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Academic Decathlon





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Musings of a Decathlete

Various quotes and silly references from real live decathletes!!


Mr. DeRoss

Artistic rendition of "The DeRoss"

"Boirdie boirdie in da sky, spit some white wash in ma eye. I"m a big boy, I won't cry. I'll just be glad that cows can't fly."


"You want some coffee?? I swear, it won't hurt you." (Do not, under any circumstances EVER drink Mr. Deross's coffee!!)

"Always copy off someone smarter than you." (At School Only!!)

"No cheating, we don't want a movie made of us." (Hmm.. what about previous quote???)

"Whatever it is, NO!!"



Ms. Rent


"Oh you kids" ::shakes head::




El Capitan, Elton

(also know as, "The Elton")


"I don't say anything."


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"


Our Fearless Leader, Sonia


"Don't worry be happy."

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"


Medina & Iannino (Siamese twins separated at birth, somehow made into cousins)


***But do you really want to see?

"The cubs finally won! Hell has frozen over!" - Iannino

"Da Bears!" - Both

"Da Bucs!" - Both

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

Polish Princess Justyna

"Chopin is not pronounced "choppin", it's like "show-pan"!!"

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

The California Valley Twins (Original Things 1 & 2) Mary & Ebonee



 "Chika is your cousin?!?!"

"We're SOUL sisters."

"Shut up Iannino!!!"


Straight Edged Punk Beatriz



"Chika is your cousin?!?!"


Ivory Tickler Letitia "Luh-tee-sha" not "Le-titty-a"


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"
The Artist Formerly Known As Jays-G


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"
The Fabulous Alma!

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

Lindata Systems!


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"


Our little problem solver (and maker..heehee) Keith!

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

"Hoohoo hoo!"

"Mommy, I don't wanna practice the piano again!"

"What's up homie g-dawg?"

Love is a red red Rosa!


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

Complainer extraordinaire, Ody!


 "Why is there a lemon in my water?"

"There's too much lemon in my water!"

"It doesn't taste lemony enough!"

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

Kliistin, the Beatle groupie!


"Chika is your cousin?!?!"



"You're a fiendish thingy!"



"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. - J.R.R. Tolkien"

"Je ne sais pas."

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"



"Chika is your cousin?!?!"


"I'm not preppy."

"Chika is your cousin?!?!"

Narcoleptic Astronaut Freddy



"Chika is MY cousin"


"Stay away from golf balls"

"I dunna?!?"

"Where's my newspaper?"

