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~drawing what words cannot explain~

sitting there, all alone, pure sadness

Depressed, sitting there, crying, being all alone, with this deep sadness inside. The only way to let this sadness out, when it's to hard to explain; drawing it.

First, I just want to explain one thing. If all the person in my drawings dont have faces, it's mostly cause I wanted to draw the real emptiness they feel, I feel. I wanted to show how much they hurt inside, and how sad and suffering they were. Since nothing can really show that, I thought that putting off the faces was the best thing to do.

Jumping in life to join death
This drawing express some kind of freedom I was seeking for,
it also represents some suicidal tendencies I had at the moment.

somehow, we all feel alone and sad
This image could be an image of myself, in front of the metro railroad.
Thinking about jumping or not, feeling sad and depressed.

a light in the obscurity
This is an image that could express all my loneliness and sadness.
The candle represents hopes, and all the affection I wish I could have got...

This was a normal drawing of myself, in my prom dress.
So well, it's not a so clear one, not really much feelings, just myself.

and then, all there's left is darkness
No comments about that one. Suicide.

This drawing means a lot to me. I didnt cut my wrist like some may think, but, I was sitting there, drawing, then, I looked at my hand, and, I saw the scars, I felt them, they looked real. So, I took a pen, and add these scars to the drawing.

I'll never be an angel
Just a little drawing of an angel.

I am the one you killed, I am the target of your madness
I did this drawing when I was feeling really down. I guess it represents my low self-esteem. And as you can see, the girl is wearing physical education clothes...and when I felt the more uncomfortable and sad was during this class.

dont let the angel fall
I did this one when I was really thinking about angels a lot. And when someone stop talking, I had this belief it was because an angel was flying in the room. It is a drawing of a little angel, sad, with broken wings.

I look at this world and cry

This is a link to some drawings I did after seeing the great drawings of my friend frank (spitacid).

All these drawings were done by myself.
Please dont steal them, and ask it to me before putting them on an other site please.
