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Ghetto-RECORDS - CokeMusic.Com's Soon To Be Biggest Record Company...

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 - The Spiff(Not Up Yet)
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 - Tom-Webmaster
 - Kenneth-Webmaster
 - Brandon-Admin
 - Chris-Admin
 - Maeghan-Admin

Listen Up:

Hey, Welcome to the site of Ghetto-RECORDS.We thank all who are in it...We need more members...if you want to join you can choose out of being a Body-Guard , Dizzer , Freestyler , DJ , or Re-Crooter.
Body-Guards - Block doors on command , escort people to rooms , and protect other members.
Dizzerz - They diss other record company's(not one were allied with) , ruin your reputation , and spread rumors.
Freestylerz - Only the best can join the freestylerz , they battle other record company's(not ones were allied with).
DJ - DJ's have to make the BEST cd's...
Performers - Only The BEST Performers Can Join This...These People Are Really Important...They Get Us Gold's And Platinums...And Also Other Members Who Arent Performers Still Have To Play The CD That iS Going For Gold Or Platinum...
Re-crooters - These people have to have a lot of people skills , they get the BEST people.
The High Rollers - The High Rollers keep Ghetto-RECORDS Together , They Are The Judging Division , The Owners Of Each Division...Make The High Rollers.

Join Us :

What Is Your Coke Screen Name?:

What Will You Help Out The Site With If You Join?:

Will You Help Everyone And NOT Quit Ghetto-RECORDS?:

Will You Honor The People Who Are Higher Ranks Than You?:

What Do You Want To Be?:

Why Do You Want To Be This?:

Copyright 2003 Ghetto-RECORDS. All Rights Reserved.