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August 11, 2007   

Improving Communication
By analyzing your answers to the Relationship Questionnaire we have created the following Personality Profile. Everyone has a set of subconscious wants and desires that drive their choices and attitudes. By asking you questions about a wide range of emotional issues, this report has established general patterns in your values.

Some of the following information may seem inaccurate or incomplete. Remember, that this profile is a snapshot of your personality at a specific moment. It is not intended as an in-depth analysis of your complete being, but as a tool to aid in self-discovery.

  • Others may see you as disciplined and self-controlled. You have seen the problems of being overly optimistic when planning to depend on others following through.

  • During times of stress or tension, you may withdraw inside yourself and appear as somewhat cool and aloof. You need to be alone when thinking through projects, problems or solutions.

  • Others showing genuine sincerity and acceptance impress you. You do not like a shallow expression of feelings or thoughtlessness of others. You will get along with most people you meet because you don't cause hostility.

  • Because of your thoughtful nature, you need others to express sincere interest in you or the relationship. This offers the secure feeling that you seek.

  • You may be a matter-of-fact person who may be critical of the shortcomings of others who display a more emotional or outgoing side.

  • You usually assume a cautious and reserved demeanor when meeting new people. Your relationships must grow naturally and in sincere ways. You will not confide in others readily because of your need for security.

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