“Intergalactic planetary purveyors of hardcore new and old, the electric tribe are here to take control“


The aim behind the Ectopic Beats imprint is fundamentaly to act as a wedge to show that the "old skool" hardcore production style is viable in modern dance music. Hopefully this will have a knock on effect of helping rejuvenate the rave scene. Our aim is not to solely make "new old skool" or even "nu school breaks", but more to use the production style of early hardcore as a base to build upon. On top of this we want to incorporate ideas from the main genres of dance music that have evolved from the rave scene or currently retain the rave vibe.

So what exactly do we mean by "rave vibe"?

Good question and if truth be known, despite trying to explain this to peeps for the best part of six years, it's still hard to pinpoint a precise formula. This is probably because the old skool style ultimately draws on many different influences by unashamed sampling of some of the most random sources.

On the one part we want music with a "rushy" "euphoric" atmosphere behind it, such as Acid techno, hard house and trance. However the rhythmical play and darker elements present in forms such as drum and bass and tribal techno are also important aspects.

We know full well that all the odds are against us making a success of the label as a business, but frankly we don't actually care. Certain DJ's (you know who you are) have expressed opinions that there is no future in old skool and that we really shouldn't be wasting our time. To hopefully prove them wrong we plan to operate an "open hand" policy.

i.e if anyone asks us for help getting started, then we'll do it to the best of our abilities

We hope that if you think "I can do better" you get of your arse and do so. You probably can do at least as well if not dump upon us from a great height. If you do then we'll be happy cause the whole point of this excercise will have come to fruition...

To this end we'll (eventually) be building up a database of contacts and snippets of information that might be useful.


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