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How To Read Energy


Because we are reasoning creatures who call upon our minds in order to understand ourselves, each other and our environment, we must look to our experiences and our memories in order to identify and understand the Language of Energy.

Therefore, our perception will color our understanding of what we are feeling . Our experiences will dictate how we see, feel, and ultimately how we interpret the energy around us. When we are interpreting the Language of Energy, we must keep these biases in mind so that we can filter through our own experiences and perceptions in order to see the deeper truth of that energy before it is altered by our bias.


There are some things that are pretty much universal in the human psyche, these are the identity markers that we can use to try and filter through our biases as we delve in to better understand what it is that we may be feeling as we experience the world around us.

The vibrational energy in color is a good place to acquire a beginning understanding of the universal identity markers of energy. Think of the five most basic colors. Write them down on a piece of paper. Now, identify each color according to the feelings/emotions it elicits from you, what it makes you think of, how it smells, what it tastes like, what it feels like, is it hard or soft, slimy or puffy, etc.... Do this with a group of people and then compare your notes, most of the people in the group will have very similar answers, varying mostly between cultural influences. The next step is to identify its level of intensity for you.

This exercise can then be carried out with everything and anything that you can think of, including common names and places. What does an orange or apple elicit for you? The purpose of these exercises is to hone your ability to communicate your feelings via verbal language, while at the same time removing the biases that color our perceptions.

When I work with a client that needs clarity on what is happening in his/her life, the first thing I have to do is feel the energy around that person. Typically there are several things going on at the same time, which is one reason why confusion enters into their lives, so I have to zero in on what feels the strongest in their energy field.

Thought, by its very nature, imposes separation.
The heart does not separate.

So ~ in order to help the client, I must look to my Heart for understanding of what it is that I am seeing and feeling in connection to the person that I am working with at that time. ~ I do not mean this in mushy kind of 'rose colored glasses' sense ... what I am referencing is that point that exists within each of us to be able to see, hear, and feel the truth more clearly ~ Minus the subjective junk.


Our mind, our thoughts, isolate data and ideas, words, etc... in order to better understand the experience or concept before us. The heart does not isolate, it doesn't question, it does not see, feel, or communicate in terms of "concepts" ~ it is a feeling center, it is the center of understanding in terms of feeling.

The heart does not judge, that is the mind's job; rather, it accepts. The heart's job, literally as an organ, is to pump blood to all of the other organs. Without the heart the body dies, it ceases to exist. We can lose any other organ and yet as long as the heart is doing its job, the body can continue to live; perhaps in a much poorer state of health, and perhaps with little or no conscious awareness, but the body as an entity will continue to remain alive, at least for awhile, as long as the heart is working.

If the brain goes, but the heart is still strong, the body lives on. When there is no heart, or a reasonable substitute, the body dies and our consciousness moves on.

Perhaps a better way to say what the heart is and does, would be to say that it is the "Director" of the energy that flows through us. Or perhaps, it is the "Translator" of energy as we move through the experiences of our lives. ~ This is something that I will be spending more time on in the near future, as it is something that seems to confuse many people, especially those in the area of metaphysics.

Then to, as an old Shakespearean qoute says, "There are more things in heaven and earth than man will ever know Horatio."


You see, the heart does not separate what it feels, it instinctively or naturally knows what everything is, so it doesn't need to separate in order to understand what it is feeling.

If we consider the Heart to be the Center of the Soul, the Seat of Divine Truth, the Center or Core of our Being, and the one part of ourselves as being the most in touch with the Creator, then we would also have to consider that what it knows must be pretty high up there in the eschalon of Divine Truth. Much of the reading material available on "New Age" or Metaphysical concepts say that the Heart knows the Truth, "trust your heart." If this is the case, which I agree with, then the Heart must know what it is feeling without having to "think" about it. ~ It doesn't have to think because it already knows.

If the Heart knows the Truth, then it knows that separation is a lie, an illusion. If it had a personality, it would probably giggle at the way humans like to think of themselves as being separate from each other and even from their own bodies. But the Heart does not have a personality, that belongs to the realm of our human consciousness, the Heart simply is and knows. An old cliche says, "You can't fool the heart because it already knows."

If the Heart feels the connection between people, as suggested by many metaphysicians and Dr. Pearsall, then it stands to reason that it also knows that duality is an illusion. Dr. Pearsall even goes so far as to suggest that the heart can connect with inanimate and non-sentient objects, reminicent of John Travolta's character in "Phenomenon" when he explains to the doctor that he is not "making" the pencil move, but that it is more like a dance. I agree with this, the Heart is capable of making connections with animate or inanimate, sentient or non-sentient energy. So, IF this is the case, then this too suggests that the Heart does not see or feel the duality of the illusion that we live in.

So, essentially in order to begin the process of understanding energy and its relation to what we might be feeling, we must first be open to feeling things. We must try to stay as objective as possible during this process, so that we can alleviate any personal biases which might arise with a particular feeling.

The next step is to bring thought into play and describe what it is that you are feeling. The more universal the description, the less chance of your own ego attachments coming into play. Still, one must stay aware of such a possibility and even probability when you are first starting out.

Once you have acknowledged the feeling and found the words to describe it, the next step is to ask yourself "Where is this coming from?" and watch what unfolds.

This process will help you to learn to trust in yourself, in your visions, & to be able to discern where your thoughts are coming from ~ your mind or your heart.

Granted this is only a glimpse into Energy, how it affects us, and what we can do to heal ourselves of the misinterpretations that we've attached to so many of our feelings, but it is a starting point for those who are truly interested in "Learning the Language of Energy."

I haven't spent a "lot" of time in putting this together,
so I hope you will understand and forgive me if it doesn't flow smoothly,
or if there are inconsistencies present.
I look forward to hearing from you.
May your journey be filled with amazing breakthroughs in the way you experience Life.

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