Cool Stuff and Other Non-Important Things
That title basically sums up pretty much everything that my life is about, and what most people try to get their lives to be about. When I say that I don't mean that everybody wants my life and the things that are in it, it's more about being at a point in your life where you are happy doing and having exactly what you have, you don't have to be rich or famous or absolutly the most beautiful specimen to ever walk the planet, the only real requirement is being happy. You might be reading this and saying to yourself that this guy is on crack (or something similar, but I'm not) but the truth is most people have experienced this point in their lives at one point in time or another. Think back to when you were a kid and when you woke up in the morning on a nice summer day and your biggest worry was what your were going to do that day. Do you remember that feeling now, if not think of some other time in your life when you had a similar experience, if you still haven't experienced that feeling yet click here. And for the rest of you normal people if you do know what I am talking about, isn't that the way to live. That is exactly what my life is like now, I look forward to getting up every day, its true my finances are pretty secure and such but that's not the point, I am just enjoying life.
Oh yeah, by the way, you are officially visitor number...
Don't worry I'm just kidding you are really visitor number...
Well now that's done we can get down to the real business at hand (or at mouse, I guess). Anyhow check this stuff out, it's cool...don't laugh it is...hey...don't make me come over really don't want that...are you still laughing...that's right you better not go...quite looking at me like that...I said GO...GO NOW...don't think you are being funny...hey what's that over there...oh wait isn't that your ability to be funny running away...nah it can't were never funny to begin with...unless you count funny looking...because you are pretty funny looking...although what I call funny looking most people would just say ugly...not just ugly rafugly...don't know what rafugly means...right effing ugly...take that...NOW GO...don't make me tell you again.
My Tattoo's (super cool tattoos that is)
My Dog (see brackets one up, replace tattoos with dog)
Cool places to see and possible do (not like that, you pervert)
Oh yeah, hey wait, if you are a cool (yeah...real cool)you could sign my guest book.
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