Femme Fatales!
Kitbashing female figures is fun, partly because there are fewer of
them than the males in the action world. Even if you do the same
"style" figure as you would in the male side, simply using a female
as the subject lends a distinct and interesting aspect to the kitbash.

Anne Bonny, Pirate 

Anne Bonny was one of the most famous of female pirates to
scourge the seas during the heyday of the pirating era.
She was born in 1700, the daughter of an Irish Laywer who fled to South
Carolina. Anne was raised in the
seaport village of Charleston. She
learned fencing, hunting, shooting, and throwing knives and hatchets at the
hands of her father’s gamekeeper, an American Indian named Charlie
She was 13 years old when, in a rage, she stabbed her
mother’s maid to death. It was
claimed as self-defense, and the older woman had drawn a knife on Anne.
Only three years later, in 1716, she was married had moved to the Bahamas
with her new husband, where she soon abandoned all pretense of marriage with him
and entered the world of Piracy. That year, in an argument over a wealthy
businessman in New Providence, Bahama, she was challenged to a duel by the
fellow’s current mistress. They
fought, and she sliced the rival female to death in a long and slow duel with
Anne was described as a tall girl, with red-gold
hair, flashing eyes, and handsome features.
She was a “strapping and shapely” woman, and was described as
“sexually aggressive”, and a “minx”.
She took many lovers, both older and younger than herself, and in one
instance, assassinated a fellow Pirate captain while making love to him by
shooting him in the head during the climax of the evening.
She felt he had earned the right to “die happy”, and not be forced to
hang. It is said she would have
bedded the infamous Blackbeard, except that he refused to bathe, and she was
fastidious about her bed partners.
Scot of the
7th Armored Cavalry, Desert RatsThis is the beautiful
Dragon Amy figure, redone as a member of the famous Desert Rats, the 7th
Armored Cavalry in Iraq. Wearing the British Desert Camo,
she carries a long barreled M4 with telescopic site, perfect for long
range sniper practice.
your normal German Girl!
This is a "fantasy" creation, as I doubt any Nazi actually looked like
Red here. However, even using a female figure in a "man's world"
creates an interesting character. Getting the clothing to fit is a bit
tough though!
Red, a Modern Operative:
This figure just screamed to be used. I switched the
head of a Mattel doll onto a 21C female body, and outfitted her with the black
trenchcoat, glasses, and sniper rifle. I have no idea why the yellow vest
is there, except it has that nice vinyl look of the coat, and seems to make her
look like a wasp... and with the Dragunov, a wasp with a big stinger.
A modern
version of the old legend, this femme fatale version is well armed and
ready for anything. Ninja are easy to kitbash, simply pile up all
the items you own that are black, and start working! |
This outfit
just had to be used on someone, and with Matilda's dark hair, the
addition of the long braid, and a sword, and the perfect neo-samurai was
born. I love the flexibility of the 21C female bodies for posing
and working with in my bashes.

Dungeons and Dragons inspired
Female Drow Elf
See more of her on the Fantasy page