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Last Update: 12/03/03
In Game Tips

In-Game Tips


In-Game Tips

1) When you're attacking someone's ranges and he's got a lot of archers protecting them and shooting arrows at you turn the player to neutral so your archers will kill his men before attacking the ranges.
2) If you get a hold, even temporary, of a gold mine send as many villagers as you can and mine as much as you can, don't say to yourself "I got that gold, I'll mine it later" cause it might not be yours later.
3) Don't do the same mistake I usually do- don't be lazy and start farming when your food count hits 3000...
4) Don't attack someone who has lots of archers on a hill.
5) If there's a narrow shallow and the enemy has a whole army on the other side don't attack cause your men will be dead until they reach a position where they can shoot.
6) Avoid chatting at the beginning of the game, that's a total time waste and there goes your rush.
7) If your ally resigned/disconnected hurry up and take all his gold before your enemies reach it. That's your only chance of winning a 2v1 game.

When commanding your villagers to build buildings, hotkeys can be used to speed the process. The table below gives useful building hotkeys to use in conjunction with the villagers' "B" hotkey. Holding the SHIFT key while placing the building allows you to build multiple buildings of the same type with one command. Note: this capability is now deactivated for the town center until you have build a government center.

Building/Structure Hotkey
House E Market M Archery Range A
Barrack B Government Center C Dock D
Granary G Siege Workshop K Stable L
Storage Pit S Academy Y Farm F
Tower T Wall W Wonder O
Temple P Tower Center N

Hot Keys
Spacebar  View selected unit . Select inactive villager
+  Increase game speed - Decrease game speed
esc Unselect or cancel enter Send chat message
arrow keys  Scroll game view f3 Unpause/pause game
f10 Game menu f1 Help
shift + f1 ? Help

Ctrl + 1-9 Assign a group number Alt + 1-9 Select and view the group number
1-9 Select the group number Tab Display next unit when multiple units are selected
Shift+tab Display previous unit when multiple units are selected
Shift + 1-9 Select the group number in addition to currently selected units



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