Welcome to the site of the one and only...



About Me


Daily Stuff

Games and Stuff

Digital Art




Contact Info


Important Notice:

Do not keep emailing me telling me to update the site! I will have a new improved version up soon but I am working on a video for the TSA national competition, so it may be a few weeks. Sit tight!

I have found a guy on Black Sun that will let me host my page oh his server. I am finally gonna be able to run PHP/MySQL/CGI and all the other good stuff on my webpage. I will probably have this new page up by July, I'll post a link then. Until then, I know this page looks like crap right now. Bear with me for a bit, I've redone the entire layout, got some less hideous pictures of myself, and all kinds of other good things. If you are interested, you can still browse this, but don't expect me to fix it up any time soon because I'm redoing it.

Oh yeah, before I forget, some people have sent me emails saying that I am lame because I used Front Page to build this website. This is actually not true. I have not gone through all the pages to remove the Front Page generator tags, but I actually wrote these pages out all by hand. I use Front Page because it makes it significantly easier to organize my website, and publish it, and stuff like that, not so that I can just drag-and-drop to save time. Elemental out.


A Work in Progress

Due to requests, I have begun a (not so) monumental web page building project.
Realistically, this is a big project for me right now, as I am involved in so much stuff, but hey, it's fun.

Anyhow, keep checking here to see when I finish. When I am done, I plan to update the site frequently with all original content, so don't assume that I will treat it like most personal homepages. When I have some extra cash, I'm going to get a better web-hosting service than Angelfire.

Brief Link Descriptions:

About Me
Short bio, tells you a bit about who I am and what I do.

Some hacking/computer tutorials. I try to write hard to find info here, so check it out.

Daily Stuff
Jokes, journal entries, rants, news, pretty much anything I feel like putting up daily.

Games and Stuff
Flash games, dumb Java applets, Javascript stuff, funny pictures. An efficient method of procrastination. ;)

Digital Art
Pictures and animations rendered by me.

Techno loops and mods by me.

Info about any kind of coding or other project I am working on.

Links to all those dark corners of the internet where people go and never come back...

Contact Info
How to get in touch with me.

Will take you to a random website of my choosing...

Check it all out. I am trying to put something here for everyone.

Copyright © 2003 Me