for the best. As many will know, that thinking for the best can waste precious time and added tension. We must act on what we know and feel. We all fall into that same trap. Most don't learn. I have fallen into this pit many a time now! I have learnt and will do anything to avoid it again! PLEASE CONSIDER!!!!

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 17th 1998

( A Dear Friend )

When the arrow is shot into the air; kissed by sunlight and heaven's love. Who's heart does it not pierce there in? When in full force and touches only two!! This arrow has pierced you and me... Joining together with flowing love, written in blood now on the skies above. I cry out not for myself; hopefully not in vain. Love crazy love! Full force driving pain! There is no heights, no ends, nor depths that can be reached. Real Love is that bit extra after all has been done. Real Love is a love many can not even conceive. Even the lovers whom believe. Seeing past the focal point, the happy ever after so-to-speak. For all the bad ruts are now being crossed. How many trials and tribulations must a real love go through to prove it is REAL? Is it being tested by the GODS? Why go for the creation of Romeo and Juliet. What is the world afraid of? For Real love breeds love. No fears should be felt by that kind of love. The final result is love will WIN!!

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 19th 1998

( Nowhere Man )

" The strength of love is created within the purity of the love. "

THOUGHT for NOVEMBER 20th 1998

( Nowhere Man™ )

I no longer know where to go with meandering thoughts. Everything seems to be falling down around me. I am managing to avoid the debris, but others aren't. It seems I am causing great deal of hurt upon people that are dear to me. Love is a wonderful experience, only if you can share it with THE ONE! Incidents seem to happen and then you push the matter beyond the point. This causes pain on yourself and your lover. Then, no matter what you try to do, this love is being ripped away from heart. So painful, yet so deserving. Memoeries start to lose meaning as coldness drifts over you. Yet, I can not deny what I feel; the affection, the love and the rage. I know not where to go now. My life is like a spinning top. It has finally stopped. Is it time for Nowhere Man to become the rays of burning light? Is it time to reveal the man who calls himself Nowhere Man? I start to question the love I have and have shown! Has this caused the coldness? These words I repeat within my head as I her her words caressing those of mine. My mind is becoming opaque. "What is life without your love?" I found my true love! I found strength in it, which shows purity. Now, I am not permitted to have this love. I live amongst a sickening society who are the epitome of death. Let's talk about money, destruction, lust, rape, murder and who is accepted or not. Society just keeps on regressing as days tick by. Countries think they can dominate the world! What makes us any different from our history we ban? We deny lovers, we deny and strip rights. This is all too much! The only thing that kept me going in this apathetic world, was that of being united with the woman I love. Now it seems I am losing that from my grasps. I wasted time trying to get this love, now it seems it has cost me in the end. I will throw a last energetic effort at gaining this love. Failure is something that has to be corrected. No failing in this instance. Otherwise..........


( Lonely Angel )

The Holidays approach us. I see people getting into that festive mood, for what motive have they to smile? What did you give thanks for? On Thanksgiving? For the unity of hearts. The fruits of your labors? The ability to even work!! What are YOU thankful for? For The rising of the sun? For the warmth of the day? For the smile of a stranger? Or a Motive? To give thanks for a showing of something your aren't!! A FAKE showing. Are you thankful that your heart, that beats one more day, a chance to live with love!!

The next holiday comes with hurried smiles and kindness. CHRISTMAS!! Which in my opinion has become so commercialized. The true meaning of giving has been lost there. Christmas represents "The giving of love for all." Not just family and friends, or the name you draw to buy for! Christmas was the birth of REAL LOVE!! Just imagine the power of loving all people the SAME!!! Imagine what the world would be like; if we all possessed such love! Not for that one day, but FOREVER! Love an enemy? Think about it!!! What have you to lose? Pride? Is not this kind of Love; HARMONY amoung Human kind? True! We are human, but now even the humans are going into non-loving states and losing what love is. Love is one of the most abused words and emotions in the world. To gain. WHAT? Nothing!! For you bought it with a condition. Love must be a gift that is given freely! Have no motive when giving. This is the only answer! So many people out there saying no one loves me! WHY?? Cast your love to the heavens and see what you get back. Just try!! The love that comes back is more than you have given out. I guarantee! PLANT the seed of LOVE!! FEEL AND SHOW WHAT CHRISTMAS IS REALLY ABOUT!

Recipe for You!


4 cups cubed day-old French or sourdough bread (1-inch pieces)
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
3 eggs
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sliced firm bananas(1/4-inch slices)

3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place the bread cubes in a greased 2 qt.casserole; pour butter over and toss to coat. In medium bowl, lightly beat eggs; add milk,sugar,vanilla,cinnamom,nutmeg,and salt. Stir in bananas. Pour over bread cubes and stir to coat. Bake, uncovered, at 375º for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean, Meanwhile, for sauce, melt butter in a small saucepan. Combine sugar and cornstarch; add to butter. Stir in milk and corn syrup. Cook and stir over medium heat until the mixture comes to a full boil. Boil for 1 minute. remove from heat; stir in the vanilla. Serve warm sauce over pudding.
YIELD: 6 servings.


