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characteristics of classic stamps



1. The bottom part of the 5 is flattened

2. There is a dash between the E of POSTE and the figure of value

3. The frame line of the oval center piece and the frame line of the right inscription band merge.

4. The king`s beard is indented.

5. The letter Q in CINQUE is placed somewhat higher than the other letters.

6. In the lower left corner of the design the corner pearl is missing or just a trace of a pearl is visible.

7. The letter A in FRANCO is flattened at top.

8. The lines of the ear are not rounded,but show corners.

9. The ornamental lines in the uppe left corner touch each other.

10. In the upper left corner a pearl is visible.


1. As in 5 cent.

2. As in 5 cent.

3. The point of the right corner ornament is on the same level as the first letter O of BOLLO.

4. As in 5 cent.

6. In the lower left corner there is a pearl.

7. As in 5 cent.

8. As in 5 cent.

9. The center parts of the upper left corner ornament do not touch each other.

10. The pearls in the corners are mostly smeared.

40 cent

1. There is a period after the denomination of value 40.

2. There is a period between C and POSTE and another one between POSTE and the figure 40

3. As in 5 cent.

4. As in 5 cent.

6. There is a pearl in the left lower corner.

7. As in 5 cent.

8. As in 5 cent.

9. As in 5 cent.

10. There is a pearl in each of the four corners.
