McLeish, John A. B. The Far Shore Dimly Seen: Poems Chiefly Lyrical. Toronto: Studio High Techniques, 1994. McLeish, John A. B. Creativity in the Later Years: An Annotated Bibliography / assembled and edited by John A. B. McLeish. Garland reference library of social science : vol. 552. 1992. McLeish, John A. B. The Ulyssean Adult: Creativity in the Middle and Later Years .The Ulyssean Adult: Creativity in the Middle and Later Years. Toronto and New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1976. Revised and re-issued as The Challenge of Aging, Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre, 1983. Reprinted, 1990, Ulyssean Society / Fairfield Enterprises. NOTE: Described by several North American reviewers as a "watershed" book, The Ulyssean Adult still remains unique in two respects. It combines a rich commentary on the middle and later life passages with an extensive discussion of human creativity; and it alone among existing books on the aging process, asserts the Ulyssean thesis that "it is a noble concept and a provable fact that men and women, in the middle and later years, can, if they choose to do so, richly maintain the powers to produce, to learn, and to create until the very end of the life journey." The book is filled with cameos of Ulyssean people, past and present, and also suggests many strategies to begin and to attain the Ulyssean life -- the life of the later-age seeker, learner, and adventurer in many fields and of many types.McLeish, John A. B. A Canadian for all Seasons: The John E. Robbins Story. Toronto: Lester and Orpen. 1978. McLeish, John A. B. September Gale: A Study of Arthur Lismer of the Group of Seven. Toronto: Dent. 1955, 1973. McLeish, John A. B. Problems of School Youth in Wartime. Montreal: Quality Press. The book is based upon a series of eleven articles originally published during the period Nov. 1942 through May 1943 in The Montreal Gazette. McLeish, John A. B. Not Without Beauty. Toronto: Ryerson Poetry Chap-Books. McLeish, John A. B. Ode in a Winter Evening and Other Poems. Montreal: John Lovell & Son. |