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B.S., C.N.C.

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Some symptoms or components of depression are –
hyperactivity, insomnia, sleepiness, a change in appetite, constipation, feeling guilty, an irritable mood, decreased interest or pleasure in usual activities, withdrawl from or avoidance of people, finding it harder than usual to do things, feelings of worthlessness, self-pity, decrease in sex drive, loss of self esteem, sadness, etc.

Anecdotal evidence and current research has found that in many cases, drug therapy for depression can often cause the depression that it is being used for. It can also make the person chemically toxic, which is known to worsen the problem.

Some nutrient deficiencies and/or excesses that are linked to depression are:

--A deficiency of vitamin C and the homocysteine modulators, B6, B12, folic acid and TMG. Low folic acid and magnesium, especially, may cause depression. Always keep in mind that it is always recommended to take an entire B-Complex supplement in addition to single B's.
--An elevated copper/zinc ratio can lead to emotional problems.
--A potassium deficiency is also noted in depression and emotional problems. If eating a high protein diet, the body is known to excrete excess potassium. It is important to supplement in this instance.
--Insufficient stomach acid – HCL – may lead to the malabsorption of protein and a resulting deficiency in amino acids. People with blood type A are known to be genetically low in HCL and enzymes that digest meat protein.


--Large amounts of fluoride may lead to the onset of depression. Fluoride is known to drastically affect the thyroid, and depression is known to be a result of a hypothyroid condition. Therefore, it is very important that you avoid tap water, dental fluoride treatments, showering in unfiltered water, and large amounts of tea (which is known to contain high amounts of fluoride), in addition to any other source of fluoride.
--Hypoglycemia may cause depression, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, fears, phobias. Dietary suggestions recommended for hypoglycemia would be to eat a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. It is beneficial to eat three good meals a day, in addition to 2 snacks. When at first trying to cope with a hypoglycemic condition, it is suggested that starchy vegetables and fruits be avoided for at least 4 weeks, then, add one or two servings slowly. Processed foods, grains, and sugars should be avoided all together.
--Aspartame and artificial sweeteners should also be avoided totally. When metabolized, they can cause an imbalance in brain chemistry.
--As mentioned, check for a thyroid dysfunction. A hypothyroid condition leads to depression. Keep in mind, according to research, people with blood type A are genetically at high risk for a hypothyroid.
--Depression can be due to food allergies or environmental allergies. These may include grains (wheat, especially, soy, dairy, chocolate, oranges, peanuts, eggs, tomatoes, sugar, or anything you eat or drink constantly on a long-term basis. It is best to try NOT to eat the same thing routinely. By the way, anything that you crave could be an allergenic substance. It is known that your body can actually adapt to substances that are toxic to it. Allergies are known to account for depression, confusion, irritablity, anger, compulsive behavior, and psychosis.
--Walnuts and turkey are both known to be high in serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin have been found to lead to depressive states and internal anger. Complex carbohydrates are also known to be high in serotonin.
--The amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine affect the brains production of serotonin. They are both found in protein (which is the best way to get them). Some people have taken supplements of the two amino acids, however, I don't often recommend it. They can trigger migraine headaches or raise blood pressure if taken in excess. In addition, they should not be taken with MAO inhibitors. Some herbs for depression are known to be MAO inhibitors, in addition to prescribed drugs for depression. Remember, if you are blood type A, you need to take enzymes with HCL in order to properly digest proteins.
--Additional suggestions for people with blood type A would be oats and the supplement 5 HTP.
--Fish oil, which is high in omega 3, has been found to be beneficial in depressive conditions. It returns the body to balance.
--Drinking adequate filtered water(not tap), and deep, diaphragmatic breathing is always beneficial for depression; in addition to any other health condition.
--Excessive sugar and alcohol may also cause depression. They are known to stimulate and wear out the adrenal glands. Coffee is also known to over-stimulate the adrenal gland.
--Please read Peter D'Adamo's informative book, "Eat Right 4 Your Type", and attempt to eat according to your blood type (biochemical individuality) and organic, if possible. Lectins in the "bad" foods can cause chemical imbalances in addition to physiologic imbalances in the body.