( Bungalow Bill )

All things must pass sooner or later. In most aspects we are unable to change certain scenarios that happen. On the opposite side of the coin, we do have the ability to stop the passing. We can stop love from passing away. We have the ability there to hold on firm. Even though the relationship may fall upon coastal rocks. It is hard to bite your tongue and swallow when you are wrong. Someone has to make that decision! If love is pure and real, then the decision will be made and problems will be sorted out over time. You will see the difference that will happen! It will make you treasure what you have! "You don't know what you've got until you lose it"

THOUGHT for DECEMBER 14th 1998

(Snowy 99)

Today is a special day!! A day to give thanks to a woman for giving me my love of my life. I wish Him a Very Very Happy Birthday!! ***(((HUGS))*** Woman!! the giver of her childrens live's. The child expects each year for her to give even more. Today I see children who have no respect for themselves, and then blame it on the parents! Society??? Wake up!!



I have lived all my life waiting for LOVE: As today was to be that day!! I look around this empty house and the car's motor was never warmed. I want to blame my friends, but yet they are not to take on full heat of my doings! I now sit back and think??? WHAT IS A FRIEND? A true Friend. One who is there for you when you finally stick your hand out for help. To become the one in need, at any cost they should be for you. I see myself as my only true friend. I trust only myself, yet now, I am failing even myself. All I know is that I love him with all my heart and it shall never go anywhere else. I dedicate my life to him. NOW and FOREVER AFTER!! So now friends when I ask for just a loving thought or jester. Please think twice before saying NO! Let me at least still have you as a friend.

THOUGHTS for DECEMBER 28th & 29th 1998

( SNOWY 99 )

Waiting at the airport, in the paths of strangers faces, looking amoung them all hoping to get that glimps of maybe that is him. All people start to wear the same clothes, begin to look a like! As no face is the face that you just know is LOVE! As the hours tick away with no showing yet again , The nerves seem to find thier ends and come out in full tears! The mind goes into sleep mode because you just know that HE is having a much worst time with the flight travel than you with the waiting! I listen to the Captain talk and there is but two passagers on the plane....My phone lines are down and I have no way of knowing that it is not him with in the I sit and wait.. As the two walk out I guess I go dumb founded..He is not one of them,,,So I wonder what is going on and ask around, the staff has a had time giving me any information on him! So I go to Lobby and wait to make sure he does not catch a later flight without me knowing. I wait and wait into the morning hours I find myself still waiting and the area is fixing to close down for cleaning. My blood runs cold as I hear my name over the speakers. "Please go to nearest service phone and dail operations",,The message was that he had not gotten the flight and would be in the following day! so I go home for a few hours sleep! Return the next day with all new hopes and smiles. and take along a sister to help me get through the nerves. as we get there a new day has came up and new problems also!.What a life...!! The fog be come heavy as the time nears for his flight to yet again to arrive! The flights are beginning to be cancelled....OH GOD!! His flights is circles above and dares not land in the no visablity!! so they re-direct to the nearest airport! about two hours away.. I just know that he is panicing by now and that makes me even more so nervous for him and not me... So they finally land at the other and wait to see if they will take off if the fog lifts....they wait and wait and the day is coming to an end again. Asking question and more..and they decide to bus the passagers down to the airport! What a way HUH?? hours later,the bus arrives, my first thought is OH GOD what if he said just stuff it and went back the other way! I look at the people that arrives on the bus,,,,NOPE not wait till the next one comes in..and I am at the wrong end of the building... so rushing back down I am looking at the faces of all that has gotten there again
I THEN SEE THE SHAPE OF LOVE! I THEN SEE THE BACK OF HIS HAIR, HE IS ON THE PHONE! THAT IS HIM My sister ask are you sure? YES I JUST KNOW.I am scared to look at his face now for all he has been through and to let him see the stress that has come on my face also! The sister calls out his name and he slowly turns around. YES? he responds.I almost faint. FINALLY He is HERE! Time to BLOOM!! §MILE§ Yes!! That first hug was worth all the riches in the WORLD!


( Deana )

"To bloom in LOVE is to live the imagination to the fullest with all smiles! Love is Real, only when shared by two. Take the time to feel real love to it's fullest then life is completed!!!"

THOUGHTS for JANUARY 15th 1999

( Deana )

Times between time!!! Who is the keeper of time?? Lost in the realms of non-emotional stillness of the Numb feelings! Leaves the mind to roam into the complexes of the person, which causes un-needed fears! The heart sinks below the mud bog, the air is cut off, the eyes close to weep for the tears to make thin the muddy cover! The unbearable pain stabs deeply even more so than life will allow to go on! The Killer of Jealousy or Jealousy the Killer!! The caring nature of love pulls the mass from the quicken mud. Yet air does not breathe open the feelings of life! When lost in hate so deep, I see that even LOVE can not save the scared soul no matter how hard they hold on to the dreams of reality. Living Death becomes the person, hidden eyes shut deeply for the light burns the visions of dreams. So tired of the running, yet cannot rest still in one place. Where oh where is home? Surely not within the drowned soul of time!! Sitting still in the cold forest, the bare trees lose themselves to the scratches of the winter sounds which crunches beneath. The crisp air bites. The crys are muffled with gloved hands.The redden mud smells of the slaughter. Years still have not erased the pain of the youthful resting grounds!


