Founded in 1977 by
Dr. John A. B. McLeish
Ulyssean Creed
As a companion of the Ulyssean Society,
I am committed to the noble concept
and the provable fact that men and women
in the middle and later years can,
if they choose to do so,
richly maintain the powers to produce,
to learn, and to create,
until the very end of the life journey.
Ulyssean Benediction
May the zest for learning
and the renewing power of seeking
may the healing joy of laughter
and the redeeming power of serving
may devotion to passionate causes
and the transforming actions of love
be with us and enlighten our ways
throughout the Ulyssean journey
Literary Executor - James R. Varey
[ Published Works ] [ Short Stories ] [ Children's Story ] [ Ulyssean Society ] [ The Nostalgic Moment ] [ Pro Matre Mea ] [ Revised Version ]