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This Web Site Is  Dedicated To The Life Of

Jimmy Davis

1982 - 2003



Home page

Early Years

A Star In the Making

Tragic Loss

Memorial Service



Early Years

James was born in February 1982. These are some of the pictures we collected as the boys all grew up together, dressed up for halloween, learnt to ride their bikes and had picnics down at the river. They were a happy gang that built dens up in the woods and eventually started to kick a ball around on the field at the back of our house! James's  talent was obvious from a very early age!  From the first football team with the Cubs, football team at their primary school Marlfield Farm...local teams Feckenham and Knowle then onto greater things as he was spotted by a talent scout from Man United. The rest, as they say, is history.

As soon as James could kick a ball you could see he had talent. He would play in the street with the gang or up on the field at the back of our houses. His star quality was evident. He was also great fun and a happy even tempered boy with a delightful infectious smile and shock of lovely blonde hair.

James and Joe collecting first ever winning medals aged 8!

Cubs Football Team! Jimmy far left.

just one of our favourite pictures of Jimmy.

learning to bike ride properly half term feb 1989

picnic at the river - warming up after a dip!

James came with us to the museum and we blacked their faces with coal dust to make them look Victorian chimney sweeps (they didnt need much:))


we dressed the kids up every halloween - here is James with Katy, Carrie, Fiona, Joe and Jack. bet you cant spot him.

James came for Joe's 10th birthday tea, July 1992

James with his sister Kate and little brother Ryan