( lil auld me )

Today I heard some news that really was upsetting to me less a lone the handicap that have to deal with these laws. We as Americans are busy looking down other ave. of rights being violated. The ears and eyes of the health are so closed to the needs. GO FIGURE this....( While a handicapped Veteran was visiting family in the city of New York, the vehicle that was being driven was parked in the handicap area, with posted registered signs in the window of the car. Upon returning to the car, there was a parking ticket for parking awaiting. The ticket was questioned to the judge of the court. He / She were notified that unless you have a registered " New York City handicap sign " it is illegal to park in areas that were marked " HANDICAPPED " for public use. ) How can a handicapped person visiting other places be hassled for breaking laws. How can a City or State take away the helping hand, that was designed to help all persons? Who gives that much power???


(Nowhere Man & Snowy Winters)

St. Valentine's Day comes but once a year! A day for thinking of your love, yet a day for remembering those now past! Eros shoots his magical arrow through the heart of lovers both young and old. The air seems to be filled with spring as love is free opposed to the life we live! Yet, share this time with your loved ones, with heart and compassion as ye should show everyday of the year. But we must not forget that tragical happening as in the St. Valentines Day Massacre. Think of those lives slaughtered as well as the love taken from their lovers. Valentine's Day may come but once a year, but Valentine's day should be lived every day of the year. Remember love is to be loved! As sharing is the essence of love.

The arrow shot with great aim from Eros above; is it from the heart? This time of year, so many people chose words from the card galleries, jewelry stores and confectionery shops to appease their idea of love upon the lovers. When the words "I LOVE YOU" said everyday, buys more smiles than all the people in the universe on this Valentine's Day. Take time to feel the love from the heart, that is expressed. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all.*Smiles*


( Snowy 99 )

No amount of money, candy nor any card can ever show how I love thee!! This is an unmeasureable emotion that is heighten everyday with and without your presence. Love is in the givings of touches and caring of the tenderness that is expressed with each word.... Not gifts,, that can be bought! That kind of love is passing if so!! The good morning smile, hug, and warmth is all I will ever need from MY LOVEBREATHS!! Love you sweetie!!

THOUGHT for MARCH 2nd 1999

( Snowy 99 )

This may be the last entry for some time to come..For he is going home..I am thinking "Home is where the Heart Is" Mine is with him always. Some things we never forget.. Some things we never have, in this life, I have had LOVE and it was now and forever.. I shall not let my heart ever leave home. I have no words to explain this crazy heart of mine nor can I say what I am feelings right now.. just all emotions of every thoughts is invading my sanity.I LOVE YOU LOVE BREATHS!! Thank-you for the greatest gift in life.. till our warmth touch again. §§§ dpkaoyb!!!

THOUGHT for MARCH 19th 1999

( Snowy 99 )

IMAGINE!!! This is all I can do for now. The walls of loneliness has came crushing down once again. All I have is the memory and the lingering smells for now, that will and shall drive my love back together for eternity! I don't believe in anything but HIM and ME!!!

THOUGHT for MARCH 29th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

" To Know Her Is To Lover Her. " That line from a Phil Spector / John Lennon song expresses so much. Time had passed us once before. Only knowing each other by words, phrases and a voice over the air waves. These times where so difficult as the passion of love just continued to grow within. As our love for each other became clearer to others around; amazingly enough, people tried to destroy what we had for each other. We managed to ride those rough waters, until the day we met. A day late due to aviation blunders, we finally embraced the love we had in arms and hearts. Such a short time spent together, yet such an indepth passionate time of love. A time that just left us so fast! Leaving us stranded as the tides start to rise rapidly. Mistakes had been made as we forget there very exsistance. Now, the time has come. The time of WAITING. Being seperate from the one you love, matches the feeling of loneliness. I have learnt that love between two that is so real, will become reality. REAL LOVE can never die as the reality is just you and me. My ANGEL BABY

THOUGHT for MARCH 30th 1999

( Father McKenzie )

From what perils does one need to be tortured? Life around ones' everyday existance can be seen through eyes as torture. Yet, we are placed upon the earth as the earth is our testing ground. This is HELL! The evil of evils walks amongst us. Burden on ones way down the path. This life abound is measured in pain and mistakes. Yet, no evil compares to thy life. I hath been bless'd; as cowards of this world restrain the passionate love thy hath to give to Eleanor Rigby. Cages of wrought iron shall never contain a marigold heart of love. We are all not animals as portrayed with a life bound by concrete walls. No uptight, egotistical and paranoid person shall hamper the way to the dream of reality. The Grim Reaper may wave the hand of death; the hand of death will never seperate love. Love will be found in the eternal life. LOVE SHALL SUCCEED.

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This page was edited by NOWHERE MAN.

