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pitiful souls have been sacrificed.
14th August 2003 Thursday

Nothing much to update leh.... Been busy with schoolwork and interhall games. Just finished 4 hours of Scrabble....omg....I'm braindead now.... Tomorrow is Union Day and who the heck cares. The only thing we are happy about is that lessons are cancelled after 12:30pm! Woohoo!!! Time to slack again! Hehehe.....

1st August 2003 Friday

Some things to update:

Actually I have plenty to update, but I must do them a few at a time. No time for so much stuff. It's already the end of the second week of the term and I haven't really studied much. Oh my god!!!! Can't be so slack again like the past two semesters.'re some new pictures:

Nation-wide Event at Marina Square. It was definitely the finale and the best moments in Touch of the Hearts 02/03. Cheers to all from TOTs!


SP Nite at Provignage. These are the wonderful people from the AngKong Clan!


Taken on the morning of the beach camp at Changi Beach. It was during the Computer Engineering / Materials Engineering Freshmen Orientation Camp 03/04. I was with the girls from our welfare subcommittee.


Wah multi-colour leh! We were at Sunway Lagoon during the holidays. Those people in cowboy and cowgirl costumes were performers.

Anyway I wanted to write a short summary of what I did during the two months of holidays, but I don't have so much time to do so many things at one time. Plenty of hall and school stuff to settle and coming up. That's all for now folks!


31st July 2003 Thursday


Hiya people!! It's been so long since I've done anything to my website. Hahah!!! Lazy pig! Couldn't resist making a new one because I'm getting tired of my old one and since it's the start of a new academic year, it's time to start everything afresh. Hope everyone likes my new design. To those who haven seen my previous one,'s better that you didn't, hehe! I haven't really given much thought into the design of this new version of my homepage as you can see from the simple graphics and design on the site.

You must be wondering: Why AngelDevil? Is Chun Cheng going crazy after just one semester of overloaded computer engineering jargon and stress?? Haha....not really. Actually I also don't remember how I came up with this name. I think it's because I'm a Gemini and Geminis have split personalities. There are the Twins, one almost totally different from the other. One is good and the other is bad. Therefore I've decided to use angel for my angelic nature :P and devil for my other devilish side. Wahahah!!!

Then again you might be wondering: Why has he got so much time to do such stupid things like making a homepage? My answer is: I spent most the time doing this website during the 2 months of holidays! Ain't got no luck getting good-paying jobs. Lucky still got one but that one is as good as not mentioning. But still I think I've made full use of my 2 months of holidays, even though not much of it is used to earn money but I've done many things that I've not done ever since stepping into NUT NTU. This place is driving me NUTS indeed. Argh....but like all people say, studying is the best period. Once you step out into the working world, oh man....@#$%^&. Anyway was supposed to have official opening before 31st June 2003. It's been 1 month already! OH MY GOD!

And then it seems like more of my friends are creating homepages and blogs, therefore it'll be a good idea to exchange links and to keep up on the latest news of each other. HOPEFULLY I update this second version of my homepage regularly enough.

Ahh yes! When I get my digicam (dunno when), there will certainly be a sudden boom of artistic and skilfully-taken pictures posted here. Ahahah! Do stay tuned!! And for now, your soul has been sacrificed! Wahahah!!!

What do you think of my new homepage?

Worse than the last one! Omg!!
Ok lah.
Better than the last one!
Haven't seen the last one.

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