High quality decals
for the armour modeller in all scales. The decals are made after
thr real markings and are very precise in shape and size. Welcome
to the online store.
I Late Mix 2 - sPzAbt 504 / 506 / (FKL) 301 / TK
TIGER I - Late production Tigers
s.Pz-Abt 504, s.Pz-Abt 506, s.Pz-Abt (FKL) 301 and Totenkopf.
Markings for 9 tanks.
- '901' - 9 s.SS
Pz-Kp Totenkopf, Poland 1944.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '912' - 9 s.SS Pz-Kp Totenkopf, Poland 1944.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '01' - s.Pz-Abt (FKL) 301, Ardennes 1944/45.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '213' - s.Pz-Abt (FKL) 301, Ardennes 1944/45.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '2' - s.Pz-Abt 506. Ukraina Spring 1944.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '12' - s.Pz-Abt 506. Ukraina Spring 1944.
PzKpfw VI 'TIGER' - '211' - s.Pz-Abt 504. Italy Summer 1944.
Befehls PzKpfw VI 'TIGER'
- '331' - s.Pz-Abt
504. Italy Summer 1944.
Befehls PzKpfw VI 'TIGER'
- '334' - s.Pz-Abt
504. Italy September 1944.