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Chainsaw Carving



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 Prinn Designs consists of Christina and Wayne Prinn. Both are devoted to art in its many forms. Here we are showing examples of Wayne's chainsaw carvings. More will be added soon as this always changes and pieces are developed.

Wayne's eagle has already found a new home. Each piece is uniquely created and can never be duplicated to match the original.

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Right side view with British Columbia flag to grace the piece.

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Front view of eagle, a side note Wayne also airbrushes, notice the eagle on his shirt.

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Newly finished eagle and salmon.

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Artist poses with sculpture. Note artist is 6 feet tall, this will give you an idea as to the size of this piece.

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Begging raccoon, fun to have in any yard as a display.

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Front view of raccoon.

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Side view of raccoon basking in the sun.

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