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Copyright 2000-2009 Pagbilao Sceneries by: Engr. Gerry B.Lontok

Featuring Pagbilao, Quezon 's Tourist Spots

There are many locations in Pagbilao that are not very well-known. This website will let you discover these natural (and some man-made) wonders. Because you did not know at first, you won't believe that these beautiful places exist. But I bet, seeing these pictures will make you ask for more and you will feel the urge to go to these places by yourself.

After seeing these pictures, you may ask: Why are the scenic spots in other places more popular? Yet they don't seem to be much better. Why can't the ones featured here be well-known and be a favorite destination?.

You will start answering that question by packing your backpack, donning your hiking gear and taking the trip to see it for yourself. But for the time being, you may use your mouse to click and explore the beautiful town of Pagbilao here.

All photos are by the Webmaster unless indicated otherwise.
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