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Some of these kitbashes may also be displayed elsewhere on my pages, but I have gathered them here because they all share one thing in common:  they were fun to do!  Sometimes, you have to throw all your research and correctness to details to the wind, and simply play with your cool stuff and make something you like.  Don't worry about normal conventions, just go out and have fun, use all your cool stuff in one figure, etc.
Did any Picts or Celts really look like this?  Probably not, but this was a fun figure to do.  I got to play with tatooing, use a neat headsculpt (i always like the Mohawk head) and make a cool looking figure. 
Space Opera?
Using Matilda and JJ with these outfits just evokes a Space Fantasy look. I think it is the Cape she wears... no one wears capes anymore except really great Villians. Of course, that M60 man-pack with the link feed belt looks really awesome too.. 
Inspired by my Dungeons and Dragons days, and inspired by RedGriff and his work to make AD&D characters, i recreated one of the more deadly monsters in the mythos:

A Drow Cleric/Priestess

This is the 21C Matilda figure (she always looked thin and elven to me) painted up and outfitted in dungeon clothing, kitted out with her spell components pouch in easy reach to the front, and her adventuring kit on her rear hip. She carries two swords, a two handed Drow blade in hand, and a magically silent shorter sword in a back sheath. She wears just bits of armor, because full armor will lower her ability to move silently and perform magic. Here we see her slinking along a typical dungeon hallway, listening intently for foolish mortals to come to her lair.

Another view of this priestess of Lolth
Inspired by the Captain America comics, I modernized his greatest nemesis, the Red Skull.  Bringing him up to date with modern weapons and CN gas grenades just makes him a more deadly enemy than ever before.
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