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04.17.03 // KD-K.NeX
Welcome to the clan New Recruits. Enjoy the features of the board and site. Make sure you read up on all that is required of you, most of it in the information, and I will get a PM to you as soon as you register on the board. I had a shitty day at work so I'm gonna make this short. All recruits must please do three things.. 1) Change name after recruitment game and fix profile. 2) Register on the Message Board ASAP and get profile up in case I need to e-mail any of you. 3) Start gaming. With us or others. Your name will not be added to the site until I feel that you are a loyal member and are willing to stick it out with us. So please. Don't bitch. Good Luck and Good Gaming.

04.15.03 // KD-K.NeX
There is a bit more to explore on this page, however it is fully under construction. Information, Members, and Home are up. Make sure you Register in the forum ASAP so no one can take your name. Please, get everything in order there as most updates will be included there as well. Notify me of new recruits there if possible. Moderators wil be designated as they join. Welcome to KD-PvR a returning Member, and KD-SlimShady of the rival K..D Clan who we now own the Ops to. Enjoy your stay at KD and get gaming.

04.14.03 // KD-K.NeX
Welcome to the new Killer Dragons Clan. After the breakup, we have re-formed thanks to myself and KD-Prowler. As the new, leaders, we may change the name of the clan and we will definitely change the terms of joining // rules. I would ask that all new // old members please be patient in this renewal and revival so that KD may flourish and meet it's goals of being a good all-around gaming clan. We will of course no longer accept Money Mappers or "Newbies." All members who do recruit players of this stature will be demoted / banned / warned and the recruit will be banished until such problems are adequately fixed.