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Distinguishing characteristics of classic stamps

Sardegna 1855


There are no official reprints. The firm which printed the original stamps used the plates for reprints.

The color differ greatly from hte colors of the originals, and the sizes of the design are not the same

as in the originals. Reprints were also made from Usigli, Rome, and from Cohn,Berlin.


1855/61. Same design but only the centerpiece embossed.

5 cent. yellow-green,emerald,blue-greenbronze-green.

The inner upper frame line is broken in the right corner

The bottom cross bar of the letter Q is connected with the upper part and appears slant to the right


10 cent. brown,brown-gray,yellow-brown,sepia

The upper left line of the triangular ornament is broken.

The 1 of the figure 10 has no serif and slant off at top.


20 cent. milky blue,ultramarine,gray-blue.

The vertical bar of the letter T in POSTE is shortened.

The N in VENTI is smaller than the other letters.

There is a light spot in the right outer line of the right triangular corner ornament

just before the two lines meet.



40 cent. light vermilion,pale red, carmine,rose-carmine,violet-rose.

The left frame line is broken in the lower corner.

The lower horizontal bar of the Q in QUARANTA is connected with the upper pert by a short

vertical dash.

The vertical and the oblique line of the figure 4 meet at top.



80 cent. brown-orange,yellow-brown,light-yellow,olive-yellow.

The curved line of the lower left corner ornament is broken at its right.

The first A in OTTANTA is narrower than the second A.



3 lire. bronze,gold-bronze.

The letter O in FRANCO has the form of an octagom.

The figure of the value 3 in the upper inscription frame is somewhat left of the corner of the frame

lines of the centerpiece.


The following characteristics apply to all values:

The letter S in POSTE is slanted somewhat to the left.

Centerpiece , embossing inverted,need careful examination.

Generally ,it can be said that all such pieces showing a cancellation before 1859are faked,

which also applies for copies of the 3 lira, showing a cancellation before 1860.

Such stamps, whatever cancellation they show, must be submitted to an expert.




While there are no official proof of the foregoing issues, proof of the 1855/61 issue

were made by the printer. Since they are not official they must be regarded as forgeries.

They were made on all differet kinds of papers and in all colors.Some are know with faked

cancellations. The stamps of Sardinia and Italy are very similar , in design as wellas in

the printing process. A special earmark is that the letters C and O in FRANCO are smaller

and narrower on the Sardinian stamps than on the Italian stamps , and also the separation

is different.
