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Copyright 2000-2007 Pagbilao Sceneries by: Engr. Gerry B. Lontok

Featuring Pagbilao, Quezon's Tourist Spots

Sibatiya Cave
N13°55.5880' E121°46.6960'

The Sibatiya Cave is located in the mountain at the center of the Pagbilao Grande Island. It is just one of about 75 caves in the area. Most of these caves has been explored and exploited for their natural fertilizer – guano or bat shit. Sibatiya is said to be the longest and the only one where you can go through the openings at both ends. The name is said to be derived from the basins of water which used to be there before the cave was plundered by guano gatherers. Although there are still remnants that could be found of those basins, most of those disappeared due to the destruction of some stone formations at the bottom of the cave. Some folks also call the cave as “bayawak” and the whole mountain as “halimaw”.

It is always advisable to get one of the local residents as a guide, who will guide you thru the 560m hike to the base of the mountain and then the climb to elevation 100m. The cave generally runs west to east; hence, for this narrative we named the two mouths as such. At the west mouth is a nice view of Pagbilao town proper and Mount Banahaw, but lush vegetation prevents an unobstructed snap from the camera. The depth of the cave is approximately 320m. This figure is the straight distance between the two mouths by GPS, disregarding curves and turns inside the cave. But we verified this to be quite accurate when our guide revealed that during the “guano years” four rolls of electric wire (PDX wire at 75m/roll) was used along this length to illuminate the cave using generators.

Inside the cavernous chamber, the crystalline stalactites and stalagmites and other odd-shaped limestone formation triggers the imagination. Oh, by the way, when stalactite and stalagmite meet and connect, they are called column
(lessons learned from Engineering Geology - MSEnverga University).

MEMORY GUIDE: Stalactite : "C" is Ceiling
gmite : "G" is Ground

The mouth at the west end.
Magical shadow created with mixing of light and darkness.

Towards the mouth of Sibatiya Cave showing monstrous stone formations.

The exploitation and plunder of the guano (bat shit) created deep ravines requiring extra caution when traversing the cave.

The cave branches here and you have to choose which way.
Need not worry, these paths would meet again.

“BACK OFF” - My friend, Roger Percol,
seems to tell the “monster” stalactite.

The proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” is experienced here as you walk towards the east mouth.

My friend serves as a scale to show the size of the east mouth of the cave.

We were told that the east mouth of the cave was man-made, i.e., excavated for the convenience of the guano boys. At this end is a rewarding view of Pagbilao Chico Island with the famous “Tulay Buhangin”- a sand bar that provides a natural bridge between Chico Island and Grande Island, and was a favorite movie location (before it was occupied by settlers).

Some of the movies shot on location at Tulay-Buhangin:
"ISLA" directed by Celso Ad Castillo,
"Ang Mahiwagang Daigdig ni Pedro Penduko" starring Ramon Zamora

From the mountain atop the cave, there is also a rewarding view of the Quipot area.- You may see that in the Quipot Bridge feature

How to get there?

The trek stark for Sibatiya Cave is along the access road to Pagbilao Coal Fired Power Plant. This road branches out from the National Highway; hence, part of the narrative for a nearby feature “kwebang lampas” is reprinted here:

From Pagbilao, just follow the National Highway going to Atimonan. The first Y-junction, a few hundred meters after KM 146 and just infront of Binahaan Elementary School, is the access road to Pagbilao Coal-fired Power Plant. It is marked by an impressive modern directional sign which looks out of place in a rural setting. So follow that sign which tells you to take the junction to the right. Just a few meters therein will be a railroad crossing without a safety barrier, so stop, look and listen. You will notice that the road's kilometer posts are not related to the ones in the main highway. Be watchful of road humps strategically placed at school zones, barangay centers, pedestrian crossings and dirt road junctions.

The concrete road passes thru Brgy. Binahaan. Then, going across the Spillway over Locohin River will take you thru a winding and rolling road within Brgy. Kanlurang Malicboy. In the vicinity of KM8, you can leave the Island of Luzon without having to fly or to swim, because Quipot Bridge is there to connect Brgy. Kanlurang Malicboy in the Luzon mainland and Brgy. Ilayang Polo in Pagbilao Grande Island.

After driving for about 1.7km thru the Island, watch out for these landmarks: 1) The high voltage power transmission line is crossing the road at an angle from a steel tower at your right side. 2) There are two successive Welcome Markers at the right side saying “Sitio Litugan” and “Sitio Piña”. 3) There are two successive road humps with black and yellow paint. 4) There is a narrow concrete road uphill to your left. Along these landmarks, lies the trek start point for Sibatiya Cave (see photo at right).

The trek start point with the landmarks as mentioned. Sibatiya is to the left of this road.

See Sibatiya Cave Feature at WaypointsDotPH

See Sibatiya Cave Vicinity Map at WaypointsDotPH

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Thank you for visiting this site,

Gerry Lontok

latest update, email revised: Feb 2008
this feature uploaded: 31 October 2007

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