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How to hone your Psychic Senses

With all Psychic abilities, it is up to the Sensitive to “notice” what they are experiencing in order to hone those abilities. If you do not notice that you are having a vision, or the possibility that you are picking up on something subtle (that escapes the awareness of most people), then it will be difficult to hone those abilities.

So ~ the First step is to Notice that you may be having an E.S.P. experience.

For example, in order to learn how to ride a bike you first have to acknowledge that the bike is there in front of you. Otherwise, if you look at the bike and dismiss its presence as an illusion, you will not get on the bike and learn how to ride it. (Nes pas?)

It is similar with Extra Sensory Perception. You first have to acknowledge its presence in your life and your field of experience, otherwise you continue to dismiss your psychic perceptions as an illusion, day dreams, or flights of fancy.

You cannot learn to use something and to strengthen your abilities if you do not first acknowledge its existence in your life.


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Believing & Trusting in yourself brings great Freedom.

Carol Marie