“Intergalactic planetary purveyors of hardcore new and old, the electric tribe are here to take control“


Dirty Little Bastard

John Little a.k.a the Dirty Little Bastard hails from what is arguably the epicentre of rave culture. We are of course talking about the suburban futuristical musical breeding ground that is Romford in the UK.

While this is not widely accepted, the sheer number of peeps involved in the rave scene who have hailed from this area makes us suspect that some nefarious biological experiment went awry. We have belief that the cause was the release of as yet unknown chemicals into the water supply, spawning a generation whose auditory centre development was altered fuelling rave culture...

Admittedly it could just be a coincedence, but that starts us on THE DEBATE ABOUT FATE AND FREE WILL, soooooo...

DLB is a funny creature who is rumoured to inhabit the sleepy ham of Totten just north of the city of London. He is a shadowy figure swathed in loose fitting cloth who has mastered the art of dexterity. He would often be seen walking through the barren industrial wastelands with bag of tunes from party to party to clash sounds and hone his skills. His righteous path to 'The way of the Raver'(tm) within the hardcore school of DJ'ing was long and tortuos, but then it can be argued that the true raver should go to any lengths to hone his art.

This long arduos task started well over 60 cycles of the moon ago. Legend has it that previously DLB had been playing in a new age punk band which vented his inner fury in an unenlightened manner. Fortunately, one frosty night while wandering the barren wastelands of London, he perchanced across a squat rave. For the first time he became enlightened by the energy and spiritual abandonment of this splinter faction from the master school and it's template for a new direction in life was quickly set...

It was not long before DLB started practising with the wheels of steel as his prefered discipline. The manual dexterity required came only with hard rigorous training and by watching other masters at work. Respect was earned through determination and DLB made his way up the inner echelons of the acid techno squat school of rave gracing various sound stages including the infamous Kinetec crew. It was during these early days that DLB met a fellow disciple, who had come from one of the bigger rave schools. His techniques were different incorporating broken rythms at high speed to maximise the energy in extreme.

DLB broke from the squat teachings, which he now found stiffling, and started to study the original teachings of hardcore rave that had been thought dead for years. His extreme passion for his discipline led him to found the VOID events in order to demonstrate the old teachings alongside current styles. As his knowledge grew of the techniques and different feels of the schools of thought, the linking factors between the outwardly different new and old schools became ever more apparent. This encouraged DLB along with Penfold to attempt to improvise and hone their own technique to push forward, using the old school as template with techinques from the splinter schools of thought... Ectopic Beats is the physical embodiment of this technique...
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