


About Me


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Games and Stuff

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My Personal Link Collection

What more can one desire, but to see the approved links of Elemental?

Note: These will open in a new window.


Neworder Gigantic security/hacking site - must see

Black Sun Research Facility A group of security wizards - great tutorials (and tons of them too)

Packetstorm The classic hacking/exploit website - absolutely humongous

Phrack Home of Phrack - the best online hacking mag in my opinion

2600 Another awesome hacking mag - can be delivered as a subscription

Security Focus Great computer security website - home of the famous BugTraq list

Security Writers Tons of computer security info

Mod-X Extremely difficult online hacking/computer challenge - I'm level 5 Huge wealth of computer security info

Boiler's Site B0iler's kick ass site - tons of links

SlashDot Awesome site - tons of forums, tons of users, tons of info...go there

Computers in General

Web Ware Index A great place to look for programming tutorials

Ju Rao's Computer Books Awesome free collection of online computer books

Dictionary of Programming Languages Pretty self explanatory

Humor & Fun

Ebaum's World Absolutely hilarious website - check out the random pictures page

Engrish Parodies on all of those fun little mistranslations

Bush or Chimp That's a good question - our president is monkeying around so much lately

Way 2 Cool Way 2 Dumb - actually kind of funny

Cool Quizzes The name says it all

The Hacker Test Fun to take whether you hack or not The name says it all

The Best Site in the Universe That's right folks. I just said this is the best site in the universe. Check it out.